Page 36 of Don't Call Me Daddy

Ainsley puts her hands flat on my thighs and slowly lowers her lips to the head of my dick without breaking eye contact. She gently kisses it a few times, and then her lips part. I take a deep breath when I feel her tongue. It’s incredible, but not as incredible as watching her lips get wider so that she can pull my cock between them.

“That’s it, show me how sorry you are.” I exhale sharply.

Her mouth is warm and wet. It’s fucking paradise. There is no hesitation on her part. She massages my cock with her tongue while sliding it further into her mouth. It doesn’t take her long to get a decent rhythm going, especially when her saliva coats my shaft. If she’s never done this before, it doesn’t show. Or maybe it’s just been so damn long for me that I’d be happy with anything right now.

“Is this a good apology?” Ainsley pulls my cock out of her mouth and looks up at me.

“It’s a very good apology.” I nod. “Keep going.”

“Yes, sir.” She smiles, and then the head slides between her lips.

I’m even beginning to like it when she says yes, sir. She’s so sweet and obedient. I don’t think she was just living out a fantasy when she said she would do anything I wanted—that sounded like the absolute truth. I left morality at the door, so fuck it. I’m going to enjoy having her on her knees for now and in my bed later tonight.

“That feels good.” I gasp when she pulls my cock deeper. “All the way in. I want to feel your lips on my balls.”

Ainsley tries to oblige my request. She starts to struggle once my dick hits the back of her throat. No surprise there. She fights against the resistance and chokes as she continues, to the point that I’m close to telling her it’s okay if she can’t take it all, but then she manages to get her breathing under control. She pulls my cock deep and swallows. The first try is unsuccessful, but the second one goes off without a hitch.

“Oh fuck!” My eyes roll back in my head as I feel the head push past the barrier in the back of her throat.

She’s figured it out now. Goddamn. She begins to take the entirety of my length every time her head bobs. My cock throbs and pulsates in response to the stimulation. I’m getting close. I do my best to prolong the inevitable just to enjoy her wet mouth as long as possible. It feels too good to give in without a fight.

“So fucking good…” I mutter and exhale sharply.

She’s so close to making me erupt. I put a hand on her head and tangle my fingers in her hair. I pull it a little bit without meaning to, and she moans like I just rubbed her clit. She likes that—a lot. I do it again, intentionally and harder, with an even louder response. Is there anything she doesn’t like?

I decide to take control. I keep a tight grip on her hair, lean forward, and push her back. She tries to keep bobbing, but I don’t let her. I hold her in position and begin to fuck her mouth. I drive my dick deep— slow at first, then faster. The pace gives me the ability to stave off the pressure in my balls.

“You like it rough, don’t you?” I pull on her hair.

She does her best to say yes, sir with my dick buried in her throat. I’ve never pushed anyone this far. Fuck, maybe there’s a part of me that loves it as much as she does. I continue hammering my cock into her mouth until there is absolutely no way I can hold back. I’m throbbing and pulsating so hard it’s a miracle I have a single stroke left in me.

“Finish your apology,” I growl at her and release my grip.

Ainsley does her best to match the pace I had when I was in control. I don’t even need that at this point. I’m ready to blow. My dick goes deep in her throat, and I grunt a couple of times as she takes me over the edge. The pressure in my balls releases, and my seed surges into her mouth. Thick ropes of lust cause her to choke, but she swallows it down without a single hint of hesitation. She keeps going until every fucking drop is drained.

“Damn.” There isn’t much else I can say.

“Was it a good apology?” Ainsley leans back and grins.

“Best one ever.” I let out a long sigh.

“Can I please come now?” She twists on her knees.

“You’re damn right you can.” I lean forward and lift Ainsley up, sitting her on the edge of my desk. My hands move along her inner thighs until her legs are forced apart. The time for teasing is over. I got my reward, and it’s time for her to get the exact same thing. My lips move against her neck while I play with her tits, and then I begin to slowly lower myself to the floor. Her pussy is dripping wet, and when she realizes what I’m about to do, a gasp echoes in her throat.

I can’t wait to have a fucking taste.

Chapter Thirteen


Lawson has gone above and beyond my wildest expectations. None of my fantasies could’ve matched what he’s done to me tonight. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to have a fantasy that doesn’t involve him. I had no idea how far he could take me—how much he could make me squirm—or how punishment and pleasure could be one in the same.

Now I do, and I want more.

“I thought I was going to die before I got to come…” A sharp exhale follows my words, and Lawson kisses my inner thighs.

“The first time.” He looks up at me. “This pretty little pussy is going to come for me so many times tonight that you’re going to beg to take your next breath.”