“I want to feel you come.” Preston leaned forward and started kissing my neck as he continued to thrust himself inside me. “Come for me baby.”

“I’m almost there…” I gasped and wrapped my arms around him.

Preston’s thrusts were so good that I didn’t even really need to come. Just feeling his body crashing into mine was enough to send euphoria surging through my body. It wasn’t all I was going to feel though, because I could feel the pressure trying to build. It was harder to embrace it after cumming twice, but I craved another trip to paradise. His hips hammered his cock deep inside me. His lips on my neck magnified the pleasure. The pressure started to build faster. I was definitely going to come. Preston’s cock throbbed inside me and started to pulsate. Feeling those pulsations against my g-spot pushed me over the edge. My pussy spasmed and my weak muscles were forced to tense up again. My lips parted, and a scream rushed from my throat

. If the music downstairs hadn’t been so loud, everyone in the house would have heard the orgasmic bliss rush through my body.

“Oh god! I’m gonna come!” Preston threw his head back and roared with pleasure.

The orgasm was downright powerful. It took me to heaven and sent me crashing into the mattress as my body shook. He erupted inside me and filled the condom while my pussy milked the cum from his shaft. His thrusts started to slow, and the orgasm began to fade. My head spun, and my muscles were so weak that I wasn’t sure I could even move. He collapsed on top of me and kissed my neck several times before rolling off. They both slid close, wrapping their arms around my exhausted body. I didn’t realize how much I needed that kind of closeness, but at that moment, it was absolutely perfect. Everything else melted away. I allowed myself to feel vulnerable and let go of the fierce shell I closed around my heart after having it broken so many times by those I trusted.

I wish I could cling to this moment forever—even if it isn’t anything more than the afterglow of teenage lust.

* * *

The next morning

The Anderson brothers made good on their promise. They ravaged my body until the sun was peeking above the clouds. I could barely get my muscles to cooperate when I tried to put my jeans on and walking definitely reminded me of everything we did. I was sore but happy. I hated to leave without saying goodbye to them, but they were fast asleep. I told my foster family I would be staying with Melanie, but that created another problem—she would want to know where I went. It was one of those rare moments when I wished I actually had a cell phone. I hoped that she hadn’t called my foster family looking for me—then I would have to explain where I was to them as well. They had been incredibly kind to me, and I didn’t want to lie to them any more than I wanted to lie to Melanie, but I definitely couldn’t tell anyone where I spent graduation night.

“You’re leaving?” Hudson sat up as I walked towards the door.

“We’re probably the last ones here. I really don’t want to be here when the people who normally sleep in this bed show up.” I motioned to the room.

“Good point.” He nodded and nudged his brother. “Wake up, Preston. We need to go home.”

“What?” Preston rubbed his eyes as he sat up. “Nah, we’re good. Mike’s parents are on vacation for a week.”

“Either way, I’d like to do my walk of shame before the whole town wakes up.” I reached for the doorknob.

“Hold on, I’ll drive you home.” Hudson leaned over and grabbed his jeans.

“I need to go to Melanie’s house.” I turned back towards him.

It is a long walk…

“That’s fine. I’ll drop you off there.” He nodded and started putting on his shoes once he slid his gorgeous body into his clothes.

I knew how to sneak into Melanie’s house without getting caught. I had certainly done it enough over the years. Sometimes she was right there beside me, but a few times I found myself without a bed to sleep in and just crashed on her bedroom floor. I just needed to make it there before anyone in the house was awake—especially Melanie. I could tell her I left the party early and hung out at an all-night diner or something. She already knew I didn’t want to go to the party to begin with, so that would be believable—I hoped. I doubted she would ask many questions if I was there when she woke up. Hudson drove me to the end of her block, and I told him I would walk the rest of the way. I didn’t want him to drop me off in front of her house because Melanie would definitely recognize the car if she was awake.

“What are you planning to do now that high school is over?” Hudson looked over at me as his car came to a stop.

“I’m going to college in the fall.” I looked towards him and smiled.

“That’s several months away.” A grin slowly formed on the edge of his lips. “Does that mean we might get to see each other again?”

He wants to see me again?

“Maybe…” I nodded and opened the passenger side door.



Present day

“We’ve got a call.” I walked over and kicked my brother’s chair. “Wake up.”

“Fuck man, I finally closed my eyes.” Hudson grunted as he sat up.