“A few days before you called me, your father summoned me to Prescott Manor. He offered me one million dollars to end things with you.” Rourke’s jaw tightened. “I refused.”

“Oh my god…” I blinked in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was going to—the next time we were together. But then you called and asked for my help.” He growled under his breath.

Was this—worse than a lie? Did my father set this whole thing up to get rid of Rourke?

“Rourke—I…” I swallowed hard.

“I don’t want you to say anything, princess. I don’t need another speech about the Prescott family motto.” He grabbed the gag and yanked it back up into my mouth. “Just think about that for a little bit while you’re face down on the mattress giving me what your father wanted to trade for a fucking alliance.”

Rourke grabbed me by the arm and shoved me toward the mattress. I lost my footing and all I could do was turn my body slightly so that I would take the impact on my shoulder instead of my face. At least the mattress was softer than the floor. Rourke was on top of me immediately, pushing his pants down as he pulled my hips up so that I was on my knees, so he could take me from behind. Then he was inside me—thrusting. I wasn’t even wet, but he didn’t care if he hurt me—not anymore. He put one hand on the back of my neck and pushed me into the mattress while the other squeezed my thigh—keeping me in position so he could take what he wanted. I wouldn’t have resisted him, even if I wasn’t tied up.

My father offered Rourke a million dollars—a million dollars to go away—and he still came when I called him.

He had to know he could be walking into a trap. Was that what it really was? An elaborate trap by my father to get rid of Rourke and John at the same time. What about Brody? Did my father know about him too? He told me to have Rourke bring a friend in case things got out of hand.

Perhaps my father knew everything.

Perhaps it was a trap for me too.

Rourke hammered his cock into me, and even though I was lost in my own thoughts, I couldn’t stop his thrusts from igniting a fuse inside my body. I still craved him—his dominance—his furious passion. I wanted to call him Master and beg for more. I wanted him to hurt me—to bring me to that beautiful place where pain and pleasure collided in bliss. That was all I ever wanted once he gave me a taste of it—but I didn’t want it bad enough to forget who I was. I wasn’t strong enough. Our love couldn’t break my ties with my family.

But it should have—if I truly loved Rourke, I should have put him before everything.

I felt the pressure inside me starting to build. Rourke was going to make me come. I loved the way he used to do it—the way he kept going until I erupted in bliss so many times, I barely remembered my own name. The pressure built as the thrusts got faster. I started to moan, biting down on my gag as the impending bliss sent me spiraling towards the edge of ultimate pleasure. Rourke started to throb inside me. He was about to erupt. I tried to move my ass, meet his thrusts as they were hammered into me, but his grip was too strong. His thrusts became erratic and his cock pulsated. The pressure started to release—I screamed with pleasure as I began to orgasm. A second later, I felt the spasms in my pussy pull him over the edge—then he was erupting inside me.

“Oh god.” He grunted and let out a growl.

He pulled his cock out of me once he was finished. He didn’t even wait for the spasms to fully die down or the orgasm to finish. He removed his hand from the back of my neck and started to stand up. I fell to my side and looked at him—trying to say things with my eyes that my lips couldn’t. I was sorry. I was blind to what was directly in front of me the night my father asked for my help. Still, I didn’t know that my ultimate choice would have been any different. I wished I could believe otherwise, but even if my father betrayed me, I was still his daughter. I was still a Prescott. Why couldn’t I break through that barrier in my mind? Why couldn’t I stare love in the face and trust in it more than I trusted in a man that lied to me?

“Brody will be awake soon.” Rourke lit a cigarette and looked down at me. “I’m sure he’s going to want to hurt you again.”

It’s not like I could stop him, even if I wanted to.

“If you scream for him, he might make it quick.” Rourke shrugged and turned away.

Was that—kindness?

Rourke left the room and I was alone in the bed—contemplating my life and everything that brought me to that moment. I wasn’t go

ing to scream for Brody just to ease my suffering. I wanted every bit of the monster inside of him—the violence that I deserved. He never needed an implement to cause me misery once I learned to enjoy it. His hand did all the work—he spanked me until I had tears in my eyes, choked me until I thought I was going to pass out and pinched my nipples until there were marks that turned into bruises. Yet I learned to love that as much as I loved the slow torment Rourke put me through—every second of that pain meant to make my lust grow—grow to the point that I didn’t think I could ever stop coming once he was inside me.

If only I could have learned to love the man as much as I loved the torment. Maybe then I would have been strong enough to endure the emotional scars that betraying my father would have left behind.

I was lost in my thoughts for an hour before Brody came for me with malice in his eyes. It was that malice that never allowed me to love him the same way that I loved Rourke. I wasn’t sure there was any way for him to love—he just chased pleasure. He was chaos in the midst of bliss when the three of us were together. But after a year, I felt like my connection to his malice had become stronger than the love I once had for Rourke. Rourke didn’t want to punish me—he didn’t think I deserved it. Brody didn’t care if I deserved it or not—he just wanted to get off on my pain. I screamed for him—my words getting tangled in the gag that kept me from truly saying anything.

Then he was done. His lust dripped from my ass once it had been ravaged for the second time since I was taken by them.

It was my fate—until I gave in to whichever side of my darkness was going to win.


Two years ago

“I found your girlfriend.” I slid into the backseat of Josef Weber’s car and tossed the flash drive to him.

“The information is on this?” He caught it. “I guess you learned how to use a computer?”