Fisk and I planned a statement. All we could do was deny that we knew our father had another child—a denial that wasn’t going to look very good considering that our company had been paying her off for the last ten years. It was just the best explanation we had. I still didn’t know how our sister—if she really was our sister—had gotten mixed up with Josef Weber. I wasn’t sure I was going to find out the answer to that question without speaking with one of them. I was at the end of my ropes with legal nonsense and shit I normally didn’t deal with when Mauro came storming into my office.

“I got your message—what the fuck is going on.” Mauro looked disheveled, and I knew why—he had been playing with my toy before he got the message.

Fisk and I filled Mauro in. He was ghost-white when we were done, but his anger exploded as the news simmered. The dots were right there in front of us. The company that had been getting funded from our profits—the tie to Weber’s shell companies. Our downfall had been orchestrated for a decade—just waiting until the time was right—or perhaps there was another catalyst. One that began to sink in as I ran through the scenarios in my head. Wyatt’s death. That was what started everything. I assumed it was Lizzy’s blackmail that pushed him to take his own life, but that might not have been it—it might have been a secret that he had been keeping for a long time—one that was about to come crashing down—one that could very well lock us in a cage.

“Once this news breaks, if you’ve got any other secrets that need to be cleaned up, I’d advise you to get them in order immediately.” Fisk exhaled sharply.

Yeah, I’ve got a pretty big one at my house right now—one that might be there for something she didn’t actually do.

“Right…” I nodded

“What are you going to do?” Mauro caught me as soon as I left my office and pulled me over to the side so nobody else could hear us.

“I don’t fucking now.” I hissed my response. “Fuck!”

“I’ll let you know if there are any development here—but you’re not going to hurt her, are you?” He tilted his head and I saw a look of concern on his face.

“No more than I already have…” I shook my head and started walking to the door.

And after last night, I’m not sure I can let her go. But what choice do I have? I can’t very well have a girl locked in a cage if charges are filed and I ended up in handcuffs.


There was a difference in Reynard’s demeanor when he returned. I couldn’t tell if he was upset because Mauro had decided to make me fulfill one of the promises, or if something else was bothering him. I still craved Reynard’s touch, even if he hurt me, and it burned me up inside that I wasn’t allowed to speak to him. He didn’t even seem to care that my cage was unlocked, nor did he seem to notice that I put myself back in it, even when I wasn’t forced to do so. I finished my food and crawled over to him—trying to show that I was submissive—that he could use me if he wanted.

“Not tonight.” He shook his head back and forth. “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

Yes Master. I turned and started crawling back towards my cage.

“You don’t have to go back in there—not anymore.” He exhaled sharply.

Did I do something wrong? I don’t understand…

“I made a mistake, bringing you here.” He looked down at me. “I’m going to let you go tomorrow.”

I lifted my hands and touched my lips, which seemed to remind him that I wasn’t supposed to speak.

“You can talk.” He reached over and picked up the glass of whiskey on the table next to him.

“What happened? I’m confused. You said Mauro was allowed—to touch me.” I swallowed hard.

“That’s not what this is about.” He motioned to the chair next to him. “Have a seat. I guess I can tell you everything now—since it won’t matter much longer.”

“Yes, Master.” I slowly stood and sat down.

“And stop calling me Master.” He waved me off with his hand. “That was a term for you to use when I thought you were too good to use my name.”

“What—what changed?” I blinked in confusion.

“Everything…” He muttered under his breath. “Fucking everything…”

“Did I do something wrong?” I craved his touch—but mostly I hated to see the pain on his face.

Why do I feel this way? I should be doing cartwheels if he’s going to set me free—that means I don’t have to honor the rest of those promises—yet my freedom hasn’t been earned.

“No.” He shook his head back and forth. “I put you here because of what you did to my brother—but I just found out that you may not be responsible for what happened to him.”

“Huh?” I tilted my head to the side. “I’m the one who blackmailed him…”