“What I really need is someone who isn’t connected to me in any way—someone that would handle the problem and keep quiet about it.” He lifted the glass of whiskey and took a sip. “I’ve just spent so much time forging alliances with the same people John has—even the people that work for me—some of them have worked for him too. I need someone outside of my circle…”

“What do you want them to do about it—this person outside of your circle? Would they have to—kill him?” I swallowed hard.

“Kill him?” My father recoiled like I had just slapped him across the face. “What kind of man do you think I am, Anabelle? No. I don’t want John dead. He’s got two small children. I wouldn’t take their father away from them. I just need someone to send a message—after that, I’ll make sure he knows that it’ll happen again if he doesn’t return the money he stole and leave Chicago.”

That doesn’t sound very bad. I mean, if he stole money from my father, then he probably deserves it…

“What if I knew someone?” My lip twisted, and I swallowed hard. “Someone that could do that—someone that isn’t connected to your circle at all.”

“That’s sweet of you to offer.” He smiled and shook his head. “But this isn’t a job for one of your friends. I need someone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty.”

“But I’m saying that I know someone like that.” I felt my lip quiver, afraid to say what I wanted to say, but a sense of duty compelled me to try and help. “Daddy, I have a boyfriend.”

“Excuse me.” His eyes opened wide and he slammed his glass down. “Who?”

Yeah, that’s the reaction I expected—I’m glad I didn’t mention that I have two—two that share me.

“I know you’re going to be angry—but like you said, you were in love with someone before you married my mother. His name is Rourke.” I swallowed a lump that was trying to form in my throat.

Rourke is the one who said he loves me—probably better that I talk about him than Brody.

“Rourke?” His head tilted to the side. “I don’t know—anyone by that name.”

“He’s definitely not associated with anyone you know. He’s from the South Side.” I exhaled sharply, waiting for the glass to go across the room—but it didn’t.

“The South Side.” He nodded as he if he was pondering something. “I definitely don’t do business with anyone down there.”

He’s responding a little better than I expected. Maybe he really does realize that I’m a woman now and not just some little girl—a princess in his castle.

“Rourke is a good guy. He’s—rough around the edges, and I know he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty.” I winced as I tried to choose my words carefully. “Perhaps if you would give us your blessing—and not force me to marry someone else…”

“It’s serious enough for you to be thinking about marriage?” My father narrowed his eyes.

“No, we’re definitely not talking about getting married or anything.” I shook my head back and forth quickly. “But we might—one day.”

Or I might just keep calling him Master and never wear anything other than a collar, but that’s better than marrying someone I don’t even know.

“You know I love you, right Anabelle?” My father’s face shifted to a slight smile.

“Yes, I know.” I nodded.

“I’ve often wondered if I made the right decision when I was sitting in that chair and my father told me that he had decided that I was going to marry your mother. I didn’t stand up to him—you’ve got more courage than I had at your age.” He nodded aimlessly and lifted his drink. “Maybe this could work. If this Rourke guy is someone you care about, then he’ll have to be involved in the family business—just like you will.”

“I mean, I’d have to talk to him.” I swallowed hard. “I’m sure he would be interested.”

He’s definitely talked about wanting to leave the South Side and try to make something of himself—this might be the opportunity he needs.

“I’m going to call John. You call Rourke. I’ll have John stop by and we’ll handle this business tonight. You might want to ask Rourke to bring a friend—just in case things get out of hand.” My father reached for his phone.

“Wait—now? Like, right now?” I blinked in surprise.

“Yes, this can’t wait.” He nodded quickly.

I felt a bit panicked. I didn’t expect my father to be so understanding and I certainly didn’t expect him to tell me to immediately call Rourke. He was already on the phone with John before I had time to process it. I left my father’s office and grabbed my phone. I really didn’t have time to explain everything to Rourke—I just told him to come to my father’s house and bring Brody. There was hesitation, but I told him that things were going to be okay—and my father was fine with our relationship. He sounded surprised, but he finally said that he was on his way—that was all I needed to hear.

I won’t have to sneak around anymore after tonight. I can finally have a real relationship with Rourke and Brody. I’ll have to keep some of it a secret—especially Brody’s involvement—but this may end up being the best night of my life.

I met Rourke and Brody at the side entrance. John was already in my father’s office, undoubtedly enjoying a glass of whiskey and an imported cigar. That was how they spent most evenings when they talked business late into the night.