
I knew my sweet Lizzy—my little captive—was beautiful. I didn’t expect her to be breathtaking. She had the body of an angel—lips that begged to be used. That was exactly what I intended to do once she had nothing left to bargain with except the one thing, she promised all of the men she stole from—the thing none of them got. I hated her for what she did to Wyatt, and I intended to make sure she suffered before her penance was complete. That didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it—I had been waiting a long time to watch her squirm. She wasn’t broken yet, but it wouldn’t take much longer. I was going to turn her into the submissive slut that she pretended to be—and I was going to savor every second of her suffering.

“How’s your captive?” Mauro looked at me as I walked into the living room.

“She’s almost ready to find out why she’s here.” I tossed the bra on the coffee table in front of him.

“I still don’t like the way you’re going about this. I can tell you enjoy it.” He narrowed his eyes at me and picked up his drink.

“So, what if I do?” I poured a glass for myself and sat down across from him. “It’s the only enjoyment I’ve felt since we buried Wyatt.”

“That doesn’t make it right.” He sipped his drink.

“There’s nothing inside of you that wants to go into that room, drag her out of the cage, and make her pay for what she’s done—scar her flesh with your anger?” I growled under my breath.

“No.” Mauro winced. “I believe in justice, but I have no interest in torturing someone to get it.”

“Then just use her.” I shrugged and sipped my drink. “Go in there and fuck her right now—tell her why she’s getting your cock while you shove it inside her.”

I’d prefer to be the first one that makes her scream, but it’ll be music to my ears regardless.

“This was a mistake.” He leaned forward. “We need to let her go. Let’s just pay her—give her enough to make sure she doesn’t tell anyone. It’s not too late, Reynard.”

“I will not break the vow I made to Wyatt when I dropped that rose on his casket.” My lip curled into a snarl. “She is the reason he’s in the graveyard, so she’s going to wish she was there in his place before I even think about letting her go.”

“There’s so much hate in you…” Mauro sighed.

“Or maybe there’s not enough hate in you.” I narrowed my eyes. “You made the same vow—you stood there and said vengeance would be served.”

“Because…” I could see that Mauro was getting angry—and that was rare. “Because I didn’t think anyone was responsible! I thought it was just another one of your fucking delusions.”

“Another—one of my delusions?” I tilted my head to the side. “What other delusions do you think I’ve had?”

“I’m not playing this game. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Mauro slammed his drink down and started to stand.

I didn’t try to stop Mauro from leaving. I knew, that even if he had regret over taking Lizzy, he wouldn’t do anything about it unless I agreed to let her go. Mauro was not a weak man—but he never found a way to properly channel his anger. He didn’t let the beast inside him come out to play very often—he just bottled it up and tried to control it. I learned at a very young age that it was more fun to just let the beast take over—although I had never had someone like Lizzy to play with. It was all fantasy before her—submissive women that begged because they knew I wanted to hear the words on their lips. There was no joy in breaking a woman like that because that’s what they craved. It would be different with Lizzy—she would feel so much pain before she learned to enjoy it.

I might even decide that I want to keep her. She can trade her wasted life for one on her knees—a slut that uses her body to pay for her sins every single day.

The next day

Lizzy had become so much of an obsession that I didn’t even go to work anymore. Officially, I was on a leave of absence—one that I had been on since I first found the chat logs between Wyatt and the girl in my cage. I spent all day in front of the screen—watching her—even when I wasn’t in the room. The infrared setting wasn’t the best, but I could see the despair on her face. That was enough to make my cock hard—just knowing that she was coming to terms with her own nightmare. I knew she was thirsty again—hungry—probably willing to trade anything for me to empty the bucket in her cage. None of the things she wanted would be free—and every offer that was refused would simply make the next one harder to swallow.

I watched until twenty-four hours had passed since I visited her last. That would be enough time for desperation to kick in. I saw it in her eyes as soon as I opened the door and turned on the light. It looked delicious. I had a tray of food waiting outside of the room, but I wanted to toy with her emotions a little bit—let her smell it before I finally gave her a chance to bargain for her next meal. Her hierarchy of needs was definitely going to get more complicated soon. She was dirty—her muscles were likely cramped from being in the cage for so long. Soon those needs would triumph over basic ones like food or water.

“Hello, sweet Lizzy.” I sat down in the chair closest to her cage.

No response. Just a stare that was almost as cold as mine.

“I assume you want food and water.” I tilted my head to the side. “And you’d like for me to empty the bucket.”

“You know that I do.” She nodded quickly.

“Your panties then.” I motioned to her. “Give them to me.”

“They’re all I have left.” She exhaled sharply ,and her hands went to her hips. “I knew you would come for them soon enough.”

Oh no, sweet Lizzy. Your panties are not all that you have to give, but that’s all I’m going to take from you this time.