I pulled out my phone and started searching for the best type of vibrator that wouldn’t actually penetrate me. The search results were pretty graphic, but not as graphic as what I planned to watch once I got back to my house. Several pages mentioned wand vibrators and recommended a brand called Hitachi. I scanned the shelves and found the name, but then I took a step back when I realized it was almost eighty dollars to buy one. That certainly wasn’t an option. My budget was much lower than that. I looked at the shape and got a good idea of how it worked. I just needed the bargain basement version of it. I found one called a Mini Diamond Wand Massager that came in several colors. It was less than twenty dollars, and the reviews were good, so I grabbed it.

Okay, now that I know what I want to buy—I just have to go through the curtain and make the purchase.

I stood at the entrance for several seconds and then peeked through the middle of it to see if there was anyone in the store. There were a lot more people there than when I walked behind the curtain. There was also a line at the register. I didn’t want to be awkwardly standing in line holding a vibrator, so I waited until the register was empty and darted towards it. The girl behind the counter was younger than me and didn’t even blink when I handed her the sex toy. She rang it up, took my debit card, and a few seconds later, I was punching in my pin number. She handed me the bag, and even though the vibrator was hidden from view, I still blushed when I walked out of the store. I just needed to get home before I ran into anyone I knew—especially someone who might ask what I bought at Spencer’s.

Oh my god. It’s him—well, one of him.

I walked past several stores and saw the drop dead gorgeous mall Santa, out of uniform, casually walking through the mall. He wasn’t on duty, which meant his twin must be the one in the chair. I had to assume they swapped places for some reason, which explained why they were changing behind the mall where very few people went unless they parked that far out. He paused to look into one of the stores and I realized I was going to have to walk past him in order to leave the mall. I wanted to meet him so bad when I first saw him, and it was easy to have a crush on someone from afar, but I wasn’t sure what I would do if he actually looked at me. I didn’t have to wonder long. He turned his head as I approached and his beautiful ocean-blue eyes locked directly on mine.

“Hey.” He gave me a nod.

“Hello.” I returned the nod—we were just strangers passing each other—nothing more.

I swallowed hard when I walked past him. It was a friendly greeting and a meaningless nod of his head. He probably only said something because we made eye contact. I quickened my pace and my heart started to beat hard in my chest. Why did he have to be so fucking beautiful? Why did his eyes have to be so amazing? Why did one single look and a solitary word out of his mouth make my panties practically liquefy between my legs? I wanted to break out into a full-on run, but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.

Except that’s exactly what I did—because my hurried pace, my racing heart, and my spinning thoughts made me ignore the bench in front of me until I rammed the wood with my shin and tripped over it. I caught the bench with my hand as I fell and avoided face-planting on the floor, but I dropped my bag—and my purse. My bag tumbled onto the floor and the vibrator shifted out of the top. My purse didn’t dump everything on the floor, but a few items were laying at my feet. My face turned red with embarrassment as people just sidestepped the Christmas klutz who nearly lost a few teeth in the middle of their holiday rush.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” It was him—he was the only one who ran to my rescue.

“Yeah, I think so.” I stood up and rubbed my shin. “Ow.”

“Here let me get your things.” He bent down to pick up my purse and the stuff that had fallen out of it.

Oh no—the vibrator. Please don’t look over there—too late.

“Your um, bag.” He picked up the vibrator, pushed it into the bag, and handed it to me.

I’m literally going to die of embarrassment.

“Thanks. That’s not mine.” I took the bag. “I mean, it is mine, but it’s not for me.”

Yeah, that makes sense. Who buys a vibrator for themselves? Obviously, I bought it for a friend.

“Of course.” He chuckled under his breath and nodded.

“Dirty Santa!” I said the words so loud I practically yelled at them. “It’s for a Dirty Santa party.”

“I’m Andy.” He extended his hand.

Andy. I have a name to go with this delicious fantasy.

“Oh, yeah.” I shook his hand quickly. “I’m Holly.”

His skin is rough and his hand is calloused. Damn it feels so good on mine.

“Nice to meet you. Are you able to walk?” He motioned to my leg.

“Yeah, I think so.” I took a step and felt a sharp pain shoot through my shin. “Ow.”

“Why don’t we walk—well, I’ll walk and you hobble—over to the food court? I’m sure it’s a lot closer than your car and you should probably rest that for a few minutes before you brave the parking lot.” He motioned to the food court with his hand.

Is he—asking me on a date? Wait, he’s asking on a date to the food court? That’s not a date for anyone older than fifteen.

“Yeah, okay.” I nodded and took another step. “I don’t think it’s broken.”

“Here, let me help.” He took my hand and gave me a little support as I took my next step.

He had his hands on me. I had dreamed of that moment from the very first time I saw him—or was it even him? It could have been his twin brother changing in the parking lot that first caught my eye. They were definitely identical—although I wasn’t sure if they had the same ink. I really didn’t get a chance to look at it closely enough to know if it was unique. That wouldn’t matter in a Santa suit, but it might be a way for me to tell them apart. I looked at the designs on the arm that was supporting me. He had several red roses with hints of yellow on top of his forearm, and thorns that wrapped around a huge skull at the bottom of his forearm. The skull was very well done and looked almost realistic except for the fangs that protruded from the top of the mouth and extended over the bottom jaw in a grotesque fashion. I had always been a fan of macabre art, so I thought it was pr