“Good.” I felt his hands tighten on my wrists and then I felt something wrap around them—leather. “I will let you sleep in my bed, but I don’t trust you enough to make it comfortable—I’m going to fuck you so many times before the sun comes up that you’ll wish you could beg me to stop.”

Reynard tied my hands and feet to the bed but left enough give in the restraints on my ankles that he could spread my legs if he wanted—and he did. I sank into the afterglow of my orgasm, but as soon as my eyes closed, he was on top of me again. He started fucking me with the same unbridled rage that I felt the first time he was inside me. That was the second time he made me come, but it wasn’t the last orgasm I got that night. Every time I felt sleep coming, he was ready to use my body again. He tore at my dress and by the time he had devoured me three times, it was nothing but tatters on the sheets.

But no

matter how many times he came for me—I never once wished I could make him stop.


The next day

“Mr. Jackson.” Abigail came running into my office in a panic. “Josef Weber is downstairs—should I have security throw him out?”


“No. Is Reynard here?” I stood up behind my desk.

“He’s not.” She shook her head back and forth. “I guess he’s going to be late today.”

What else is new.

“Okay, send Mr. Weber in once he’s upstairs.” I sat back down and sighed.

Ignoring Josef Weber wasn’t going to work. I should have known that. It wasn’t the first time had come to see me, but I knew his tone would be different than it was the last time he showed up at Jackson Investments. He was oozing with confidence then—let me know that he was going to keep sending proposals until the company belonged to him. He didn’t think we would fight back—probably because I hadn’t lifted a finger to try since he started making his moves against the company. Instead of lifting a finger, I poked the bear. A very angry bear that I was going to have to confront on my own since Reynard was probably too busy playing with his toy to come into the office at a decent hour.

“Jackson—what the fuck!” He stormed into my office and Abigail barely got the door closed before his wrath came at me. “We had an agreement!”

“We had no agreement.” I looked up at him and tried to remain calm—it wouldn’t help if we were both shouting.

“Yes, we did.” He narrowed his eyes and snarled at me. “Wyatt and I had an understanding.”

Wyatt? I don’t remember Wyatt mentioning any sort of—agreement.

“It must not have been a very good agreement—nor one that was in our favor if you started taking our clients before his body was cold.” I balled my fists but kept my anger in check.

“You don’t even understand the hell you just unleashed.” He shook his head back and forth. “I’m here to make you one final offer—a lot less than the last proposal I sent. Either you take it right now, or I’ll break my promise to Wyatt—and you won’t like what happens.”

“That sounds like a threat.” I leaned back in my chair. “Are you sure you even have enough clients left to make a move against me—I hear the Los Angeles market is becoming less than favorable for Weber Acquisitions.”

“I don’t need clients to make a move against you.” A smile slowly spread across his face. “I just need one thing—one thing that I’ve had since the beginning.”

“What’s that?” I tilted my head to the side.

“Sign the proposal I send over, or else you’re going to find out.” He walked over and pressed his knuckles to my desk, getting so close that I could have snapped his head off without trying.

“Sounds like an empty threat—if you won’t even tell me what it is.” I folded my arms across my chest—mostly to control myself and not lash out like I wanted. “Desperation doesn’t look good on you.”

“You arrogant prick.” He pushed back and snarled. “Fine, have it your way. When you watch your empire crumble, I want you to remember this moment—the moment I offered you a way out.”

“I think you’re the one that needs to take the way out—the one right behind you.” I motioned, barely able to control my anger.

“The next time you see me, you’ll be looking at me from this side of that desk—if I don’t have the whole fucking building demolished.” He grunted and exited my office with the same fury as he entered.

Josef Weber generally isn’t the kind of guy to make idle threats. I need to figure out what the fuck has him so confident.

Two hours later

“Where the fuck have you been?” I barged into Reynard’s house as soon as he opened the door. “I’ve been calling you all morning.”