They took me to a different floor and put me in a room by myself. I was alone for several minutes before the door opened. It was Beth and her husband. They were a sight for my very sore eyes. A few minutes later, I saw the door open again. Micah and Wendy stepped into the room. The four of them stared at me for a moment, like I was some sort of animal in a circus.

“Well, is someone going to hug me or am I going to have to get out of this fucking bed?” I pushed on the mattress.

“Daddy!” Beth came running to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Thank goodness!”

“Ow—okay, hug me gently.” I grimaced when her hug squeezed against bruises on my back.

“Sorry.” She slowly let go of me and took a step back. “Wendy’s here.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Wendy walked up and took my hand.

“Hello, Wendy.” I nodded at her, realizing that I couldn’t say much else with my daughter present.

“Kiss her, you idiot.” Beth smirked and glared at me.

“She…” I looked at Wendy with confusion.

“She knows.” Wendy smiled and leaned towards me.

I didn’t care how Beth knew, or why she didn’t seem to mind that I was involved with Wendy. I didn’t even care if it was just another dream toying with my soul. I pulled Wendy into a tight embrace and crushed her lips against mine. I never thought I would get to kiss the woman I loved again. I savored every second of it as our tongues intertwined. All of the pain melted away. Pure joy swept through my body. I was back in the world of the living and the people I cared about were surrounding me. The woman I loved was in my arms. When our lips finally parted, we were both gasping for air. She pushed her hair away from her face and smiled before taking a step back. I motioned to Micah, who took a step forward. It hurt to move, but I turned in the bed and extended my hand.

“Thank you.” I swallowed hard. “You saved my life.”

“And we’re gonna hug.” He grinned and leaned forward.

“Fine.” I growled and leaned up so I could hug him.

Two days later

“I don’t need all of you treating me like I’m some sort of damn invalid.” I waved off Micah’s hand as he tried to help me out of the car. “I can stand on my own two feet.”

“We just want to make sure you don’t fall before you get in the house.” Micah chuckled and held the door steady.

“I’m fine.” I nodded and stood up, stretching out my arms. “That feels good.”

“Don’t get too comfortable on your feet. The doctor wants you to rest.” Micah patted my shoulder and motioned towards the house.

“I’ll be fine. I might even go to work tomorrow.” I took a step forward and grimaced.

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” Micah shook his head and smirked. “I think Wendy will tie you to the bed before she lets you leave.”

“Kinky.” I grinned and took another step. “I figured she’d be the one that wanted to be tied to the bed.”

“You might want to keep that to yourself until Beth leaves.” Micah chuckled and put his arm around my waist. “Come on, there’s no shame in letting me help you to the house.”

I spent time with Beth while I was at the hospital and came clean about my relationship with Wendy. They had already found some semblance of peace, and I could tell that Beth wanted me to be happy, even if she was surprised that I found it with her best friend. I had kept the details about Micah’s involvement in our life to myself because I didn’t think she could handle more shock than she already got.

I let Micah help me to the house where Beth and Wendy were waiting. They immediately took me to the couch and made sure I was comfortable. Beth’s husband had to leave for work, but Beth was planning to stay a few more days. I hated to be a burden, but it was nice to have her home.

“My two girls.” I looked at them and smiled. “Just like it used to be.”

“A little different now.” Beth winked and nudged Wendy. “Okay, snuggle with him if you want. I won’t judge.”

“Thank you.” Wendy nodded and slid onto the couch beside me.

“I’m going to go see what you have to cook in this place.” Beth patted me on the shoulder and walked towards the kitchen.

“I’ll be over here.” Micah chuckled and sat down in the chair next to the couch.