“Oh shit.” She took a step back and grabbed the door. “I’m sorry!”

“Wait, hold on!” Andy rushed towards her, but she was already headed in the opposite direction.

“Andy, I didn’t mean to kiss her!” I called after my brother, but he completely ignored me as he ran past me.

I just ruined his date and I didn’t even try. He’s never going to forgive me for this. Fuck—that kiss took my breath away. But that’s her—that’s the girl. Holy shit.


Earlier that day

I contemplated my decision to go to Christmas dinner at Andy’s place throughout the day when I woke up. He was doing his best to win me over, and it seemed like he might have more in mind than sex, but I still harbored some doubts. I couldn’t ignore the physical attraction, regardless of his intentions. He was the hottest guy I had ever laid eyes on, and even when a thought passed through my mind, it made my panties wet. Was that enough? Could I just have a nice dinner, possibly satisfy those desires, and then walk away? I wanted more from a relationship than that, but it was extremely fucking tempting to go down the road that would have my cherry popped in no time. I was still letting those thoughts tease my mind when I got a message from one of my cousins asking if I had received the box they sent me for Christmas.

Oh shit—really? They never send me a gift. Fuck!

My parents usually sent some kind of collective gift, and their parents did the same. My cousin was newly married, and apparently, I had gotten old enough to move from the family bin to the individual gift-giving portion of our family dynamic. I definitely wasn’t ready for that, and I hadn’t shopped for anyone that didn’t normally give me a gift, so the realization set in. I was going to have to brave the mall again if I didn’t want to be the talk of the family tree. I figured they’d wait on individual gifts until I was at least out of college or married. If they were already sending them, I didn’t have an option—it was time to go to the mall.

That will at least distract me from what I’m going to think about all day—Andy.

I was extremely tempted to swing by the mall Santa on the way, but I decided against it. I was going to see him, and I wasn’t sure what would happen when I did, but that part was finally set in concrete. The mall was packed, as it usually was as it got closer to Christmas. I darted between people as fast as possible as I looked for a gift. For a brief moment, I swore I saw Andy in the crowd staring at me, but he wouldn’t be in the mall. If he was done with his shift, he would be at home cooking dinner. It certainly wouldn’t be his twin brother, because I had never even met him. Once I had a decent gift, I headed towards the exit. I drove back home, continuing to think about Andy and the dinner he was making for what would be our first official date.

There’s definitely no turning back now.

Later that evening

My mind was still spinning when I parked my car in front of Andy’s house and walked toward the front door. I knocked and waited—trying to keep my courage from fleeing before he answered. If it fled, I wouldn’t be far behind. I heard a noise on the other side of the door. Even if I ran, he would see me. He would probably try to stop me. I didn’t want to run—I just wanted to gather enough inner fortitude to step through the door and let my inhibitions melt away the same my panties tried to do when I first laid eyes on him. When the door finally opened, and I saw him standing there, my inhibitions disappeared completely. All of the desires flourished to the point that it felt like his stare set my soul on fire. He seemed surprised to see me—probably because I ghosted him the first night I promised to make the naughty list. I was done letting my doubts prevent me from chasing what I wanted.

I know he wants me too, so fuck it—I’m just going to go with it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a soul-crushing, pulse-pounding, lust-drenched kiss. I brought my fantasy to live when I felt his rough lips. There was apprehension on his part, but I didn’t care. I needed him. I needed the guy who told me how beautiful I was and did everything in his power to get into my panties—and I needed to be the girl that was brave enough to leave the dirty message on his phone. The instantaneous attraction was too much for me to ignore. I didn’t care if I ended the night with my red dress on his bedroom floor while he ravaged my virgin body—that’s exactly what I wanted—what my fantasy demanded. I expected more excitement on his part, but I did catch him off guard. When I finally broke the seal that had seared our lips together I stared into eyes—that were simply stunned.

Why is he so surprised? I thought this was what he wanted.

My eyes drifted to his arm—his gorgeous ink. Except I didn’t see the macabre skull on his forearm. It was a dragon. Alarm bells echoed in my brain and made my blood run cold. Oh no! I didn’t kiss Andy. My heart started pounding and it wasn’t just because of the kiss. I looked to my left and saw the man I thought I was kissing with a horrified expression on his face. I saw the tattoo—the one I remembered on his arm. The horrified expression on his face didn’t even begin to match the one on mine once I realized what I had done. I took a couple of steps back as he tried to get to me—and then I ran as I muttered an apology. I couldn’t even process what I had done. I couldn’t face the guy who invited me to dinner after kissing his twin brother. How could I be so careless? Of course, his brother would be there—of course they would look exactly the same. Andy followed me, but I quickened my pace. I dug my hand into my purse as I approached my car. I had to get out of there. I felt embarrassed and overwhelmed.

“Wait, please don’t go.”

Andy reached me before I could get my key in the door.

“I’m sorry. This was a mistake.” I shook my head quickly.

“It’s okay.” Andy put his hand on the car door as I fumbled with the key. “You didn’t know it was Zach. I’m not upset, I promise. Come back inside.”

“I’m—so fucking embarrassed.” I turned to face him and I felt my cheeks blushing red.

“Don’t be.” He put his finger under my chin and tilted my head until I was staring into those gorgeous ocean-blue eyes.

Andy kissed me, crushing my lips beneath his. I practically melted in his arms. That was the kiss I thought I was going to get when I made the first move. He didn’t hesitate to force his tongue between my lips and ravage my mouth. His lips were just as soul-crushing, pulse-pounding, and drenched with lust as mine were when I kissed the wrong man. I couldn’t leave. Not after that kiss set me on fire. He didn’t even ask again. He kissed me until I was gasping for air, and then took my hand. I trailed behind him as we approached the house and stepped inside. His twin brother, Zach, was standing in the living room with an awkward expression on his face. I felt mine twist into the same concerned stare. I had no idea what to say to him. How would I even apologize for what I did? I was the fool that kissed the wrong guy.

That’s what I get for giving in to my desires—no wonder I’m still a virgin. I can’t even get the first kiss right.

“Holly, I’d like you to meet my twin brother Zach.” Andy motioned with his hand.

“I guess it’s safe to say we’ve already met.” I blinked and took a deep breath. “I promise that isn’t how I normally greet strangers.”

“It was a mistake. I get it.” Zach nodded quickly. “Maybe we can put this behind us and just enjoy our Christmas dinner—unless you want me to leave.”

“No.” I shook my head back and forth. “It smells so good that I think it would be criminal to deprive you.”