I didn’t want to have to pay the price, but I realized it was my only choice. If I refused his offer, I was running out of things to bargain with. Food and water were necessities, even if he just threw them on me like he had the first glass of water. I removed my shoes, socks and blue jeans—which left me in nothing but my bra and panties. I felt more vulnerable without my jeans than I did without my shirt, but when he left the room and returned with a tray—I was no longer upset with his price. The tray was filled with food. Fruits, vegetables, cooked chicken, and there wasn’t just water—there was a can of soda as well. I was still distrustful though, even as my mouth salivated—he had tricked me once with the water. There was a chance he would trick me again. I held onto the bars as he got closer—and then he put the entire tray down in front of me.

“Thank you.” I reached through the bars and grabbed a piece of chicken with my hand, immediately biting into it.

“Enjoy your meal, sweet Lizzy.” He started walking towards the door—but he didn’t turn off the light when he left.

I devoured everything on the tray, even the stuff I didn’t like—I didn’t even stop eating when the food made my stomach hurt. I didn’t know when I would get a chance to eat again. I couldn’t waste the food. The water was like sweet nirvana on my lips—and the soda—that was heaven. I hadn’t gone more than a couple of hours without caffeine since I was a kid unless I was sleeping and having a little bit in my system was like tasting an addiction, I didn’t realize had left a dull ache in the side of my head until it was gone.

Now what?

I started looking around the room, looking for any sign of where I was. I hadn’t had much of a chance to do it previously when he was in the room and I was so focused on what I needed at the moment. The room had plain white walls that were empty and a marble floor. There was no furniture in it except for three chairs and a small table. The cage itself had been bolted to the floor as I suspected, and the marble around the bolts was cracked. The most disturbing part was the fact it had no windows—just empty white walls all around me. I assumed it had to be some sort of interior room of a house, just based on what could see. The door started to open again, and I turned my attention towards the man with onyx-colored eyes as he entered the room.

“I trust it was a good meal?” He sat down in the chair closest it to my cage.

“Yes.” I nodded and looked up at him.

“Are you ready to confess one of your sins to find out if it’s the one that put you in the cage?” He chuckled under his breath.

“I—um…” I looked down at the floor.

Oh god. Think of something. Think of something fast.

“I’ve stolen

money…” I swallowed hard and slowly lifted my head.

“Go on.” He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

“That’s—that’s my confession. I’ve stolen money.” I nodded quickly.

Maybe I’ll get a hint—something that tells me if I’m on the right track.

“Such a vague confession.” I heard a growl resonate from his throat. “I guess a vague answer is all your looking for—you’re in that cage because you’re a very bad girl.”

“How—how do I get out?” I had him talking—I prayed I could keep him talking—I had done that before with guys I talked to online.

“Confess all of your sins and atone for them—accept your penance.” He chuckled again. “But you’re not ready for that yet. You still have a glimmer of hope in your eyes—one that says you might get out of this without giving in. You won’t.”

“You’re just talking in riddles.” I sighed and shook my head. “If I have to atone for something, then tell me what I’ve done wrong. Give me a hint—something.”

“Fine.” He nodded. “Give me your bra and I’ll give you a hint.”

Oh god. I only have two pieces of clothing left on my body. But if I refuse—the price is going to go up. This may be my only shot at figuring it out with giving him more than my bra.

“Okay.” I reached behind my back and unsnapped it—then I let it fall around my arms before finally removing it and exposing my breasts.

Now the only thing I have left to bargain with is my panties.

“Good girl.” He nodded and picked my bra up off the floor once I tossed it outside of my cage. “So pretty—such a gorgeous body.”

“You promised me a hint.” I looked up and crossed my arms across my breasts.

“You’re in that cage—because you used your body to take things that didn’t belong to you.” He started to stand. “That’s all you get for now. I’m sure we’ll talk more tomorrow.”

“Wait!” I grabbed the front of the cage and rattled it. “Don’t go—I need more than that!”

He didn’t respond. He turned off the light and left me in the darkness like he had before. I had a hint, and it did give me enough information to piece together the reason I was in the cage—because I had only used my body to get what I wanted when I was online—blackmailing married men for money. But that left me with more questions. Who was the man with onyx-colored eyes? Who was the other man with him in the van? They weren’t targets—definitely not marks that I chose. I went after guys that would easily cave when a young girl started flirting with them online. I would have quickly passed if I saw either of them—I ignored guys that didn’t have the stench of desperation pouring through the screen.

If he isn’t one of the guys I stole from, why did he kidnap me? I’ve never stolen from anyone in New York before—I always make sure my targets are far away. But if one of those guys has found me—oh my god.