“I guess that would be okay.” I shrugged and nodded.

I still hadn’t managed to work Micah into the conversation, and I was antsy to find out if Brody knew he asked me out. It didn’t seem like we were going to be able to have a serious conversation while he ripped up the carpet. Brody was already starting to sweat, and I loved the way his shirt clung to his muscles when he did. It was hard to even think about Micah when Brody was right in front of me, toying with my thoughts. My desire for him refused to fade, no matter how much I tried to fight it. After he got more of the carpet ripped up, I saw exactly what he meant about the hardwood floor. The boards were in poor condition, but they could be repaired. It wasn’t going to be as quick as putting down new carpet, but the downstairs would look a lot better with them.

“Okay, this should do it.” Brody ripped the last bit of carpet free and started rolling it up. “I need a break after I get this outside.”

“Want me to order a pizza?” I looked at him and smiled.

“I guess I’ve earned a few slices.” He shrugged and nodded.

Not like a whole pizza would do anything to that incredible physique.

I ordered a pizza while he carried the carpet outside and dumped it by the road. The carpet pad was next. I stared out the window and stifled a smile when he paused by the road to wipe sweat off his brow. I didn’t care if it was dripping off his body, he was still delicious. After he came back, I fixed us both a glass of water and we moved to the dining room table. We talked about the house as I tried to get a break, so I could shift the conversation to Micah. Just when it looked like I might finally have an opening, the pizza arrived and interrupted our conversation. I put out a couple of plates and we started eating. There was a lull in the conversation after he took his first bite, and I decided that I might not get another chance.

“So, your buddy came by the bakery today.” I looked up at him and took a sip of my water.

“Micah? Yeah, he told me he might stop by.” Brody nodded and bit down on his pizza.

So he does know—and he doesn’t sound the least bit concerned.

“Did he tell you why?” I studied his expression and put down my glass of water.

“Yeah, he said he was going to ask you out on a date.” Brody looked up at me and smirked.

“He did…” I exhaled sharply.

No reaction—not even a blink.

“I guess you told him no—again?” Brody leaned back in his chair, clutching his pizza in his hand.

“Yes.” I nodded and pursed my lips.

He doesn’t even care?

“He’s not a bad guy, you know. He’s rough around the edges, but aren’t we all?” Brody took another bite of pizza and shrugged. “Why don’t you want to go out with him?”

I guess I walked right into that question.

“I don’t know.” I looked down at the table. “I barely know him.”

“Isn’t that what dating is for—getting to know someone?” He raised his eyebrows inquisitively. “If you don’t like him, then it’s just one date and he stops showing up at the bakery every day.”

“I suppose…” I nodded.

“You should give him a chance.” He reached out and put his hand on mine, instantly making my emotions go crazy again. “You deserve to be happy.”

I know what would make me happy—you just don’t want the same thing I do.

We worked for a little longer after we ate, but my heart wasn’t in it. I finally had come clean about my feelings and Brody might as well have kicked a hole in my chest. He didn’t even care that Micah asked me out. I had to let go of the teenage crush—permanently. I had pushed it into the back of my mind after I left for college. I could do that again. If he was just helping me as a friend and there was no reciprocation on his end, I had to accept it. The dreams had haunted me too long. It was time to move on with my life. I wasn’t sure that dating Micah was the right direction for me to take, either. Looking at him would always remind me of Brody. There was no way to completely forget what I saw. I might have been able to push past that concern for the man I crushed on for so long, but I didn’t know if there was there more to Micah than what I saw in Brody’s bedroom.

Maybe I need to find out.


I had to stop and catch my breath when I got to my truck and cranked it up. I always knew Wendy had a crush on me, but I chalked it up to her being a confused teenager. I would have never acted on it, even if she threw herself at me. I certainly wasn’t going to take advantage of a mixed up kid that didn’t understand what she was feeling. I was surprised that there was so much awkwardness between us at Beth’s wedding, but I thought it was partly due to the chaos of the big day. I never expected to find out that she was still carrying that torch five years later. She had become a beautiful woman and an amazing person. It took everything inside me not to give in and pull her into my arms—to just forget all the reasons it wasn’t right.

I can’t think about that. I just need to drive. I might not be strong enough to pull away again.

I fought with my own thoughts when she brought up Micah. I wanted to believe his intentions were true, but I still had some doubts I couldn’t shake off. I knew things about him nobody else did. Wendy definitely needed someone, though. I could see that in her eyes. She spent so long fighting for her own sanity when she was a teenager, and she had overcome all that, but the loneliness wasn’t going to go away. If Micah was truly ready to let go of the pain that pulled him into the abyss for so many years, then he could be exactly what she needed. One date wouldn’t hurt anything. She was strong enough to see through him if he was just trying to take her home for the evening. If he didn’t heed my warning—then our friendship would be over, and I would never forgive him.