“Now that is what it’s really like, princess.” I moved closer. “And it only gets better after this.”

If I live long enough to hold you again.


Present day

I looked up at Rourke. His eyes used to be full of so much love for me—but all I saw was malice. A man I betrayed. A man that changed my life before I tore what we had apart with a lie. If he wanted to feel my lips, then he was going to get them. I owed him much more than a blowjob—I owed him, my soul. He taught me things I never knew—things I didn’t know I could enjoy. He was the first one who made me call him Master—and I swore I always would.

I opened my mouth and took his cock—he grabbed my head and forced it deep in my throat. He didn’t let me take my time or give him very much pleasure. He was just chasing a release—and it had been a year since he had one. He held my head tight, wrapped his fingers in my hair, and started to fuck my mouth. It didn’t take long for me to taste the pre-cum on my tongue, and when he erupted, he didn’t say a word. He just grunted as I was forced to swallow his cum. The second he was spent he pulled my lips off his cock and threw me down on the floor.

My hands and feet were bound. I couldn’t even brace for the impact. I just landed hard, my head nearly hitting the wood as I finished swallowing what he left on my lips. Rourke zipped his pants and Brody did the same. They were done with me—for the moment. I looked up at them—wanting to apologize—but Brody was right when he said that an apology wasn’t going to fix it. I ruined what the three of us had—the beautiful surrender that set my world on fire. They didn’t need that anymore. They were content to use me like a filthy whore. That’s certainly what I felt like—my mouth and pussy ravaged by their loveless lust.

“So, what are we going to do with you now?” Brody pulled a chair over and took a seat. “You’ve done all that you’re good for—I guess we can just cut your throat and be done with it.”

“Not yet.” Rourke pulled a chair over and sat down beside Brody. “I think you owe us an explanation first—why the fuck did you pin it on us? It could have been anyone! Why us?”

“My father made me...” I turned to the side and looked up at them. “He said there was no other way.”

“And you just do whatever your Daddy says?” Brody tilted his head to the side. “What happened to the girl that didn’t want to be ordered around—by anyone but us.”

“He’s—he’s family.” I whimpered. “You don’t understand…”

“No, I don’t.” Rourke shook his head back and forth. “You looked into my eyes—you told me you loved me.”

“Master…” I shifted on the floor until I was on my knees. “I do—I swear.”

“Don’t call me Master anymore.” Rourke scoffed. “You don’t deserve that honor.”

“I’m sorry.” I shuffled the best that I could and let my head fall hard against his thigh. “Punish me—do anything you want.”

“No.” Rourke grabbed my hair and slung me backward until I crashed into the floor. “There’s no punishment harsh enough for what you’ve done.”

“Please…” I looked back at him.

“The trust is gone, princess.” Rourke shook his head back and forth. “There’s no way for you to earn it back.”

I spent a year trying to forget the submissive girl they turned me into—a year trying to convince myself that I made the right choice when I betrayed them. They were my Masters. They were the ones who put a collar on my neck and told me I would always wear it when I was with them. I got lost in that fantasy and believed I could be the girl on my knees for them—the one that learned how to beg and please. Until the night my father needed me—and reminded me of the Prescott motto—family comes first.

“Should we just kill her and get this over with.” Brody looked over at Rourke. “We can bury her body where nobody will find it.”

“Not yet.” Rourke shook his head back and forth. “I haven’t had my fill.”

Rourke stood and grabbed me by the hair. He pulled me along the wooden floor and then flung me—I landed on something soft—a mattress. I had him alone. Maybe I could talk some sense into him—maybe he would listen. He wasn’t as cruel as Brody. He was the first one that was kind to me.

“Rourke—just, please.” I looked up at him and felt my eyes filling with tears. “We can run away. You’re out now—we can leave Chicago. My father has a safe full of money—I know the combination!”

“I don’t want your father’s money.” Rourke stripped off his shirt. “I could have had that a long time ago.”

“What?” I blinked in surprise.

“Your father knew about us before he killed his business

partner and had you pin the fucking murder on us.” Rourke tore a piece of his shirt and rolled it in his hand. “He tried to pay Brody and me to leave Chicago.”

“You—you never told me that.” I blinked in surprise as he approached the bed.

“I told him no.” He stretched out the length of fabric. “Just like you should have done.”