“No, this is definitely the one.” Melanie beamed like she was already at the altar standing across from her husband-to-be. “I’ll take it.”

“Let me get some measurements. Will you be coming back to pick it up, or do you want me to ship it to you?” The sales associate picked up a measuring tape.

“I—I think I’d like to pick it up.” Melanie turned towards me. “Eliza, would you be up for another ro

ad trip in a couple of weeks?”

“Yeah, sure.” I shrugged and nodded. “Whatever you want.”

Another day on the road is another day not spent in Andalusia. I’ve got too many of them ahead of me to think about right now as it is.

The sales associate got all of Melanie’s measurements and then we left the store. I was still buzzing, and if I was buzzing, that meant Melanie definitely didn’t need to get behind the wheel of her car. We decided to have lunch at a cafe nearby, and I ordered coffee as soon as we sat down. It would help sober the both of us up. Melanie gushed about her dress, the wedding, Dave, and all of the things going right in her life. I was happy for her, even if I wasn’t able to really express it with the same enthusiasm that she was exuding. She was going to get her fairytale wedding, in a dress that would have made Snow White jealous. Hopefully, Dave knew how lucky he was because Melanie was going to be a beautiful bride.

“So, have you planned my bachelorette party yet?” Melanie tilted her head to the side inquisitively.

“Seriously? I just got back to town last night.” My eyebrows came together, and I shook my head. “Who am I going to invite anyway? Are any of the girls you hung out with in high school still around?”

“No, and I don’t want to hang out with them anyway. You were my only real friend.” She reached down to pick up the menu.

And I’m the shitty one that didn’t even want to come back for your wedding.

“I’ll figure something out.” I forced a smile and stared at the menu.

“I won’t complain if you get a couple of hot firefighters to come dance for us.” She giggled and bit down on her bottom lip. “The Anderson brothers are even hotter now than they were in high school.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” I scowled and quickly shook my head.

“I was kidding—or was I?” She faked a sinister laugh.

“If you mention them one more time, I’m calling Dave.” I shot her a glare.

“Fine.” She grumbled under her breath.

It would be easier if she knew why, but that’s not something I want to discuss. I’m having enough trouble just thinking about it.

* * *

Five years ago

“You know those things will kill you, right?” Hudson stepped outside on the back porch as I lit a cigarette.

“I’m trying to quit.” I turned towards him and grinned. “I only have one after sex, so really—this is all your fault.”

“You can’t lay all the blame on me.” He walked up and put his hand on my lower back. “You’re the one who was begging for round three.”

“I’ve got a reputation to live up to.” I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows. “I’m the school slut, remember?”

“Far from it.” He shook his head back and forth. “You know that’s not how we see you right?”

“I know what this is.” I leaned over and stubbed out my cigarette. “I also know that it all ends when the summer does.”

“Yeah…” He turned away from me and exhaled sharply.

What was that look in his eyes before he turned away?

“Right?” I put my hands on his hips and let my head rest against his shoulder.

“Because you’re leaving.” He folded his hand into mine. “California is a million miles away.”