“They’re not going to get what they ask for though. You’re ruining their perception of the holiday.” I leaned forward to pose for a picture when my elf grabbed the camera.

“Sometimes a litt

le hope is better than none at all.” She stood and started walking down the stairs.

I got the elf to put up my sign as soon as the kids were gone. There was a line forming, but they would have to wait. I was extremely late already and I didn’t want Andy to just give up and go home. I rushed through to the back exit to find him waiting with a huge scowl on his face. I explained the situation with the orphans and he just grunted as he changed into the costume. Once he was headed into the mall to take my place, I walked to my car with my thoughts spinning. I hated that suit more than ever. It wasn’t fair to drag all those kids to the mall and let them get their hopes up. I didn’t give a fuck about what Ms. Winters said. It was nothing less than fucking cruelty. I tried to forget them as I started driving home, but I couldn’t get them out of my head. All of those sad eyes—all of those disappointed faces that would look under the Christmas tree and find out that Santa Claus forgot all their requests.

The world isn’t fair, but sometimes I wish it was. Fuck, I need a drink.


Earlier that day

I woke up and my mind started to replay what happened the night before. I was proud of myself for not going through with something that would have been a mistake, but I regretted leading Andy on—even if he was only after one thing. I showered and ate breakfast before walking upstairs to get dressed for the day. The vibrator was extremely tempting, and I was seriously considering another round with it when my phone buzzed. It was Andy. He wasn’t done with me, even after I rejected him. We sent a few messages back and forth until it was time for him to go to work at the mall. He still wanted to talk to me, which was sweet in a way, but I was still suspicious. It was clear when he talked to me at the mall that he was eager to talk me out of my panties. He almost did too, before the vibrator gave me a moment of clarity.

Well, my phone won’t be buzzing for a while, maybe I should go upstairs and make something else buzz for a little bit.

I just couldn’t resist the vibrating miracle, especially after the way it made me feel the night before. I chased my fantasies again as soon as it started vibrating on my clit. Initially, I didn’t plan on letting my fantasy carry me to the beautiful tattooed man who had been blowing up my phone, but my thoughts just wouldn’t let me focus on anything else. I still had the craving—that desire which burned me up to the point that I thought I would burst into flames before I reached my climax. Getting him out of my head was impossible, and while the vibrator worked like a drug that wiped away my desires the night before, it didn’t provide the same relief the second time around. My moment of bliss was amazing, but as soon as it was over, I found myself longing for a strong pair of arms to hold me until the afterglow wore off.

This is new. Normally, I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep after I masturbate.

I managed to quell those desires until the afterglow wore off, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon watching television downstairs. I caught up on a few shows, to the point that I was finally seeing the Christmas episodes, and every time there was a Santa Claus on the screen, I thought about the one who had been texting me. He certainly didn’t look like any of the Kris Kringle’s on television, that was for sure. I was just about to go searching for dinner when my phone lit up with a phone call from Andy. I thought about just ignoring it and talking to him via text message, but I did want to talk to him. If nothing else, a conversation was sure to reignite my doubts because he was definitely going to start propositioning me again.

“Hello?” I lifted the phone to my ear.

“Ah, you answered.” I heard a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone. “I was afraid you wouldn’t.”

“I thought about ignoring you, but I guess I owe you a conversation after yesterday.” I leaned back against the couch.

“It’s okay. I’m not upset. I know I came on too strong and that’s my fault. Why don’t we just talk for a while?” His voice reflected hopefulness, and I didn’t see any danger in having a talk with him.

We started talking and instead of the horny guy obsessed with getting into my panties, I got a version of Andy that was extremely charming. He told me about his grandfather, who was a rather famous version of Santa Claus, his father and the surgery that forced him to put on the red suit. He was open about his lack of enthusiasm and even admitted that he had a twin brother named Zach who swapped out with him midway through the shift at the mall. I was amazed by his willingness to help his father, especially since he wasn’t that enthused to play Santa Claus. It was a sweet gesture for sure. I told him about my family, our holiday spirit that resembled the Grinch more than Kris Kringle, and how I was spending the holidays alone. It was late into the evening before I realized that we had been talking for hours. He really was easy to talk to.

“So, you’re spending Christmas alone?” Andy’s voice sounded like he was contemplating something. “It doesn’t seem fair that you’re going to miss Christmas dinner.”

“It’s okay. I might go visit one of my friends—if I can convince myself to endure her family long enough to sit down for a meal.” I chuckled under my breath as I thought about the chaos I would witness if I went to Beth’s house.

“My brother and I are going to be leaving on Christmas Eve to go see our family in Minnesota, but why don’t you come to dinner with me tomorrow night?” He voice hesitated. “I don’t know if I have time to cook a turkey, but I’m sure I could handle everything else.”

“Hmm.” It did sound nice, his charm was starting to win me over, and it didn’t feel like a visit to his house would be nothing short of a booty call that stripped away my innocence.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” His voice was a little more hopeful. “I want to see you again.”

“Okay—sure, why not.” I smiled, even though he couldn’t see me. “What time should I be there?”

“I’ll have to do a shift at the mall and then start cooking, so how about eight? I know that’s late…” His voice trailed off.

“No, that’s perfect.” I sat up on the couch and grinned. “I’ll see you then.”

“It’s a date.” He hung up the phone before I had a chance to respond.

Now he’s become the perfect combination of naughty and nice. I might not keep my panties on long enough to sit down at the table if I see the desire in his gorgeous eyes again.


“She agreed to come over.” I walked into the living room and sat down across from Zach. “It looks like I have a date after all.”

“Tonight?” He sat up and groaned. “I was just contemplating sleep, but I’ll leave if you’ve got a girl coming over.”