Well, this just got a lot more intriguing.

“Okay, I can’t stand for this.” Ryker held up his hand. “You’re going to have a drink. I insist.”

“Maybe she’s a Bible thumper or something.” I recovered from nearly spitting out my drink and smirked. “She’s got an accent like one.”

“I was supposed to have my first drink in Vegas with my sister.” Aurora lifted her head and swallowed hard. “Have you guys ever seen The Hangover?”

“Yeah, I think everyone in Vegas has seen that movie at least once.” Ryker nodded and chuckled.

“My sister and I always planned to go up on the roof of Caesar’s Palace and recreate the scene. Minus the drugs.” She sighed and shook her head. “Anyway, yeah. I was saving it for a big moment. That was our favorite movie about Vegas.”

“Let’s do it.” Ryker looked at me and then back to Aurora.

“I’m down.” I nodded quickly. “We might have to sneak up there, but why not?”

“Seriously?” A slight grin formed on Aurora’s lips.

“Fuck yeah.” Ryker reached over and patted her hand. “This is your vacation—if that’s what you want to do, then we’ll make it happen.”

“All right, let’s see a few more sights, lose a little more money, and then we’ll head back to the Strip.” I lifted my whiskey and took a sip.

We spent the rest of the afternoon showing Aurora all of the main attractions on Fremont Street. It was fun, but I was anxious to get back to the Strip. A little alcohol would definitely help loosen Aurora up and then things would be headed in the right direction. I struggled to keep my eyes off her as we wandered around. Her ass was a perfect upside down heart, and the way it pressed against her jeans when she walked made my balls twinge. Her tits were magnificent, although I wished her t-shirt was just a little bit tighter so I could see the curve along the bottom. There was marvel behind her emerald green eyes as she took in the sights, and they flickered when she laughed.

“I guess that’s about it.” Ryker put his hands on his hips and looked around. “Unless you want to do the zip line.”

“Uh, no.” Aurora quickly shook her head. “I’m not that brave.”

“Then let’s head back to the Strip and find a liquor store.” I looked at Aurora. “Are you ready to take that shot?”

“Yeah, I think so.” A huge smile spread across her face.

“Perfect, let’s do it then.” Ryker leaned forward and looked down the street. “I don’t see a cab…”

“I’ll just get us another Uber.” Aurora pulled out her cell phone and tapped the screen. “They gave me a bunch of credits when I signed up for the service, so I might as well use them.”

On the way back to the Strip, Aurora told us more about her life in Tennessee, her sister, and the plans they made when they were kids. By the time the Uber driver dropped us off at the liquor store, I was feeling bad about the bet. Aurora wasn’t just some random girl on a fantasy vacation that might be looking to hook up. She was simply lonely. That was the only reason she agreed to go with us in the first place. She was just trying to have fun.

“Why don’t you go in there and pick something out.” I motioned towards the liquor store. “You’ve never even had your ID checked, right?”

“No.” She smiled and shook her head. “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Oh man, this might have been a mistake.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, quickly lighting one up.

“You’re the one that made the bet.” Ryker raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

“I think I should call it off.” I walked over to the wall and leaned against it. “I bet she’s a virgin.”

“You think?” Ryker chuckled and nodded. “Her cherry is so red it’s about to fall of the vine.”

“Fuck!” I took a drag and exhaled a stream of smoke. “I can’t believe a woman that fucking hot has never been touched before.”

“So are you going to call it off? You made the bet so you’re the only one that can. I mean, we can still hang out with her and show her a good time, but we aren’t going to pry those panties off without a lot of booze and a crowbar.” Ryker raised his eyebrows and shrugged. “I mean, I’ll lay it on thick if I have to, but I’m not going to feel good about it.”

“Yeah, it’s over.” I nodded and sighed. “Let’s do the shot and get her back to the Bellagio.”

I was an asshole and that was never going to change, but I couldn’t take advantage of a innocent young woman like that. Aurora was beyond sheltered. There was a part of me that wanted to rip the roof off the shelter and pop her delicious cherry, but it wasn’t fair. She deserved something better than two horny ex-Marines looking to get laid. I finished my cigarette and tossed it to the curb when I saw her walk out of the liquor store. She had a bottle of Jägermeister and a pack of plastic shot glasses. A huge smile was spread across her face. She was truly happy. Just seeing that would have to be enough.

Why did I have to decide to be a decent guy now? Damn, she’s so fucking hot—irresistible even—yet I have to do just that. I have to resist every bit of the temptation I feel.