“What me to wrap it up for you?” She held up the box and handed me the receipt to sign.

“Yes, that would be great. Thank you.” I nodded quickly.

“This will only take a minute.” She walked over a small counter, wrapped the box, and put it in the bag.

“I really appreciate your help.” I reached out and took the bag once it was on the counter in front of me.

“No problem. Thank you for shopping at Young’s Jewelry, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season—Mr. Christmas.” She giggled again, unable to hold it in.

“You too.” I sighed and turned to leave the store.

And that’s why I should carry cash.

When I walked out of the jewelry store and looked at my watch, I realized that I still had some time to kill before I needed to meet Andy and change into the suit. My Dad’s gift was already taken care of, and I really didn’t have anyone else to shop for. My parents handled all the aunts, uncles and cousins, so their gifts were wrapped and under the tree. I decided to do a little window shopping, which was really just an excuse to check out some of the gorgeous southern belles. My family was originally from Minnesota, and we went to school in Michigan, so I was still adjusting to the southern accents, but damn if they weren’t sexy as fuck. Like Andy, I wanted a sink my dick into a beautiful Georgia peach before Christmas break was over and hear her scream my name with a southern flair.

Okay, that’s the kind of girl I’m looking for.

I walked up to Spencer’s and saw two girls browsing the aisles, picking up various adult themed novelty items. The one that really caught my attention was a curvy brunette with honey-colored highlights. She had a pair of tits that stretched the front of her t-shirt so tight I could already imagine how gorgeous they were behind the fabric. Her ass was a perfect upside down heart, stuffed into a pair of jeans that would look much better on the floor than on her hips. I had to take a step back from the window when she looked my way, just so she wouldn’t see me staring. I was instantaneously mesmerized and I wanted to know her name, her birthday, her favorite color, and her life story in fast forward so I could get right to the part that made my dick twitch in my pants. I stared at her so long I almost forgot that I needed to meet Andy, and when time caught up to my imagination, I realized I had to book it or we were going to be late.

Fuck—I guess I’ll see you in my dreams, gorgeous.

I walked at a brisk pace until I got outside and then darted around to the back of the mall. It was cold as fuck, and I wasn’t looking forward to changing clothes in the parking lot, but it was a lot better than spending twelve hours in the Santa Claus suit. Andy was late, and I kept staring at my watch, wondering if he was coming. When he finally appeared, I was in a foul mood and cold. We tried changing in the bathroom the first time we traded the suit, but the manager almost caught us. While he was cool with one of us handling things for our father, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t appreciate us swapping since he was only writing one name on the check. As far as he knew, Andy was his Santa Claus for the season.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” I grumbled under my breath as I peeled off my shirt and he removed the Santa Claus coat.

“I got stuck with some kid that had a Christmas list as long as my fucking leg. I thought about just telling him he was on the naughty list and sending him back to his parents.” Andy started unbuttoning the girdle which added a few pounds in the abdominal area of the suit.

“Dad really needs to get a Santa suit that isn’t so fucking complicated.” I took the girdle, strapped it on, and pulled my t-shirt on over the top.

Andy and I bickered as we continued to swap clothes, but we managed to get changed before I needed to get back inside the mall—not that it stopped Andy from freaking out in the process. Neither of us wanted to fuck up the job for our Dad, even if we weren’t eager to do it in the first place. I started walking and began to regret putting the Santa pants on over my jeans, but I couldn’t exactly strip down to my boxers in the parking lot. The two assistants that were dressed as elves quickly ushered me to the chair once I was on the stage. I smiled, waved, and made sure the beard was firmly in place before sitting down. I was going to have to wear a smile for the next six hours, but I wasn’t going to enjoy it.

Alright, time to let a bunch of fucking kids tell me how many ponies they want this year.


A few days later

My parents left on their Caribbean cruise, and I had the house to myself. When I was in high school, I would have killed to have the house to myself for that long, but it wasn’t nearly as enticing after being away at a college for an entire semester. I literally sat alone in my living room for an hour just trying to think of something I could do with my newfound freedom. I could raid the liquor cabinet, but I wasn’t much of a drinker. I did enjoy a glass of wine from time-to-time when my roommate had a bottle, but I generally didn’t seek it out on my own. Alcohol usually made me tired, and when I did go to parties, I only had a couple of beers at most. I did smoke a few cigarettes in high school, but I didn’t really enjoy them that much. Drugs were definitely out the question. The one time I tried marijuana, I got so buzzed it felt like my head was spinning in circles, and I ate everything in my dorm room.

It’s a good thing I don’t want to actually be on the naughty list this year because I’m as boring as a nun—well, maybe not.

There was one thing I could do—one thing I definitely couldn’t do when my parents were around. I could buy a sex toy. Just thinking about it made my pussy start to tingle. I could even take things to the next level and watch porn while I used it. Not just pictures of hot guys like I normally did—I could download some filthy stuff and watch it on the big screen in the living room. That was what I was going to do. I didn’t care if it was juvenile or over the top, I needed to do something with the freedom I had for the next couple of weeks. I showered and got dressed as fast as I could, practically vibrating with excitement. I already knew who I was going to be thinking about when I touched my pussy with a vibrator for the first time too—the sexiest mall Santa in the world—both of them.

Okay, just walk into Spencer’s and buy the toy like an adult. It doesn’t have to be awkward. People do this every single day.

I wasn’t brave enough to actually go across town to the sex shop that specializes in the kind of toy I wanted. Spencer’s would have to do. The best toys weren’t on display for the general public to see, despite the fact they had things so dirty Beth was afraid to walk in the house with them sitting near the entrance. In order to get to the good stuff, I had to go behind a small curtain and while I walked into the mall with all the courage in the world, I hesitated once I got near it. I wanted a sex toy—I wanted to try one. I just needed one final dose of courage to push me through the curtain and actually go through with it. I browsed the other items in the store and looked at the stuff that I had no intention of buying while I tried to muster the mental fortitude to take the steps that would get me behind the curtain.

If I’m not mature enough to actually go through the curtain, then I probably d

on’t deserve a sex toy, to begin with. Fuck.

My parents were out of town for two weeks. I was going to be all alone in the house. There was no reason for me not to buy a sex toy. My roommate had one. I had seen the vibrator once when I went looking for a pen in her room. I had never actually heard her use it, so I assumed she only used it when I wasn’t in the room—I hoped, anyway. My eyes darted around the store so much that the girl behind the counter probably thought I was planning to steal something. I didn’t expect to be so fucking nervous. I thought it would be easy to just walk in, grab something that looked fun, and walk out with it in a discreet black bag. I waited until the store was almost empty except for a couple of teenagers that didn’t appear to be looking my way at all. This was my moment. I took a deep breath and darted through the curtain.

Holy sex overload, Batman.

I wasn’t in heaven—unless heaven was dirty as fuck and Saint Peter was having an orgy at the pearly gates. It still might as well have been utopia. Two aisles of perpetual bliss wrapped in plastic—well, some of them weren’t even wrapped. I walked up to the section of vibrators and stared at the abundance of options. I wasn’t sure I wanted one that would actually penetrate me, no matter how excited the thought of it was. My pussy was way too tight for anything that was bigger than my finger, and I my hymen was mostly intact. I couldn’t even use a tampon when Aunt Flo came to visit because it hurt too much to put one in. I needed something that could do what my finger normally did—directly stimulate my clit until the flood of pleasure sent me into euphoria. I hoped the vibrator would make that feeling even better.

There are so many options here. Which one do I choose? I need an expert. Too bad I don’t have one on standby—but I do have Google.