Chapter One


“We’re going to Vegas!” I pushed my sister’s door open and ran into her bedroom.

“What? Seriously?” Becca hopped up from the bed and blinked in surprise. “How?”

“I entered one of those contests I told you about and I won!” I held up my tablet and showed her the email.

“Aren’t these things just a scam though? They pay for your plane ticket and give you a place to stay so you’ll blow a lot of money in the casino.” She took my tablet and scrolled through the email.

“Well, the jokes on them, because I don’t have any money to blow in the casino!” I practically trembled with excitement. “We’re going to Vegas!”

“Wait, this is in September—crap, it’s the same weekend as Carla’s wedding. I can’t miss that.” Becca grimaced and handed the tablet back to me.

“But, it’s Vegas. We’ve always wanted to go!” I read the email again and confirmed that what she said was true.

“I’m sorry, sis. I’d love to go, but I’m kinda the Maid of Honor. I think she’d notice if I wasn’t there.” Becca sat down on her bed and sighed.

“Hold on, I’ll email them and see if they can schedule it for another weekend. If they want my money, they’ll work around my schedule.” I sat down and smiled as I started typing a return email.

“Your imaginary money?” Becca chuckled and shook her head. “Why would they offer this to someone who just graduated from college and doesn’t even have a job yet?”

“Oh, yeah. I might have lied about that.” I twisted my face into a slight grimace. “There’s an Aurora York in Nashville that works at an investment firm. I borrowed a few details—exaggerated, I guess?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s identity fraud.” Becca rolled her eyes and sighed. “Our parents didn’t raise us to be criminals.”

“I’m not a criminal. I’m just an exaggerator.” I smiled and stood up once the email was finished. “Okay, I’ll let you know when I hear back. Don’t make any more plans until we have a date for the trip!”

“Okay, I’ll wait here on pins and needles.” Becca laughed as I walked towards the door.

I knew what I did was wrong, but I really wanted to go to Las Vegas, and I wanted Becca to go with me. We were as close as we could be when we were younger, but we had drifted apart. She went away to college after high school and when I finished a year later, I decided to attend a local university so I didn’t have to leave home. My sister got the full college experience while I spent Friday nights at home watching movies with our parents. Every year that passed seemed to pull us further apart and I missed what we used to have. Our mutual interests had dwindled, but there was one thing we still shared—a desire to see Las Vegas together. I had to make it happen.

If they want that other Aurora York’s money, they have to be flexible, right?

I waited almost a full day for the company to get back to me. When I opened the email, my heart sank into my stomach. I had to either take the weekend that was offered, or they would give it to someone else. They offered to put me back on the list, but said it might be a full calendar year before I was selected again. I didn’t have that much time. By then, I probably wouldn’t even see my sister for the holidays. The guy she was dating planned to pop the question soon. I heard my parents discussing it when they thought I wasn’t listening. He was also trying to get a better job—one that would take him, and my sister, far away from Tennessee. I felt hopeless and dejected as I tossed the tablet on my bed.

She’s going to leave and I’ll be here all by myself…

My future wasn’t completely bleak, I just wasn’t ready to lose my sister completely. When I was younger, I always envisioned us growing old together in the house we grew up in. It was a silly childish fantasy, and I knew that, but I still didn’t want us to become strangers who only saw each other on social media. I wanted some sort of adventure before I accepted the fact college was over and it was time to get a job. A trip to Vegas would help us bond and create memories that would last a lifetime. It would be just like the ones my mother had with my aunt. They always told the stories when they were together, and I wanted that kind of relationship with my own sister. It just didn’t seem like it was going to happen.

“So, did you hear back about the trip?” Becca walked into my room and sat down on the bed.

“Yeah.” I looked over at her and sighed. “They can’t change it.”

“Dang, that sucks.” Becca shrugged and grimaced. “It was stupid, anyway. The two of us running off to Vegas? We can’t do that.”

“What? Why not?” I sat up and blinked several times. “We always talked about it. I’ll see if I can find another way—you’ve got some money saved up, right? I’ve still got a little too. Maybe we can pay for the trip, just like when we were saving our birthday money.”

“We were kids. I’ll admit I got excited when you told me about it, but I don’t know—Vegas is something I’ll probably want to experience for the first time with Xavier.” A smile formed on the corner of her lips. “I think he’s going to ask me to marry him soon.”

Yeah—and I should just spoil it for you right now, but I love you too much.

“Oh? That’s wonderful.” I feigned excitement, but I had a sick feeling in my stomach. “You really don’t want to go with me?”