“Now you get to find out what happens to good girls—it’s even better than being naughty.” He positioned himself and drove his cock into me.

The journey was some twisted game to make me stop being naughty? Being naughty was so much fun. I fell hard against the mattress once his thrusts picked up to a pace that exceeded any of the ones that came before them. He hammered himself deep as his body crashed into mine. Everything inside of me was tingling. The pressure was threatening to burst through my body, and it choked my breath out of me. For a moment, I wondered if he would just keep going if I passed out, but I was locked in ecstasy—nothing could pull me away from that glorious feeling. The pressure got so intense that my muscles started trying to cramp. I blinked through the pain, screamed through the pleasure, and begged for him to fuck me as hard as he could. I got exactly what I asked for. I felt the first twinge of an orgasm rising and even the build was incredible. It sent chain reactions through my body that felt like explosions of bliss teasing every nerve. I wasn’t going to just cum—I was going to be devoured by my own lust.

“Oh god!” I screamed so loud if felt like the whole house was shaking.

“Cum for me—show me how a good girl gets to cum.” His cock throbbed and pulsated deep within my pussy, making g-spot shoot currents of bliss through my body.

My orgasm was so fierce that there was no comparison to anything on earth or in the heavens above. My eyes went dark and I realized that I was blind—literally blind. My eyes were wide open, but all I could see was darkness. My ears stopped registering sound, even though I knew I was screaming. The only sense left was touch and that was on fire. I spiraled into sensory deprivation with everything gone except for the adrenaline forcing me to feel on a whole new level. I felt every throb of his cock like shards of pure euphoria ripping apart what I thought I knew of pleasure. There was no end to the orgasm. It wasn’t multiple ones stacked on top of each other—it was just a long one that seemed t

o go on for infinity. Space and time became nothingness. The only thing that existed was the two of us—we transcended it all.

Is it over? I can’t even tell. I might be in my body or floating above it, still vibrating with reverberations of bliss.

The light came back suddenly like my soul had been sucked from the nether void of the abyss. The orgasm wasn’t over. It was still destroying me. My lips weren’t silent. My mouth was open so wide my jaw ached and I was screaming. My sense of touch started to dull as I felt the other senses return. Once they did, the orgasm finally started to subside. The condom was filled with so much cum, it sounded like a rock when it landed in the garbage can beside the bed. I fell forward without even bothering to try and break my fall, but before my face slammed into the mattress, I was in Andy’s arms. He pulled me against his chest as we sank into the mattress together. I was hyperventilating, struggling for sweet oxygen, and my heart was beating so hard that I thought it was going to explode. We lay there in silence for long enough for both of us to recover slightly, and the afterglow of my orgasm was like a sweet drug I never wanted to escape from. I felt bare and exposed, but totally safe in Andy’s powerful arms.

“Maybe being a good girl isn’t so bad.” My eyes slowly parted and I tried to smile, but my lips were numb.

“I like naughty girls, but good girls can have just as much fun.” His fingers traced my body and he lightly kissed my forehead. “Now you know the difference.”

“I thought you wanted me to be naughty.” I put my hand on his and circled one of his thick knuckles.

“Only with me—and Zach.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. “You can be as naughty as you want to be if you are willing to pay the price.”

“If it comes with that kind of reward, I’ll probably pay any price.” I exhaled sharply, finally feeling the air easily moving in and out of my lungs. “You can’t turn me into a good girl if I don’t do a few naughty things first.”

“You really are incredible.” He chuckled under his breath. “I—no, I shouldn’t say that.”

“Say what?” I turned my head towards him. “Is something wrong.”

“No, I just don’t want to pretend this is more than what it is.” He sighed and shook his head.

“Just say it.” I nudged him slightly. “You can tell me anything—I’m a good girl after all.”

“No, you’re more than that. You’re an incredible woman. The kind that makes me think about things I know are ridiculous.” His eyes closed and dropped his head against the pillow. “I’ve never fallen for anyone before—but, fuck—I’ve never been this close and we just met.”

“Those words come with a lot of complications, Andy.” I put my head on his chest.

Complications that I’m scared to admit that I wish we could face together—the three of us.

“I know, which is why I didn’t want to say them. Forget I said anything. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together.” He kissed my forehead. “The best way to enjoy the next couple of hours is by sleeping.”

“You won’t get a single argument from me.” I closed my eyes and nodded. “I could sleep here forever.”

I knew that what Andy said was impossible. Even if he fell for me, what if Zach didn’t feel the same way? I wasn’t sure I was at that point, but damn if it didn’t feel good to have his arms around me. I never knew how much I needed someone in my life until I met the two of them. It was going to be hard to watch them leave, pack my stuff, and head back to college. They had brought things to the surface I was scared to endure alone. Was it even possible to feel that kind of connection with someone else? My perception of love may have been ruined because I chased my lust until my virginity was claimed by two amazing men. I couldn’t think about that because what I really needed was sleep. My body was exhausted and there was no way I was going to be able to go shopping with them or even walk straight if I didn’t get some rest. I was glad we had most of the day to recover after what he did to me because I ached even more than I did after losing my virginity.

Just go to sleep. Don’t think about what he said. Don’t think about the things that you want to say. It’s crazy. It’s impossible.


The taste of Holly’s lips was still on mine as I went to work at the mall. It was nice not to have to worry about swapping the suit in the freezing cold, even if it did mean I was in the chair all day pretending to be Santa Claus. I found some semblance of solace in the job, and the previous day wasn’t that bad, so I was willing to give it a go again. I wondered if my Dad always loved putting on the suit or if there was a time when he struggled with the same things Andy and I did in the beginning. Andy definitely wasn’t ready to wear the suit for an entire day, but he was finding a little bit of holiday cheer. The fact he didn’t balk at the thought of foregoing Christmas with our parents to hand out gifts at the orphanage was proof of that. I definitely wanted him by my side, because I wanted him to experience the same feeling of joy I knew I would have.

If Holly joins us, then that will make it even sweeter.

Even as I sat in the chair and listened to kids tell me what they wanted for Christmas, my mind was constantly on the beautiful woman who shared our bed the previous night. She was perfect in every way and my fantasy even before I met her. It was too bad I didn’t meet her when we were at the mall—before Andy. She was the kind of girl I could see myself settling down with once college was over. She was sweet, kind, and so delicious that thinking about her made my body tingle—the perfect combination of naughty when it counted and nice when it mattered. If I was the one that met her first, I wasn’t sure I would have ever shared her with Andy. I loved my brother, but Holly was a treasure. I wasn’t normally a greedy guy, but I could see myself being extremely protective of Holly—especially around Andy.

The possibility of that was erased before I ever had a chance to get attached—and now I’m worried I may still get attached to her.

I had been in love. I knew the connection two people had when they fell head over heels in love instead of lust. None of the girls I had been with since my breakup came close to bringing those kinds of thoughts to the surface until I felt Holly’s lips against mine. It was an instantaneous attraction and felt like fate handing me something incredible while telling me not to question the rhyme or reason. If someone would have walked up and told me I accidentally stumbled into a fairy tale, I might have believed them. I was helping orphans, falling in love with Christmas, and suddenly there was a woman who brought my ultimate fantasies to life in my arms—except my twin brother was there too. I could share a girl with him, but it wasn’t something we could build a foundation on. As awesome as Holly was, she would be the sweetest memory ever once I left Georgia.