“What!?” She nearly choked on her soda and grabbed a napkin when some drizzled down her chin.

“Don’t play games. I saw the way you looked at me earlier. You can’t wait for me to talk you out of your panties.” I picked up my drink and took a sip.

“Wow, you’re—very forward.” She scooted her chair back a little bit and swallowed hard.

“I know what I want and I don’t waste any time, baby.” I put my drink down and grinned again. “Why fight it? You want the same thing I do.”

“I should probably be going.” She turned and started to stand.

“Come on, don’t leave.” I reached out took her hand. “At least eat your food.”

Fuck, maybe I went a little too far. I’m not usually this bad at reading someone.

“Okay.” She settled back her seat and picked up her cheeseburger. “Only because it’s rude to waste food that someone bought for you—even if they do think a trip to the food court is an actual date that should end in the bedroom.”

“This isn’t a date.” I scoffed and shook my head. “This is just two people eating some delicious fast food and making plans for dessert—that won’t be served in the food court, trust me.”

“I don’t do dessert.” She shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

Her body language seemed to lose the nervousness that it had when I walked back to the table. It wasn’t necessarily disinterest, but I could tell that I made her uncomfortable. I mentally kicked myself for taking it too far. Leave it to me to screw up the first chance I had to actually get laid in Georgia by acting like a horny teenager. I tried to be a little more charming and lay off the innuendos—or just straight up assumptions—as we continued to eat. She warmed up a little bit, especially after I told her that I didn’t have a girlfriend, and by the time she finished her food, she was actually laughing. That was a very good sign. I was going to have to play it a little slower than I wanted, but I wasn’t ready to give up. She was pretty good company and made me laugh a few times too. It definitely took my mind off the six-hour shift I had ahead of me in the red suit.

“Okay, I really should be going now. Thank you for dinner.” She smiled and reached for her purse.

“Let me get your phone number at least.” I picked up my cell phone. “Please?”

“Well—since you said please.” She reached over and took my phone. “If you send me a dick-pic though—I’m blocking your number on the spot.”

“I won’t, I promise.” I chuckled under my breath and waited for her to hand me my phone back, but she was typing something that was longer than just a phone number.

I want you to see the real thing, not a picture.

“Okay, there you go. Bye!” She stood, grimaced when she put weight on her injured leg, but then started walking away without any issues once she put my phone down on the table.

“Bye.” I picked up my phone and my mouth fell open when I read the message she typed into the notes section.

Dear Santa,


e put me on the naughty list.

Holly - 678-555-1789


I thought I was going to chicken out before I finished typing the message, but I didn’t. It took every bit of willpower I had to keep my hand from shaking when I put down the phone, and even more willpower not to immediately grab it before he got a chance to read the message. I was about to play with fire, and I wasn’t being careful—I was walking headfirst into an inferno. I was initially put off by how forward Andy was, but once he calmed his libido enough to have a normal conversation, I felt the desire roaring to life. The guy I had a crush on—the one I lusted after when I saw him changing—he could be mine. It wasn’t going to be a relationship or any sort of commitment, but he was too hot to resist. I was finally going to get my cherry popped, and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

I guess I won’t be needing this vibrator after all.

If Andy was walking around in the mall while Santa was in his chair, that meant that he was probably going to be swapping with his twin brother at some point—if they did that every day. It would be several hours before Andy had a chance to contact me, so I went home and tried to distract myself with anything but thoughts of him. I had a little bit of turmoil boiling inside me. I didn’t take sex likely, but I couldn’t stifle the instantaneous attraction I had for the gorgeously inked bad boy with a filthy mouth. I was practically offering myself to him without even fully thinking it through. It was easy to lust after him from afar and follow him around the mall with my panties getting wet between my thighs, but actually taking it further—that was going to be uncharted territory. Was I ready to become the kind of girl that met a guy and slept with him before I even knew his last name?

I’m going to talk myself out of this if I don’t find some kind of distraction. Fuck!

Each minute that passed started to fill me up with doubt. I was teetering between confidence over the fact I was strong enough to pursue what I wanted and fear of losing my virginity to some guy I didn’t know. He would always be my first—I would never forget him. That was going to be hard enough already because he was so fucking gorgeous and enticing—even if I didn’t sleep with him, he would be in my dreams. As soon as Christmas break was over, I would be on my way back to school. I certainly wouldn’t be hanging around my hometown for some guy I just met. What did mall Santas even do when the holiday season was over? He was pretty young to be wearing the suit, but it was a damn good one. It resembled one that would be in movies instead of a Santa that sat in a mall.

My mind is spinning out of control. Now I’m trying to analyze the finer points of a mall Santa. I need to get my head on straight if I’m going to go through with this.

I wasn’t even brave enough to walk through the curtains at Spencer’s without giving myself a pep talk. Did I really have the courage to meet up with Andy? I sat there lost in my thoughts for so long that I lost track of time. I didn’t need dinner, but it would be a few more hours before I actually met up with Andy—if I went through with it. I realized that I was letting lust cloud my judgment. I was only thinking about the physical aspect of what I craved—the bad boy with the beautiful ink. I needed to get those urges out of my system so I could think about what could happen with a clear head. My mind went back to the vibrator. It was still in the bag on the kitchen counter. It could give me a little clarity—take the edge off if nothing else.