“Isn’t there a punishment brutal enough to earn your forgiveness.” She crawled over the best that she could and laid her head on my lap.

“What would you do to have it?” I reached down but hesitated when I felt the desire to stroke her hair—I couldn’t show her that kind of affection.

“Anything…” I heard desperation in her voice.

“Then tell the truth.” I looked down at her and exhaled sharply. “Tell the police who killed your father’s business partner.”

“I—I can’t.” Her eyes closed shut and there were tears in the edges of them.

“You said anything,” I growled under my breath. “There’s no limit to that word—you can’t change the meaning to suit your sense of duty towards your father.”

“Anything else.” She swallowed hard. “Why can’t we run away? The three of us—or just the two of us.”

“Do you remember when I told you my dreams—the night I said I loved you?” I felt my eyes trying to water, but I blinked it away.

“You said you wanted to get out of the South Side—get married one day—have a family.” She nodded as she repeated the words I said.

“Does that sound like the kind of thing we would have looking over our shoulder—always wondering if there was a cop around the corner?” I shook my head back and forth. “I grew up without a father because he was locked up most of my life—I wouldn’t be able to bring a child into this world knowing that I could end up doing the same thing to them.”

“Did you put him there?” She sighed and looked away.

“No.” I once again resisted the urge to comfort her. “I know it isn’t easy, but your father isn’t the kind of man you think he is. He’s the most dangerous man in Chicago. The reason we called you princess? Is because most people call him the King.”

“I’ve heard that, but my father—he’s just a businessman. He runs an investment firm and has a lot of clients.” She gave me a doe-eyed expression as she looked back.

“Oh sweetheart,” I chuckled, a real laugh because I realized how naive she really was. “Your father isn’t a businessman, he’s a fucking gangster—as real as it gets. Yeah, he runs an investment firm, but he invests that money in places you’d never want to go—places that make O’Malley’s look like Disneyland. His investments buy favors and when the king comes to collect on one of them—you sure as fuck better be willing to do anything.”

“You make him sound dangerous.” She pulled her knees up against her chest.

“For fuck's sake, Anabelle—he murdered someone to send us to prison! Do you not think he’s dangerous!?” My laugh was gone—I was feeling rage building quick.

“That’s not what he did—it was an accident. John pulled the gun on him—he had no choice.” She swallowed hard and tears ran down her face.

“You really believe that, don’t you?” I pushed her away and stood. “Open your eyes, Anabelle. Nothing that happens in Chicago goes down unless your father gives an order. Do you really think an investment firm buys you a castle on the North Side? Prescott Manor looks like something out of a fairy tale, but this isn’t one.”

“My family has always been wealthy…” She turned her head, so she could still see me. “My grandfather had money—so did my great-grandfather.”

“Do you really think a man who isn’t doing something dirty would be that concerned about who you marry—who gets to claim a piece of the pie when he’s gone?” I shook my head angrily. “Everything is calculated—you’re just an asset, no different than the rest of his shit. He’s going to trade you away to add another tower to his kingdom.”

“He wouldn’t do that—he wants to find me a husband that is suitable. Yes, he wants to make sure I marry a good man and someone that would be a good fit for the family, but that’s what Prescott’s do. It’s always been that way.” I could see the confusion on her face—she was processing what I said, but it was hard for her to hear.

“Do you know what else your father said to me the day he tried to give me a million dollars to end things with you?” I growled under my breath. “He said he’d find you a husband that understands—and that I could keep fucking you—once you were properly married.”

“What?” Her face reflected more confusion.

“Yeah, princess. All your father cares about is that you say your vows to the guy he chooses—he doesn’t care if you are fucking one guy, two guys, or a whole tribe of guys from the South Side. All he cared about was ending our relationship—making sure that you were free to do his fucking bidding.” I exhaled sharply. “Now if that’s all he cares about—how far would he go to get it?”

I grabbed the gag and put it back in her mouth before she could respond. I had said enough. She needed to have some quiet reflection to think about it—and she needed to get fucked. The emotional trauma needed to be followed up with physical lust—so she could understand that her body was nothing more than an implement of my pleasure. That it wasn’t sacred—to anyone, much less her father. That was the only way to bring her back. I had to shatter the illusion that her father had created—show her that the mirror had been broken long before it told her she was the fairest one of all.

I grabbed her legs and dropped my pants as I crawled between her thighs. My cock was hard—her body was always going to be gorgeous enough to get that reaction. I buried it in her immediately. Even in despair, I saw the longing in her eyes. I started thrusting—giving her my best ones—making them hurt. She still moaned—still begged for pleasure. I wasn’t going to give that to her. I sped up, forcing myself to chase my climax as fast as possible. That was what mattered. She couldn’t come —that had to be denied. I felt her tumbling towards the edge, but I was there first. I drove my cock deep and left it there as I unloaded my seed. I was done. She could feel that longing stay unfulfilled while she ached for what she destroyed.

I’ll keep fighting my desire to show her kindness until she says the words I want to hear.

I left her on the mattress and returned to the other room. Brody was waiting—he heard what we did. He was ready too. That was even better because he could torment her a little longer, but he couldn’t make her come.

“Don’t give her an orgasm.” I nodded as he walked past me. “It’s important.”

“Fine…” He grunted. “I’ll make sure she suffers a little bit too.”