I really hope this isn’t bad news.

“My recovery is going very well and I’m at the point where I could leave anytime I want.” He took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.

“That’s great!” I nodded and smiled.

“Yes, but I also know it won’t be easy for me once I leave here. A lot of the issues that I’ve overcome will be staring me in the face again.” His lips came together in a grimace. “It scares me.”

“You’ve come so far, though.” I blinked in surprise. “You’re stronger than you’ve ever been.”

“I am.” He exhaled sharply. “But I’m not sure I trust myself enough to confront some of those memories—at least not yet. I’ve shared a lot of this with my counselor, and we both agree that returning to Canyon City might not be best for my recovery.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

“Fresh Start has an outpatient program here in Sealy Springs. They have an apartment complex that patients can rent for a reduced rate as long as they are a part of the program, and they will help me find a job.” He lifted his head and I saw some pain in his eyes. “I know you moved back home to help me, but I don’t think I’m going to return to Canyon City anytime soon.”

“Wow.” I nodded and tried to process what he said. “Okay, I guess I can understand that.”

“That’s actually good news for you too.” He reached out and took my hand. “I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and I want you to live your life without worrying about me.”

“I’ll always worry about you.” I felt a tear trying to form in the corner of my eye.

“I don’t even deserve that. I was such a horrible father.” He sighed and squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry, Wendy.”

I hugged my father and I couldn’t hold back the tears. Neither could he. We spent a little more time talking by the stream before walking back towards the garden. I understood why he wanted to stay in Sealy Springs. He had a long road ahead of him, even though he had already come much further than I expected in such a short time. If he needed more time, then I would be there to support him through it all. He might not have felt like he deserved it, but that wasn’t what it was about. He was still my father, even if he didn’t act like it most of my life. I had already forgiven him, but I was looking forward to a brighter future. I would always worry about him, no matter what. It was just nice to see him excited about something, even if it that meant he wasn’t going to be coming home anytime soon.

“I think that I want to sell my house. I know it’s in rough shape, but it’s still worth a little bit.” He turned towards me. “I want you to use that money to start over somewhere, just like you planned before you came back home to take care of me.”

“Dad—I can’t do that.” I shook my head quickly. “You could use that money to get your own place he

re in Sealy Springs one day.”

“I’ll be okay. Consider it a thank you for all that you’ve done for me, and I’m not going to take no for an answer.” He took my hands and and smiled. “I mean that.”

“I don’t know what to say.” I felt tears trying to well up in my eyes again.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He pulled me in for another hug.

I hated to take his money, but I could see determination in his eyes. He needed to feel like he helped me in some way—perhaps that was a step in his recovery. We had made a lot of repairs to the house while he had been away, and with a little more work, it might bring a better price than he realized. If I decided that I was serious about buying a percentage of Marigold Bakery, the money from selling the house would allow me to do that. We walked back inside, and I met a few of the people that lived there.

They all seemed to be fairly nice, and on the same road to recovery he was on. Some of them talked about their families, and praised me for still being there for my father after all he had put me through. I realized that he must have shared his story, which was obviously laced with regret. I talked with them for a couple of hours, but realized it was going to be late if I didn’t leave soon. He walked me to the door and we embraced one last time. Over his shoulder, I saw the television in the common room broadcasting news about a fire. I focused on it for a moment, but felt relief when I saw it was in Houston.

Thank goodness—not that news from Canyon City would make it this far.

“I really appreciate you coming to see me.” He reached for the door and slowly pulled it open. “These visits mean a lot to me.”

“I’ll try to come see you again next week, but let me know when you find a new place. I’d love to help you pick out furniture and decorate it.” I smiled as I took a step towards the door.

“That sounds great.” A huge smile spread across his face. “Drive safe—call me when you get home?”

“Definitely.” I nodded quickly and started walking towards my car.

I pulled out my phone as I walked, and was surprised to find that I had several messages from Micah. I opened my car door and climbed inside, letting the phone sync with my car before I played the first message. My heart sank into my stomach. They weren’t in Canyon City. They were in Houston—they got called in to help with the fire. The images of what I saw on the television flashed in my head. Tragedy. Catastrophe. Casualties. They all ran through my mind as I listened to Micah tell me that I needed to come to Houston General Hospital as soon as possible. Brody was hurt. All I saw was tears after that. I hit the accelerator and drove as fast as I could, keeping the pedal to the metal with no regard for anything except destroying the miles that separated us.

God, I know we don’t talk much—but I think I need you right now. Please don’t take him away from me.

“Micah!” I ran into the hospital and started moving faster when I saw Micah sitting in the waiting room.

Micah didn’t look well. His hair was dirty and his skin had several spots that looked burned. He was still wearing the pants that he normally wore when he was suited up for duty, but his jacket was removed. He stood as soon as he saw me and started walking towards me. His eyes said everything. They reflected concern that was simmering in fear. I knew it wasn’t concern for his own safety, as bad as he looked. He was always so happy—it was strange to see that look on his face. I wanted to ask a million questions, but first I needed to hug him. I felt like I was in a dream, and I had felt like that during the entire drive to Houston. It was clear that I wasn’t living a dream. Something happened, and it wasn’t good.