“Five, huh.” Aurora leaned over to look at the papers he dropped. “Hmm, those are some good prizes.”

“Gotta bet if you want to win.” Ryker leaned back and smiled.

“Fine, I call.” Aurora nodded and matched Ryker’s bet.

“Okay, now it might get interesting.” I rubbed my hands together and flipped over three cards.

Ryker must have drawn a pocket pair or a high face card—unless he’s bluffing. He’s playing a lot more casual than he does when he’s serious, so I’m not sure.

“I believe it’s your bet.” Aurora stared at the cards and then looked up at Ryker.

“Yeah.” Ryker nodded. “I’ll risk a couple more.”

“Hmm.” Aurora stared at the cards again.

Damn, I can’t read her either. She’s way too good at this for someone who just started tonight.

“Okay, I’ll call.” Aurora nodded and tossed two more chips into the pile.

“What are you sitting on, girl?” Ryker tilted his head as the next card was flipped.

“You gotta pay to find out.” She shrugged and leaned back in her chair, matching Ryker’s slouched demeanor.

“I’ll stay.” Ryker stared at the Ace that hit the table.

So he’s telegraphing that an Ace didn’t help him—and perhaps worried him. That means he probably drew one. Easy to pick up on with my years of experience, but he’s baiting Aurora into a trap.

“I’ll bet.” Aurora picked up her chips. “Two more.”

“I’ll call.” Ryker nodded immediately and matched her bet.

“All right, final card.” I flipped the last card over to reveal the Queen of Diamonds.

Interesting. Ryker probably has a face card to go with his Ace—but is it a Queen?

“Five more.” Ryker picked up his chips and tossed them into the center of the table.

This is where an expert folds. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve got on the table. Ryker bluffed on the Ace, but hopped on the Queen. It’s an aggressive move, but he’s too calculated to throw good money after bad.

“Are you bluffing?” Aurora tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “You’ve got an Ace—but do you have a Queen?”

“Interesting observation.” Ryker chuckled and shrugged.

Holy shit, she read that play? What the fuck is in her hand?

“I’ll call.” Aurora reached for her chips and matched his bet.

“Two pair.” Ryker flipped his cards to reveal an Ace and a Queen.

“Damn, I thought you were bluffing.” Aurora’s shoulders slumped forward.

“It’s okay. You can’t win them all. We’ve been doing this a long time.” I reached for Ryker’s cards.

“I know, I just thought he was bluffing. I mean, it doesn’t matter, right? If I’m holding three of a kind.” Aurora flipped her hand to reveal pocket Queens.

“What the fuck!?” Ryker’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

“Dude!” My head rolled back with laughter and I pointed at Ryker. “She kicked your ass!”