“I need to go to work.” I started walking towards the empty space between them.

“Please just give us a second” Jett held up his hand to try and get me to stop.

“Okay.” I nodded and sighed.

“We’re not asking for a decision right now, and we don’t want you to make one—yet.” Rand’s grin became a little more serious. “We just want to put something out there.”

“Friday night.” Jett’s smile widened. “Stop by, have dinner with us, and watch another one of Rand’s atrocious movies.”

“Or any movie you want to watch.” Rand shrugged. “You can choose it, we just want to spend some time with you.”

Why do they have to be so—reasonable.

“No pressure. If it ends up being three friends hanging out, then we’ll drink beer, eat popcorn, and have fun.” Rand nodded quickly.

“Can I think about it?” I looked back and forth between them.

“Sure.” Jett took a step to the side. “That’s all we’re asking for.”

I hurried past them and quashed my desire to look back at them when I got to the elevator. They didn’t seem to harbor any sort of ill will towards me for running away from the night before. As if I needed any sort of reminder that they were perfect. They didn’t even hate me. They put their hearts on the line after a bad relationship because they liked me, and all I did was run as fast as I could. Perhaps I was a fool for letting my own thoughts get in the way of something that could be more amazing than I ever imagined. I had time to think about it. I didn’t have to make my decision immediately. I could mull everything over while they haunted my dreams and toyed with my fantasies. I had no idea if I was brave enough to fall for two men, but I wasn’t willing to completely rule it out—not yet.

Work was really quiet after my meeting with Mr. Smith. If Dana had never told me what she found, I would have just assumed everything was normal. I did my best to push it to the back of my mind. She didn’t respond to my message on Facebook. I checked it several times and her Facebook messenger had been active, so I knew she should have seen my message. I sent one more just to be safe and saw the confirmation that it was seen, but there was still no response. I hated that I had nobody to talk to about what she told me, but I was afraid of discussing it. If she was up to something nefarious, I didn’t want to be involved. If she was being truthful, then it didn’t make sense for her to ignore me and get fired without reporting it to the SEC. She would also have a pretty significant lawsuit against Dunkirk Accounting for wrongful termination. As worried as I still was about the situation, I had something bigger on my plate for Friday night—something that could impact the rest of my life.

Friday night

I left work as soon as I could and went back to my apartment to mull over my evening. I really did like Jett and Rand. I loved hanging out with the twins. They made me laugh, and when I was near them, I couldn’t ignore the way my body reacted. All of that was before they kissed me. Their lips set my world on fire. There was no way I would ever be able to forget the way their lips felt against mine. I decided that I was going to go to their apartment and hang out with them. I knew what that meant. I couldn’t show up and toy with their emotions. The instant I stepped through that door, I would be making a commitment to at least try what they offered—dating two men. There was no way for me to get them out of head without seeing it through, and it was my only opportunity. If I turned them down, I would always wonder if I gave up something that could have been as amazing as they were.

Okay, here goes nothing.

“You came.” Jett smiled as he opened the door.

“I did.” I stepped into his apartment and looked into his steel-colored eyes. “Where’s Rand?”

“He’s finishing dinner.” Jett motioned towards the kitchen.

“Almost done.” Rand walked into the living room.

“Good—so are you going to kiss me or just leave me standing here wanting one?” I grinned and bit down on my lip.

I didn’t have to tell them twice. Jett pulled me into a tight embrace and quickly kissed me. My lips parted and his tongue started to ravage my mouth. All of the internal chaos faded and I just melted into that kiss. I gasped when Jett finally pulled away and Rand picked up right where he left off. His kiss had more fer

ocity—more passion. There was a hunger that begged to be satisfied and it was almost primal. My pulse raced and my head spun with fireworks going off in rapid succession. When Rand finally pulled away, my pussy was wet and tingling while filthy thoughts ran through my head. I wanted those lips—somewhere else. I quelled the thoughts in my head once dinner was ready and I was seated at the table.

“Alright, let’s dig in.” Rand walked into the dining area with a plate of Chicken Cordon Bleu and a side of steamed broccoli.

“Wow, you made this?” I looked up at Rand in surprise.

“It’s been a while since I cooked, so hopefully I haven’t lost my touch.” Rand returned with three beers and put them on the table before sitting down next to me.

“We’ve gotten a little lazy recently.” Jett chuckled and nodded. “It’s usually easier to pick something up.”

“You didn’t have to go all out for me.” I stared at the food and picked up my fork.

“You’re worth it.” Rand leaned forward and put his hand on mine. “Hopefully this will just be the first of many meals we share together at this table.”

“Maybe I can make something for you too—now that I have a kitchen full of stuff thanks to what you gave me from the last storage locker.” I smiled and nodded.

We had a brief discussion about the storage lockers that we were going to be clearing out on Sunday, and they started naming off things they would love to find. They told me about the woman they rescued that stopped by the station and how they hoped to put some stuff aside for her. Their generosity was heartwarming. I was already touched by how they talked about their mother and tried to find stuff for her. They really did seem to be the nicest guys I had ever met. After we discussed the storage locker, they asked about my job and how things were going to Dunkirk Accounting. I told them a little bit about Dana, and it was good to talk about that with someone. They both agreed that it was strange, and thought I was probably making the right decision to keep it to myself since she hadn’t responded to me.