I wasn’t sure if the switch was going to turn me on the same way that Andy’s hand did. Being over his knee for a spanking was a little different than bending over to have a length of hickory wood used on my ass. It looked like it would sting a lot worse than his hand—plus I didn’t know what his real intentions were. He seemed to be playing around, but he had spanked me pretty hard the last time I was over his knee—not that I complained except when he refused to put out the fire that he started. It didn’t seem like I was going to escape the situation I was in unless I let him have a few swings with the switch. Perhaps submission would get me a little mercy—it wasn’t like I had truly been that naughty—except when I was with them.

“Okay, fine.” I held up my hands in surrender.

“Back of the couch.” Andy pointed with the switch.

I walked over to the couch, but I kept one eye on Andy. My heart was beating in my chest a little more than I expected. I bent over the couch and waited. Andy walked over and pushed a hand under my stomach, quickly unbuttoning my jeans. He slid them down to my knees and my panties followed. Zach walked to the edge of the kitchen and had a smirk on his face as he watched his twin brother prepare me for my punishment. Andy took a step back and tapped my ass with the switch. I expected the next thing I felt to be a sting, but instead, he just started to trace the curve of my ass and down the back of my thighs. It was almost like a feather brushing against my skin and tickled a little bit. When I finally felt him pull it away, I prepared for the sting again, only get a few more pats. A second later, I got three quick taps that were hard enough to be felt, but they weren’t serious in any way.

“Do you feel like a good girl now?” Andy chuckled and rubbed my ass with his hand.

“That was it?” I looked over my shoulder in surprise.

“Yes, I just wanted you to trust me enough to bend over.” He slid a hand between my thighs and lightly rubbed my pussy. “You didn’t think I was going to actually use this thing on you—right?”

“I—I wasn’t sure.” I raised an eyebrow and moaned.

Now that I got all worked up for it, I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t at least find out how it felt.

“Did you want me to?” He rubbed me a little harder.

“Maybe just one.” I moaned louder and wiggled my ass against him.

“Okay, you asked for it.” He chuckled and pulled his hand away from my pussy.


“Ow!” I jumped up and rubbed my ass the instant that I felt the switch crash into me for the first time.

“Too much?” He started rubbing my pussy again.

“Just—different.” I looked over my shoulder at him and grinned. “Maybe you should save that until I’m really naughty.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure out a way.” He chuckled and tossed the switch down on the table next to the couch.

Andy barely teased before he went to the kitchen to start making Christmas dinner. I pulled up my jeans and sat down on the couch. My eyes drifted to the snow globe and a smile spread across my face. I still couldn't believe that we got each other the same gift. It was perfect when I saw it, and apparently, they thought the same thing when they went shopping for a gift. Zach walked into the living room once Andy took over in the kitchen and put a couple of logs in the fireplace. Once it was lit, he joined me on the couch and I cuddled in his arms. I wouldn’t have much more of that. They were leaving early the next morning. I didn’t want to face that reality, but I didn’t have a choice. All I could do was enjoy the last night I had with the men that had changed my perspective on what I previously believed a relationship could be.

“If law school doesn’t work out, you could totally become a chef.” I leaned back from the table and smiled. “I’m not even sure I have room for pie.”

“There’s always room for pie.” Zach looked at me like I had just told him something incredibly offensive.

Andy got the pie and even though I was stuffed, I still managed to force down a few bites before I finally had to give up. It was delicious, but I was going to be sick if I kept eating it. Zach scarfed his down without a second thought and Andy stabbed at his aimlessly between bites. The conversation turned to a somber one when they started talking about their trip the next day. They still needed to pack, and even though I wasn’t looking forward to losing them, I still wanted to help. They hadn’t brought much, but they wouldn’t be coming back to Georgia for a while, so all of it had to be put in their suitcases. Watching everything being placed inside those suitcases broke my heart, and when they were zipped up and put down by the door, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Tears started streaming down my face.

“Come here.” Andy wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t cry.”

“I know it’s stupid.” I leaned against his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” Zach walked over and put his hand on my lower back. “We’re going to miss you too.”

The three of us hugged like we were already saying goodbye. As much as I wanted them, none of us seemed to have the same fire for the passion that we had when we were together the previous nights. We went to the bedroom and just laid in the bed, locked in an embrace. I was glad that I seemed to be more to them than just a holiday fling that they wanted to fuck until the very last second they got on a plane, but it didn’t make it any easier. Losing them was going to tear my world apart—a world I didn’t even know could exist before I came home for the holidays. We finally fell asleep and I dreamed of being apart from them with two holes in my heart that simply couldn’t be healed. I woke up the next morning to find them already dressed and tending to things around the house. I dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee as I stared down the barrel of the inevitable.

“Would you mind driving us to the airport?” Zach walked into the kitchen and sighed. “I know that’s a lot to ask right now.”

“No, it’s not. Of course, I’ll drive you.” I nodded quickly. “I’m sure that would be better than leaving your SUV at the airport.”

I helped them load everything into the SUV and drove them to the airport in Atlanta, which appeared to be a total madhouse. I was surprised they were even able to get flights considering how many people were waiting in line just to drop off their bags. It was going to be a sorrowful goodbye, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold back the tears. We had carefully avoided any discussion about the future because we all understood what the reality was. I was glad they didn’t lie to me, even if a lie would have probably eased some of my sorrow at that moment. I parked the car because I wanted to go with them, and stay as long as possible—at least until they had to go through security.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” Andy put his arms around and pressed his lips to my forehead. “So fucking much.”

“I’ll miss you too.” I sighed and leaned against his shoulder. “Both of you.”