“Because I’m a horrible person.” She looked up at me. “I’ve done terrible things—to your brother, Wyatt.”

“Yes, you have.” I nodded. “And no matter how kind I treat you right now, it won’t save you from Reynard—he’s still going to hurt you.”

“I know.” She looked up at me and nodded. “I deserve it.”

“Do you?” I narrowed my eyes. “Or has he just tortured you so long in the darkness that you believe it?”

“I should pay for what I’ve done.” She spread her legs and started washing her pussy—I could see remnants of lust before the sponge washed it away.

“You will.” I sighed. “Trust me, you will.”

I cleaned up the area around her cage, washed the floor she was forced to sit on, and then I was surprised to see her crawl back over and close the door herself. She really did believe that she belonged in the cage—and she didn’t even know what she had really done. She just thought it was about the blackmail. The darkness—it could do strange things to people. Perhaps it made Lizzy face realizations she was already carrying around inside of her. A remorseless person wouldn’t be able to easily conquer that determination—they would fight for their freedom. She had accepted her fate—which meant there was no going back. Even if I rescued her, it would still linger inside—that need to be punished.

She’s Reynard’s toy now—one that he’s going to keep breaking until there is nothing, but fragments left for him to stomp on.

At least she knows why she’s here.


I was surprised by Mauro’s kindness. He reminded me of Wyatt, except he was younger and incredibly attractive. He had a confidence in his kindness, as much confidence as Reynard had in his cruelty. It was hard to imagine a man like that being complicit in what Reynard was doing to me, but it was clear that he was. I don’t know what I would have done if he offer

ed me my freedom. I had finally come to terms with what I deserved—and I felt like I needed to pay the penance—no matter how much suffering I endured in the process.

It wasn’t just about Wyatt anymore, even if what I did to him was the catalyst. The darkness had broken me—the humiliation and loneliness—having my physical needs deprived. I wasn’t ready for kindness. Wyatt was definitely my greatest sin—because he was the one I pulled across the threshold of my greed. He just wanted someone to talk to and I gave him temptation—maybe he was searching for it when he first messaged me, but that wasn’t what he truly needed—until I told him he could have me—then I destroyed him.

Later that day

I was starting to doze when the door opened again. I had a full stomach, I didn’t feel dehydrated, and I was no longer dirty. It was the most comfortable I had been since I was first put in the cage. When the light came on and my eyes opened, I almost hoped it would be Mauro. I didn’t deserve kindness, but there was a lingering part of me that still clung to the little bit that he showed me. Instead, it was Reynard. He had a stack of papers in his hand, a scowl on his face, and I could tell that he wasn’t happy. He pulled the chair over near my cage and took a seat. I immediately moved to the back of the cage—a fight or flight reaction to the look on his face, even though my soul screamed for penance that rage would bring.

“I hope you didn’t get used to being treated like anything less than a filthy whore.” He growled under his breath. “Mauro may have compassion, but rest assured, I have none.”

“I know.” I looked up at him. “And I don’t deserve any.”

“You don’t even know what you really deserve.” He shook his head back and forth with his jaw clenched.

“I—I’m sorry that I hurt your brother.” I tensed up and felt my stomach twist into knots. “I know what I did was wrong.”

“I don’t want to talk about Wyatt.” He lifted a piece of paper from the stack in his hand. “I want to talk about William Edwards.”

Bill4Buckeyes. He was the last guy I ripped off.

“Another one of my sins.” I looked down and nodded.

“Some pretty interesting chat logs here.” His eyes scanned the first page.

He has my chat logs? Oh god—he must know everything I’ve done…

“I made a lot of mistakes.” I felt my eyes trying to well up with tears, but I fought against them.

“Yes.” He nodded quickly. “And you’re going to pay for them—one at a time. You promised all of the men you ripped off a fantasy and something they couldn’t have. Well now you’re going to live out all of those things you dreamed up—all of the things you agreed to—like the filthy little whore that you are.”

“Those were—not…” My words trailed off. “I would have never gone through with them.”

“Then you shouldn’t have promised them—because I’m going to collect on every promise you made.” Another growl resonated in his throat. “Starting with the filthy things you told William Edwards that you absolutely loved.”

Oh god…

I didn’t even know how to respond to Reynard. I had never done any of the things I promised those guys.