One month later

“Okay, it’s time.” I tried to stand and motioned to Brody. “My water just broke!”

“Micah, we need to go!” Brody ran over and helped me walk towards the door. “And grab the bag we packed for Wendy!”

“The bag is in the car!” Micah came charging down the stairs with his keys in hand. “Let’s go!”

The three of us rushed to the hospital, and while I respected women who could give birth naturally, I wanted every drug they could pump into me. A few hours later, I was exhausted, but holding a beautiful baby girl that we decided to name Amelia. My heart warmed the instant I saw her, and she became my whole world without ever opening her eyes. Brody was on one side of my bed, and Micah on the other. I could see that she already had both of them wrapped around her tiny little finger. Seeing the two of them so happy brought me to tears. I couldn’t wait to take Amelia home and show her how much love she was going to have from her two daddies—and if Micah got his wish, I was going to be pregnant again before she ever got out of diapers.

“Okay, let me hold her.” Brody extended his arms and took Amelia from me.

“Why do you get to hold her first?” Micah folded his arms across his chest and pouted.

“There will be plenty of time to hold her once we get home.” A smile spread across my face. “Especially when you two start changing diapers.”

“Oh right. Well, the first one to hold her has to change the first diaper.” Micah raised an eyebrow and grinned.

“I’ve actually changed a diaper before.” Brody looked down at Amelia and started to tear up. “You’d probably put it on backwards.”

“I’ll figure it out—now let me hold her.” Micah motioned towards Brody.

These two are going to be the best fathers a little girl could ever hope to have.

The End