I nodded.

“Oh, are you not allowed to speak?” He reached down and started removing the gag. “Too bad—you’re going to be doing a lot of talking before I’m done with you—and begging—just like you promised.”

“Yes—Master.” I looked up at him and spoke, only because he had requested it.

The man I blackmailed was a high school principal from Wichita. He was an easy target once I found out who the man behind the veil was. He didn’t even need to have a wife to threaten—his desires were dark enough to make him terrified of anyone finding out what he craved. He took joy in corporal punishment—students that misbehaved and found themselves across his desk for three swats from his board. Except his fantasy called for more—he wanted them stripped and at his mercy—begging for more every time the paddle found a spot that made them scream. I doubted Mauro cared much about me being a student, nor did he care what made me scream—he said I would beg—that was clearly what he wanted.

“Bend over your cage—grab the bars with your hands.” He motioned towards my prison.

“Yes Master.” I stood and draped myself across the metal structure, feeling the coldness on my stomach and breasts.

“Three is never enough…” He patted my ass with the paddle. “They should know that they’ve done wrong—they should know that they deserve more—and they should beg for it until they scream. Then they should beg for more.”


“Ow!” My body jerked forward against the cage when the paddle came down on my ass for the first time.

That was exactly what the man said—his fantasy coming across Mauro’s lips. There was no kindness in the first swing from his paddle. It left searing pain where it landed. It wasn’t time to beg yet. I had to receive my punishment before I could beg. Three was what I had coming, and the next two were even harder—and they came in rapid succession.


“Oh god!” I squealed and my grip on the cage tightened.

Then it was time to beg—time for me to ask for more, even though the first three had left my ass burning. That was Mauro’s darkness—what separated him from his brother. Reynard could punish with no regard for me. Mauro needed me to ask for it. He couldn’t deliver reckless agony. I had to choose my fate. I grabbed the steel bars and took a deep breath. I looked over my shoulder and felt the words tumbling across my lips.

“Please…” I made eye contact and tried to find my bravery. “Please give me more.”

“This isn’t what I want.” Mauro shook his head and threw the paddle on the floor. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I released my grip and turned slightly. “I made that promise—I have to fulfill it.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t mean it.” He walked over and sat down. “Just like you can’t beg when those words are lies.”

I guess there’s kindness in him after all—but I don’t deserve that. Reynard wouldn’t have hesitated if he was swinging the paddle.

“Please…” I walked over and dropped to my knees. “I’ve earned your wrath—you should give it to me.”

Even though I don’t truly know why…

“Have you?” He tilted his head and put his hand on the side of my face. “You don’t even know what you’ve done.”

“I stole from your brother—blackmailed him.” I swallowed hard.

“The tip of the iceberg.” He leaned forward. “Trust me.”

Do I dare ask—I got sentenced to silence for it last time—denied Reynard’s touch. No. I can’t bring that up again.

“Then punish me.” I grabbed the front of his pants. “Or let me do something else—you can do anything to me that you want.”

“There’s nothing you can do that will fix it.” He exhaled sharply. “Get back in your cage.”

I could have crawled back into my cage and let him slam the door. That would have been the end of it—but I couldn’t. Reynard had changed me in some way—tapped into a piece of my soul that made me crave the pain. If Mauro wanted me to beg, I could beg. I needed him to punish me. I picked up the paddle and walked back to him. He watched with his eyes showing confusion as I dropped it in his lap and draped myself across his knee.

“Please.” I looked over my shoulder. “Please punish me like I deserve.”

Mauro picked up the paddle and kept his eyes locked on mine as he ran his fingers across the wood. He locked his hand around my waist in a tight grip and lifted the long piece of wood. It was going to hurt, but it had to hurt. And I had to beg—beg until I screamed—then I had to beg for more. I prepared myself mentally, waiting for the wood to crash into my flesh—then it did.