in the past, but he was finally ready to embrace it again. I just wished I could be the one who claimed those hearts as my own.

Later that day

“Oh my goodness, I love it!” Beth looked like a kid on Christmas morning and nearly started to cry when she saw the ornament. “I thought about buying it myself when I was in the mall the other day, but they were already sold out!”

“I figured your parents would forget that you wanted this Snow White ornament, or forget until the last minute.” I smiled and nodded.

“They did, trust me. I mentioned that I might buy it, and my mother told me to go ahead—she’d even wrap it for me.” Beth groaned but immediately started laughing again as she pulled it close to her chest. “Okay, time for you to open your present.”

I nearly teared up just like Beth when I tore open the box and saw what she got me. It was a memory from childhood, a picture of us when we were kids, hanging out by the treehouse in her backyard. What I didn’t know until she told me the story, was that the frame was actually made from the wood that was used to build the treehouse. Her parents had finally decided to tear it down, and she had someone local create two pictures frames so that we would always have those memories with us. I couldn’t hold back the tears after that. It was incredibly thoughtful and in a way, a symbol of our childhood that would always be so incredibly special to the two of us. We had a lot of good memories in that treehouse and even spent the night there a few times when our parents would agree to it during the summer.

“This is amazing.” I hugged the picture and smiled through my tears. “You always give me the best presents.”

“I’m glad you like it. I love mine!” She held out the ornament and stared at it. “They are releasing a new one next year, and the price always gets crazy when they’re discontinued. This is probably the last year I would have been able to get it.”

“Maybe your parents will actually get you the next one before it goes out of stock.” I grinned and wiped away a few tears.

“I doubt it.” She groaned and shook her head. “Things are so fucking crazy at home right now. I don’t even want to go back.”

“Hang out with me then.” I leaned back against the couch and shrugged. “It’s not like I’m doing anything.”

Not until much later tonight at least…

“Do you want to go to the mall and stalk Santa Claus, or did you decide to give up on that after realizing he had a girlfriend?” Beth giggled and turned towards me on the couch.

“He doesn’t have a girlfriend.” I shook my head back and forth. “He was buying a present for his Mom.”

“Wait—hold on.” Beth leaned forward and grabbed my arm as her head tilted to the side inquisitively. “What haven’t you told me?”

I couldn’t keep the secret from Beth, and truthfully, I needed to tell someone. It felt like a dream until I said the words out loud. Her mouth fell open in shock when I told her about meeting Andy—and her jaw was rolling across the floor when she found out he had a twin brother named Zach. I hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet, and she was already speechless. Once I told her that I went to their house—and ended up in bed with them both, I thought her eyes were going to bulge out of her head. I understood because I was still floating on a cloud myself, unsure if it was just some fantasy I cooked up, or the best reality imaginable. Talking about it let me bring all of that into focus, even if it did leave Beth with a dumbfounded stare on her face once I was done telling her everything.

“You—you lost your virginity—to two guys?” She stammered over her words as she spoke.

“I did.” I nodded and I couldn’t suppress the grin on my face.

“That’s so fucking scandalous! I didn’t know you had it in you!” Her shocked expression finally shifted to a half-smile. “Wow!”

“I didn’t know it myself until I met Andy and Zach. They really are amazing. I wish you could meet them.” I sighed and shrugged. “Unfortunately, it’ll probably be nothing more than a holiday fling once I head back to school.”

“That sucks because they really do sound awesome.” She leaned back against the couch, still shaking her head in surprise. “I’ve never even considered something like that, and I thought I was the freaky one.”

I left out a few details that would clinch that title, but I can’t share the most intimate moments—I’ve already said more than I’ll ever admit to anyone else.

“I guess I’m finally coming out of my shell.” I nodded quickly.

“You definitely are.” She giggled and nodded. “I’m going to have to put a leash on you next year! Who knows how many guys you will end up fucking!”

Beth and I continued talking for a while, and she made several jokes at my expense, but they were all in good fun. We decided to watch a movie, and I found one that starred Andy and Zach’s grandfather. The family resemblance was there, especially in those ocean-blue eyes. You could tell that he truly enjoyed being Santa Claus and it wasn’t just a chore to put on the suit. I had started to see that same glimmer in Zach’s eyes. He might end up following the family tradition, even if he didn’t expect it initially. After the movie, Beth had so many missed messages from home that she had to dive back into the chaos. I stretched out on the couch for a little bit and then realized that I probably needed to go to the mall.

If Zach and Andy do get me something, I should at least have something that I can give them in return.

The mall was so packed that I could barely move through the crowd, and I considered going somewhere with fewer shoppers on a mad dash for last minute items, but I really wanted to go to Things Remembered. It was cheesy to get them something sentimental, especially after our short time together, but I wanted them to know that I cared about them. It might be nothing more than a fond memory, but I didn’t care. I looked around the store until I found a snow globe that had a mall Santa in it, surrounded by kids. I grabbed two globes and had the girl behind the counter engrave Sometimes it’s Nice to be Naughty on the front of them. She gave me a bewildered look but did as I requested. I was ready to go, but I couldn’t help swinging by the middle of the mall to see if Santa Claus was in his chair.

Hmm, his break is coming up—maybe I can stick around long enough to say hello.

I headed to the car and dropped off the snow globes because I didn’t want to risk him seeing them before Christmas morning. When I got back, he was already gone from the chair, and I was afraid I wasn’t going to get to see him. It took some convincing, but the guard near the back part of the mall eventually let me in once I told him that Zach was one of my friends. I turned the corner to the dressing area and saw him removing the beard. He twisted the top off a bottle of water and guzzled some of it before turning around to see me. His face immediately lit up and he extended his arms as I approached.

“A personal visit?” He hugged me as tight as he could.