Chapter One


“Congratulations, honey.” My mother wrapped her arms around me and squeezed so hard she lifted me off my feet.

“I’m so proud of you.” My father hugged me as soon as my mother put me down—thankfully, he was a little gentler.

“I did it! I graduated!” I held up my degree and grinned from ear to ear.

“Now you have to get a job.” My father patted me on the back. “The joyride is over.”

“I’m working on that.” I nodded quickly. “I’ve got several interviews set up.”

“Anything local?” My mother raised her eyebrows. “Please tell me you’re not planning to move very far away.”

“We should probably talk about that later.” My face twisted into a grimace.

“Don’t give her a hard time.” My father put his arm around my mother. “She’s all grown up now. She has to find her own place in the world.”

“She has a place—and a room. There are plenty of jobs in Cedar Grove.” My mother shot my father a half-hearted angry glare.

“No, there’s not.” My father sighed and shook his head. “You know that as well as I do.”

“I promise that we’ll talk about this later.” I smiled and handed my degree to my father. “Will you make sure this gets back to the house?”

“You’re not coming with us?” My mother tilted her head with concern etched on her face.

“There’s a graduation party. I won’t stay long, I promise, but this is my last chance to see some of my friends.” I reached out and took my mother’s hand. “I’ll be home soon.”

“Okay, but no drinking.” My mother squeezed my hand.

“She’s almost twenty-four years old, Linda. If she wants to have a drink, she can.” My father rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’m sorry, honey. Go have fun with your friends. You see us every day.”

“I love you both.” I smiled and waved before walking over to the group of friends that were waiting for me.

My mother had good intentions, but she had always been extremely protective of me—sometimes to a fault. My father was a little more understanding and while I would always be his little girl, he understood that I had to grow up one day. Moving away and being on my own was rather terrifying, but I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to stay in Cedar Grove. I always dreamed of living in the city, working in an office with an amazing view, and living a wonderful metropolitan life. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, and nothing like what I saw on television, but I still needed to have a taste of the adventure. If it didn’t work out, I could always come back to Cedar Grove. It would always be home, no matter how far away I went.

“Do you want to do shots now, or wait until we get to the party?” My best friend, Gwendolyn, put her arm around me.

“I’m not doing shots.” I shook my head quickly. “And keep your voice down, my parents are right over there—currently talking to your parents.”

“My parents gave me an expensive bottle of bourbon for graduation. I don’t think they’re going to mind if I knock back a few shots before I leave campus.” She giggled and pointed in her purse where I saw a flask peeking out.

“Did you already start drinking?” I tilted my head to look into her eyes.

“I just had a little bit.” She giggled again.

“Okay, then I’m definitely driving tonight.” I nodded and dug my car keys out of my purse.