“Just trying to find something to wear…” I turn toward her. “They make you dress up every day?”

“Yeah, but I like doing it.” She smiles. “I bet you’d look great in a Joker costume.”

Is she flirting with me? I can’t keep my comic book people straight, but I think I remember Harley Quinn and Joker being a couple. My son would know. I could ask him if we were still on speaking terms.

“Too much makeup to deal with.” I shake my head.

“What about Batman?” She bites down on her bottom lip and grins. “You wouldn’t even need any of the fake muscles that most people have to stuff the suit with.”

Okay, she’s definitely flirting with me, or she just likes to butter her customers up so that they spend more money. Either way, I’m not interested. I have too many issues to even think about taking someone out on a date.

“Nah, I don’t want anything like that. I need something simple.” I glance around the store, hoping something catches my eye.

“Well, there’s always Clark Kent.” She shrugs. “You could buy a Superman t-shirt and wear it under the shirt you’re wearing right now. You’d just have to unbutton it a little bit so that people can see the emblem.”

“That could work.” I nod. “Got any glasses?”

“Plenty to choose from.” She motions toward another part of the store. “Follow me, and I’ll show you.”

“Thanks.” I sigh and let her lead me to them.

I’m definitely not Superman, but it’s a simple enough costume that I can pull it off without having to do much. Kiana will probably say it’s lazy, but I don’t really care.

I have to stop by the liquor store on the way home anyway, and I’d prefer not to draw any extra attention to myself since I’m going to have a few drinks before I arrive at the party.

Maybe it’ll be nice to pretend to be someone other than Lawson Brooks for the evening.

Chapter Three


The drive to the city is fairly uneventful. I get to jam out to a few of my favorite songs on the radio and get hyped for Halloween. Parties are the only thing that make the holiday special these days, and I might get to squeeze a few hometown ones in before the kids go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.

I’m supposed to meet Sarah at the hotel before we head to the party, so that’s my first stop. I send a text to let her know I’m there and wait for her in the lobby.

“Hey, girl!” Sarah waves to me as she approaches. “Glad you made it in one piece.”

“Me too.” I nod. “You know I ate driving in the city.”

“You wore your costume?” She laughs. “The party isn’t for a few hours.”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to have to explain to my mom why I was going to a Halloween party with my costume in a bag; not that she even noticed I had a bag when I left.” I let out a sigh.

“Wait until you see the room. It’s awesome.” She motions for me to follow her.

“We’re not spending much time in it, are we?” I raise an eyebrow.

“It depends on how long we stay at the party.” She shrugs. “I don’t plan to stick around after we trash that asshole’s office.”

“Still going through with that, huh?” I step into the elevator, and she presses the button to take us to the sixth floor.

“Hell yeah.” She nods. “Fuck him. My dad was out of work for six months after he got fired. He deserves it.”

“I really hope we don’t get caught.” I chew my bottom lip nervously.

“What are you worried about? You were all for this when I brought it up a few weeks ago.” Her tone reflects a hint of confusion.

“I’m just not eager to wear another pair of handcuffs.” I sigh. “I don’t think I would make it very long in prison.”