
“Andalusia, Alabama…” I sighed and shook my head. “I never thought I would see this place again.”

I swore I would never return to the small southern town I grew up in. When I packed my car and left for college, it was supposed to be in my rearview mirror forever. The memories were too painful. There was nothing in my past that I wanted to revisit. I let go of it because I had to. It was the only way for me to survive and move on with my life. Andalusia was where I lost my parents—where a drunk driver claimed them long before their time. It was where I was bounced around from one foster home to the next until I graduated from high school. It was the last place on earth that I wanted to be. If only I had a choice—or at least one that would let me sleep at night without allowing Andalusia to create more regret.

“Damn it, Melanie. Why couldn’t you have a beach wedding like you always talked about?” I grumbled under my breath and pulled into the gas station at the edge of town.

Melanie was my best friend in the world and the only person from Andalusia I stayed in contact with once I left. I watched her perfect life unfold in photographs on social media for five years while I struggled to hold down a job and go to college. She was the one who made me come back because her boyfriend finally popped the question and she needed me to assist with the wedding plans—and stand by her side. It didn’t help that I was between jobs after graduating from college and getting laid off from the one I had while I worked towards my degree. That meant I didn’t even have a good reason to say no—not one that was anything more than personal. I was honored that she asked me to be her Maid of Honor, and I would have gladly done it anywhere except for Andalusia, but she wanted a hometown wedding—because that was what he wanted.

That’s why I’ll never fall in love. I don’t like to compromise. Love makes you forget who you are.

I filled my car up with gas and walked into the gas station I had visited more times than I could even remember. It was the closest one to the high school, and Old Man Wrigley never asked for ID. I bought cigarettes from him when I was fourteen and beer the day I got my driver’s license. The years had not been kind to him, and he looked like he had aged ten in the five I had been gone. Just like always, he didn’t even look up from his register when he rang up my purchase. I walked back to my car and sat down in the driver’s seat. My fingers fumbled with the pack of cigarettes I bought. I quit smoking the day I left Andalusia, so of course, I would feel that burning need again the second I passed the welcome sign. I immediately regretted lighting it, because it was awful and made me cough. I tossed it out the window and put my car in drive. Everything about Andalusia tasted like ashes in my mouth, even the addiction I used to find comfort in when my thoughts were consuming me.

At least it will be nice to see Melanie again. That’s one part of this trip that won’t leave a bitter taste behind.

* * *

“Eliza! Oh my god, you’re actually here!” Melanie ran up to my car and started pounding on the window as soon as I pulled in her driveway.

“Hey, Melanie!” I stepped out of the car and she nearly tackled me to the ground before I could get my footing.

“Did you pack your whole apartment up?” She leaned past the hug and looked in my backseat.

“I have to do your makeup, right? I needed everything.” I nudged her playfully and opened the back door. “Since I’m your guest, you can carry the heavy stuff.”

The truth was that I didn’t have an apartment anymore. I had been staying in a hotel for several weeks after my lease ran out. The few pieces of furniture I had were in a storage unit, and I had already made arrangements to have it delivered if I wasn’t able to go back to get them. I was scared to sign a new lease until I had a job because there was a chance I would need to relocate. That meant almost everything I owned was in the back seat of my car, just like it was the day I left Andalusia. That was exactly where it would be once she said her vows because I didn’t plan to stay a second longer than I had to. I had no idea where I would go, but it would be a lot better than Andalusia, even if it was nice to see Melanie again.

Now, if only I can get some downtime while I’m here to send out my resume to a few more places.

“Where are your parents?” I looked around the empty house once all of my stuff was inside.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you? My Dad got a new job in Florida and they had to move down there.” She did a little twirl. “That means we have the whole house to ourselves until Dave moves in.”

“Wait, you’re getting married and living in the house you grew up in?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “Don’t you want to get your own place?”