“Don’t worry, things will be back to normal soon.” Wendy reached out and put her hand on Micah’s knee.

Normal seemed like a fantasy. It was like a piece of my life that I thought I would never have again. I held Wendy until Beth finished making dinner and we ate together like a family. Even though I was still a little sore, I was happier than I had been in a long time. Wendy had already filled me in on how Beth found out and what her initial reaction was. I hated that Wendy had to face Beth on her own. I wanted to be there to try and ease some of Beth’s concerns when that moment came. Wendy handled it the best that she could, and it seemed like there was nothing to worry about in the immediate future. I just needed to take the time to recover and then things would be back to the way they were before we ever got the call to help out in Houston.

Micah filled me in on the details of what happened once I was able to sit up and listen at the hospital. Nobody really knows how prepared they are to deal with an emergency situation until they’re in the middle of one. It was clear that while they needed help, the organization could have been better. I already had some ideas in my head that I wanted to talk to my chief about. We needed a better plan for that kind of response, and the fire departments we worked with could benefit from one as well.

The Houston Fire Department had us evacuating residents where there was no fire until things were out of control, when we should have been where our skills were needed most from the start. They separated us from the other firefighters from Canyon City, and based on what Micah told me, that happened with other departments as well. We were trained to work together as a team. If my guys would have been with us, they would have made sure we were all safe before they moved to a different hallway. That was part of our protocol, and the same protocol for other fire departments as well, but putting us with guys who didn’t work with us normally had created chaos. We could learn from that, though, and make sure we were better prepared if a situation like that came up again.

A few days later

“I don’t want to go.” Beth looked at me with a pained expression on her face.

“I know, but you can’t stay here with me forever. I’m in good hands. Wendy is going to stay with me until I’m better, and Micah will be here when he’s not working.” I reached out and took her hand. “I’ll call you every day and confirm that I’m still breathing.”

“Don’t even joke about that.” She shook her head with a grimace.

“Sorry. Please be careful out there.” I wrapped my arms around Beth and pulled her in for a hug. “Let me know when you get home.”

“I will.” She hugged me tightly and then slowly let go.

I walked Beth to her car, but she insisted that I go back inside before she actually left. I waved from the window once I was back inside the house and watched her drive away. It was a bittersweet goodbye, because I did like having her there with me, but I knew she needed to get back to her own life. I was going to be okay, even if she was still worried. The doctors expected me to make a full recovery within a week, and I already felt fine. Wendy walked up behind me after Beth was gone and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her head rested on my shoulder for a couple of seconds, but then I felt her breath on my neck, followed by her lips.

“If you keep that up, I’m going to take you straight upstairs.” I felt my heart starting to beat faster in my chest.

“No, you can’t do that yet.” She giggled and kissed my neck a little harder, moving her lips up to my ear. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t make you cum.”

“Oh god…” I gasped when she slid her hand lower and started stroking my cock through my shorts.

Wendy led me to the couch and pulled off my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her body and brought her close for a kiss while I squeezed her ass. We had been really careful while Beth was staying with me, and I desperately wanted to take Wendy upstairs. My hands explored her body while I ravaged her mouth with my tongue. Micah was going to be at work for a while, which meant I had Wendy all to myself. She rubbed my cock through my shorts and then pushed her hands into the waistband, sending them to the floor. I was forced to break the seal our lips had formed when she wrapped her hand around my shaft and started stroking. I started moaning and a gasp rushed across my lips.

“Fuck, even that feels amazing.” I grunted and pulled at her shirt.

“What are you doing?” She smiled and pushed my hand away. “This is all about you.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t touch.” I pulled at her shirt again and a smile spread across my face.

I slowly undressed Wendy, tracing her gorgeous curves once she was naked in my arms. I slid a hand between her thighs and felt her wetness for a moment before she pushed my hand away. I wanted a taste so bad—and I desperately craved more than just her lips. I knew it was probably wasn’t a good idea, even if my body was begging me to ignore the doctor’s orders about taking it easy for the next week. I fought against my own desires, but finally relented and stretched out on the couch so she could crawl between my legs. My cock was already fully engorged and throbbing when her lips started to slowly tease the glans.

“You just lay right there and don’t move too much, or I’ll stop.” She leaned up and grinned before extending her tongue to roll it around the head of my cock.

“You’re not going to stop.” I gasped and let my head rest against the couch. “You can’t leave me with blue balls after all of that teasing. I might end up back in the hospital.”

Wendy opened her mouth an

d started moving her tongue against my cock. It felt so fucking good, and better than any of the medicine that the doctor gave me for pain. All I felt was pure pleasure as the endorphins started moving through my veins. Wendy took the glans into her mouth and sucked on it, moving her mouth forward until her lips started to descend down my shaft. Her mouth was so warm and wet—her lips begged for every inch of my length. I let my hand rest on her head and shifted my hips a little to grind my cock against her tongue. She made her tongue flex, massaging the pleasure spot right below my glans. I started to moan and my breathing got heavier, which caused her to lift off me immediately.

“Don’t try to go too fast.” She bit down on her lip and grinned. “Just let me take care of you.”

“Fine.” I groaned and let my hand fall away.

Wendy opened her mouth and pulled my dick back across her lips. Her saliva started to coat my shaft as she descended towards my balls. She took several inches before lifting up and massaging my cock with her tongue. I did my best to remain still and just enjoy the pleasure. She worked her lips down my shaft slowly, coating every inch with her sweet saliva before she pulled back. Each time her head lowered, she took more inches into her throat until I felt my glans against the barrier in the back of her throat. She moved up and down my shaft several times, making my thickness throb. Her lips were amazing and I couldn’t wait to watch her swallow every inch of my dick. Just when the pleasure started to make my muscles twitch, she pulled me out of her mouth and started kissing the bottom of my shaft.

“You were just getting to the good part.” I moaned and my head started to spin from the pleasure.

“We’re taking this slow.” She grinned and started kissing my shaft again. “I’m going to keep you distracted as long as possible.”

Wendy pushed my cock towards my abdomen and kissed the shaft with more ferocity. Her tongue moved along the sensitive nerves until she got down to my balls. My eyes got wide when I felt her tongue start to circle them. The sensation wasn’t as strong as being inside her mouth, but it was enough to make me quiver. Her tongue circled my right nut several times and then she pulled it between her lips to gently suck on it. I moaned as the bliss surged through me. After she was done with that one, she moved her tongue between my balls and let it drag all the way to the glans before she worked her way back down. Her tongue moved against my left nut and she gave it the same treatment that the other one had received, making my whole body tingle with excitement.

“You don’t know how good that feels.” I moaned and shifted on the couch.