“We’ll have to be prepared for it to upset her. I know she’ll forgive us and understand, because that’s the kind of person she is, but she may lash out in the beginning.” Wendy sighed and tapped her fingers on the table. “That’s going to be a tough conversation either way.”

“There’s no way around it, I guess.” I stared at the table and imagined the look on my daughter’s face. “I’d rather just be honest about the two of us than have her find out some other way.”

“What about your dad?” Micah raised his eyebrows. “He’ll be coming back soon, right?”

“You know, I’m not sure. I’ll know more after I go to see him this weekend. Last time I visited, his doctor wanted him to stay a few more months. He’s doing great and I’m really worried about how he will handle himself when he comes home.” Wendy tilted her head to the side and grimaced. “He has a community of people that support him there. Once he comes home, he won’t have all of those distractions.”

“He’ll have you.” Micah reached over and took her hand. “That means he’ll have us.”

“Thank you. That really means a lot.” Wendy nodded and wiped away a tear that was trying to form. “I’ll probably tell him once he gets home, but I’m going to wait until then, at least.”

“That sounds fair.” I nodded quickly and took a sip of coffee. “Micah—what about you? A

re you going to tell your family?”

“I’ll tell my mom and dad I’m dating someone. I’m sure they’ll be eager to meet you.” He squeezed Wendy’s hand. “But my parents thump the Bible harder than a lot of people, so I’m not sure how much I can really tell them without getting disowned.”

“So, back to ground rules.” I chuckled under my breath. “Let’s talk about what we did last night. Wendy, was there anything you didn’t like—or something you would like to try that we didn’t do?”

“I enjoyed everything we did and I’m open to trying more new stuff—we’ll just take it one night at a time.” A grin spread across Wendy’s soft, pouty lips. “I’m a little sore, though. I guess I used a few muscles I didn’t know I had.”

“You’ll be using them again in a little while.” Micah winked at her and chuckled.

“I have to drag these sore muscles to work first.” She looked over at the clock. “I’ll probably regret not sleeping longer before my shift is done.”

“We’ll be waiting here when you get back.” Micah ran his tongue across his bottom lip. “I might even be hungry enough for bear claws by then.”

“I guess I can deliver them, unless you just decide you want to stop by and see me.” Wendy grinned and tilted her head.

“I’m sure I could work that into my busy schedule between my first and second nap.” Micah chuckled again.

The relationship seemed to be less complicated than I thought it would be, but we had only made it through the first night—and breakfast. We continued talking until it was time for Wendy to head back to her place so she could shower and get ready for work. I took a quick shower myself and Micah did what he said—he went back to bed. I was tempted to just pass out, but I had some work to do around the house. Micah was still sleeping when I finished, so I just lounged in the living room and watched television until he finally got back up. We talked for a little longer before he left to go back to his apartment, and I assumed he was going to make a trip to Marigold Bakery to pick up his usual order.

I was anxious to see Wendy again as the hours passed. The first night was so good that I definitely wanted more. I finally just turned off the television and let my mind wander, thinking about those beautiful curves and gorgeous lips. My cock got hard just thinking about them, knowing that I was going to have her in my arms as soon as she got off work. Part of me wished I had listened to the devil on my shoulder instead of the angel when she first told me how much she wanted me, but I truly believed the relationship we had would be even better. All of us could be happy. That was worth more than anything else I could imagine.


“Can you watch the counter?” Jillian took off her apron as soon as I walked in the door. “I need to head to the bank.”

“I swear I’m getting déjà vu here, and not in a good way.” My eyes opened wide as I thought about the fire.

“Don’t worry, I made sure not to put anything in the oven.” Jillian smiled and chuckled under her breath. “And the rum is tightly sealed.”

“Good, I think I can handle things then.” I nodded quickly and grabbed my apron.

A couple of customers entered after she left, but once they were gone, I didn’t see anyone else heading towards the bakery. I leaned against the counter and thought about what happened with Brody and Micah. It was a truly mind blowing experience and so much better than I imagined. When I suggested the arrangement, I thought things would be awkward—if they even agreed to it. The fact they had previously shared girls probably made it a lot easier for them to accept what I offered, even if it was going to last longer than one night. It was nice to see Brody so happy, and even better knowing that I was the reason he was wearing a smile. When Jillian returned, I snapped back to reality. I had been lost in my thoughts for much longer than I realized.

“Okay, things are all set now.” She walked behind the counter and put on her apron. “Let’s work in the kitchen since we don’t have many customers. Things will go a lot faster if I have an extra set of hands.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded and followed her back into the kitchen. “What are you going to make today?”

“Nothing fancy, I just have a few custom orders that came in.” She opened the dishwasher and pulled out several pans.

“Oh, I might be staying longer than I originally planned. I’m not sure I’m going to be leaving Canyon City after my dad gets back home.” I stifled a grin.

“Is that so?” She narrowed her eyes and picked up a bag of flour. “Does it have anything to do with a certain firefighter that can’t stop eating bear claws?”

“Maybe…” My lips refused to hide my smile.