“Well, Thaddeus is worse than any of them and it seems that Cole is now in debt to him. That story doesn’t end well. We’re going to have to lay low for a little bit.” Ryker pulled Aurora in for a hug. “Seriously, you mean so much to me—so much more than you should. We just can’t put you in danger.”

We had a few more quick hugs and Aurora started to cry, but there was no other option on the table. If Thaddeus had purchased all of Johnny’s debts, then he intended to collect on them. He might even demand interest. He wasn’t the type of man to let me pay the debt weekly, which meant I would either end up dead or seriously fucked up when he found out I didn’t have the money. We watched until Aurora made it to the elevators and then we started walking towards the parking lot. The best plan of action was to just put a foot on the accelerator and not stop until we made it to Reno. We couldn’t even risk going home to get our things. The money in our pocket was all we would have to start over with. We were almost to my truck when I heard a voice behind me.

“Cole! Ryker! Wait!” It was Aurora and when I turned around, I saw her running towards the parking lot.

“What?” I walked towards her.

“Let me give you my address. I know you probably won’t be in Tennessee anytime soon—if ever—but you should at least have a way to get in touch with me.” Aurora put her hands on her knees, clearly out of breath once she finally made it to us.

“Here.” Ryker walked up and handed her his phone. “Type it in.”

“Quickly…” I looked around. “Actually, type it while we walk. We’ll make sure you get back inside.”

That was the last moment of peace that the three of us had. There was a loud squeal behind us and I spun around to see a black van come to halt. The side doors opened and several men stepped out, followed by an enormous, hulking figure. I didn’t need to ask his name or why he was there. We were too late. Our chance of escape had just been blocked by the man we never wanted to see face to face. I had heard rumors that Thaddeus looked like the Incredible Hulk, and that description barely did him justice. He had a rugged face with several scars along his jaw, a suit that was clearly tailored to fit his massive frame, and dark colored eyes that focused directly on me.

“Cole.” Thaddeus’s voice was like concrete being shattered with a hammer. “You’re a hard man to find. I’ve been looking for hours now.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” I took a step forward. “Johnny called me, so I know why you’re here.”

“Great! Then this transaction will be quick.” Thaddeus smiled and looked at the men beside him who started to chuckle. “I’ll collect what you owe me and we can be on our way.”

“I’m sure you know I don’t have that kind of money in my pocket.” I narrowed my eyes and exhaled sharply. “But I’ll pay you—I swear. Johnny and I had an arrangement.”

“Johnny’s not handling that debt anymore so any arrangement you made with him is void.” Thaddeus tilted his head to the side. “The new deal is that you pay me right now.”

“He said he didn’t have it.” Ryker took a step forward and stood by my side, carefully positioning Aurora behind him. “We’ll get it, though.”

“You must be Ryker.” Thaddeus chuckled and nodded. “What was it that guy at Johnny’s place said? Watch out for Ryker—he won’t let you lay a hand on Cole.”

“That’s what he said, boss.” The man to the immediate left of Thaddeus chuckled.

“And who is that pretty little thing hiding behind you with those terrified eyes?” Thaddeus leaned to the side.

“Leave her out of this! She’s just a tourist.” I felt my jaw tighten.

“Just a tourist.” Thaddeus chuckled again. “Well, if she’s in Sin City, she belongs to me.”

“Like hell!” Ryker took a step forward and balled his fists.

“Bring me the girl.” Thaddeus motioned to his guys.

“Aurora, run!” I pushed her shoulders and rushed towards Thaddeus.

There was no winning the fight. We didn’t even stand a chance. All I hoped to do was create enough chaos for Aurora to get back to the Bellagio. The parking lot was away from the street and we weren’t likely to draw much attention, but if she could get closer to the hotel, it would create too much of a scene for them to try and take her. I didn’t even care if it cost me my life. There was no fucking way Thaddeus was going to lay a hand on Aurora. Ryker was throwing punches when I got to Thaddeus, but I never got a chance to hit him. One of his guys tackled me and I was pinned to the ground. Ryker took down a couple of them, but the numbers were too much. I looked towards Aurora, and she was running, but two of Thaddeus’ thugs were in hot pursuit. She didn’t make it. They grabbed her by the waist and she kicked as hard as she could, but they dragged her back to Thaddeus.

“Carlos used to have a very popular auction—selling beautiful things like you. I’ve been thinking of reviving it.” Thaddeus walked up to Aurora and put his hand on her chin. “I bet you’d fetch a very good price.”

“You bastard!” Ryker struggled against the two men holding his arms. “Let her go!”

“Do whatever you want to me! I owe you the money. She has nothing to do with this!” I tried to get to my feet, but was quickly yanked back down so hard my face hit the pavement.

“Our debt is cleared.” Thaddeus looked at me and smiled. “She’s your payment.”

“She is not!” I flailed and struggled, but I couldn’t move.

“This is my city now, Cole. I make the rules. I think it’s time to revive the Sin City Auction, and she’s going to be the centerpiece of our opening night. As for you two…” Thaddeus looked at me and then over to Ryker. “Kill them both.”

“No!” Aurora screamed and tried to rush towards Thaddeus, but the men held her arms.