Lizzy had been in the locked away for two days. The fight seemed to be gone from her. She was no longer trying to rattle the cage door or rip it from the foundation—not that she could do either of those things. The hopelessness had started to set in. The hunger and thirst were definitely enough to make her bargain for food and water. It was time. I walked into the room and turned on the light. She looked beautiful in the cage—exactly where she belonged. My sweet Lizzy—locked away where she couldn’t hurt anyone—locked away where she would have to bargain for every semblance of kindness that I showed her.

“How bad do you want a drink of water, sweet Lizzy?” I walked over to her cage with a glass in my hand.

“Please…” She extended her hand, pushing it through the bars.

“What price are you willing to pay?” I tilted my head to the side. “Why don’t we start with something simple. Give me your shirt and I’ll give you every drop of water in this glass.”

“I—please…” Her face twisted into a look of confusion.

“It’s a fair trade.” I pushed the glass closer. “It isn’t like I’m the first man who’s ever seen you in your bra.”

Because you trade that beautiful body for everything—now I’ m going to make you trade it for something you took for granted.


I looked up at the man who had imprisoned me—he might have been wearing a face that was chiseled and almost perfect, but there was cruelness in his eyes. I was torn between humiliating myself and the glass of water in his hand. I was so thirsty that it was more important than getting out of the cage—at least at the moment. I looked down at my t-shirt. It was my favorite one. There was a time when I wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world, but I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t know what he would do if I refused—how long he would leave me in the darkness before he returned. I couldn’t risk it.

“Here.” I banged my arms against the bars of the cage as I tore off my t-shirt and pushed it through the bars. “Take it.”

“How hard was that?” He snatched it out of my hand. “This will be one of many trades that we make—you give me something I want, and I give you something you need.”

“Water…” I swallowed the lump in my throat and reached for it.

“As promised—every drop.” He walked closer—I could see the condensation and my throat screamed for the coolness.

He held the water inches from my hand for several seconds and then extended his arm until the glass was directly over my head. I looked up immediately and saw the glass tilt. Cool water splashed on my face—then he started pouring it faster. I was too thirsty to do anything but open my mouth and try to catch as much as I could. I swallowed, forcing the cool liquid down my throat, but most of it ended up splashing on my face. Some it ran up my nose, some of it splattered into my eyes, and the rest that I wasn’t able to swallow ended up saturating the clothes I was still wearing.

“Please—I need more.” I ran my tongue along my lips, desperate to get as much water as possible before it was gone.

“That’s all you get for now.” He walked over to a small table and put the glass down.

“Let me out of this cage.” I grabbed the bars on the door and shook them as I felt my anger coming back once some of my thirst was quenched.

“You don’t

have enough to bargain for that, I’m afraid.” He looked over at me and shook his head.

“I have some money—I’ll give you everything I have on me and I have more in the bank.” My words were hurried, and I knew they sounded desperate, but that’s exactly how I felt. “My parents—they have money.”

“I don’t want your money.” He shook his head back and forth. “I’ll name the price and you’ll pay it—but it won’t be with your ill-gotten gains.”

Ill-gotten gains? Does he know how I support myself—is that why I’m here?

“Then—just tell me why I’m here. Tell me why you kidnapped me and locked me in this cage!” I rattled the cage door again.

“What will you give me for that information?” He pulled a chair over and took a seat. “What is the answer worth?”

“What—what do you want?” I stared at him, feeling a chill set in as the water continued seeping into my clothes.

“How about a confession.” He tilted his head to the side. “Confess one of your sins, and I’ll tell you if that’s why you’re here.”

That’s a pretty vague request. Where would I even start?

“I—I don’t know what you want me to say.” I looked down at the floor for a moment. “Have I done something to you?”

“That’s another question—and it has a different price—one that you’re not able to pay quite yet.” His eyes seemed to cloud over, and I felt like that was a hint—I had definitely done something to him, even if I didn’t know what it was.

“I’ve done—bad things.” My hands fell away from the cage door.