Micah’s thrusts started slow, but he started hammering me a lot quicker than Brody did. Brody stated matching Micah’s pace, almost bruising my lips when his cock went into my throat. All I could do was take it—I belonged to them until they were done using me for their pleasure. My fingers twisted in the bedspread as moans rose up in my throat. Micah’s thrusts started getting faster after a few dozen of them had been drilled deep into my pussy, and I heard the bed slamming into the wall. Brody was against the headboard, and the slams made him propel forward into my throat with more vigor. I felt pressure—so fucking tight. It was fighting against pure exhaustion, but Micah’s thrusts were so good I couldn’t ignore the sensation.

“Cum for me—show me how much you love getting fucked.” Micah hand traced the center of my ass as he drove himself deep.


“Damn, I’m gonna cum again before you do.” Brody grunted and I felt his dick throbbing in my mouth.

Brody kept driving his cock across my lips and I felt the throbbing get more intense. His glans pulsated when he pulled it against my tongue. I had never let anyone cum in my mouth before, but I wasn’t going to have a choice. I tasted his pre-cum on my taste buds and then he went all the way into my throat. I wasn’t just going to taste his cum, I was going to have to swallow it too. Thick streams rushed through his shaft and exploded in my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could, trying to get the stickiness down before I choked on the volume. He had more than a couple of ropes of his milky manhood inside him—it was like a cannon that fired again and again. When the last drop was finally gone, he pulled back and I gasped for air. Brody fell beside me on the bed, and I watched his body shake from Micah’s continued thrusts.

“I’m gonna fucking cum!” Micah’s hands latched onto my hips.

“Me too!” I moaned and nearly hyperventilated as my breathing got heavier.

My mouth opened wide and a scream echoed in the room. It was met by Micah’s growls as he chased his release. I could feel his cock throbbing inside me, pulsating with every hammer-thrust. My body shook, and it wasn’t just his thrusts making me quiver. My orgasm was so intense I saw stars floating in my vision. Micah was close—but not quite there. He kept going, and enjoyed every one of my spasms. His thrusts didn’t lose a single bit of intensity—the instant I thought I was done, another orgasm roared from within me and I screamed again. Micah’s growls got louder and I felt him throbbing harder.

“There we go! Make me cum, baby!” His grip on my hips tightened.

Micah started a chain reaction of orgasms. They just kept pouring out of me like someone had opened a faucet. Micah’s dick pulsated, and I felt the cum surging through his shaft, but I was still in the middle of an orgasm that was stacked on top of another one. He unloaded his seed into the condom, but didn’t stop when he realized my body wasn’t done. I couldn’t stop cumming. I had no idea how to shut the faucet off. Everything inside me wanted the agony-laced pleasure to stop while simultaneously begging for more. He started to throb again and then he released another load. My spasms continued to squeeze him until I finally fell face first into the mattress and let it absorb my screams.

“I can’t take any more, fuck! It feels so good, but I can’t stop—please don’t stop!” I just screamed—it was all I could do.

Micah’s body crashed into mine until I felt his muscles twitching against me. He was spent. My body started to get numb—that seemed to be the only thing that could ease the pleasure. The waves crashed into me a few more times before I was so numb I couldn’t even feel my hands or feet. It was a relief and I had absolutely nothing left. I wasn’t even sure I could move from the spot I was in. I just stayed there with my knees under me and my ass in the air as Micah withdrew his dick from my pussy. My muscles finally turned to jelly and I just fell to the side, right into Brody’s arms. Micah fell forward, creating a thud when he hit the mattress, but he managed to get enough energy to slide close to me.

“That was fucking intense.” Micah exhaled sharply and draped an arm over my body.

“I don’t even know what happened.” My words came out, but my lips felt numb when I spoke.

“I think it’s safe to say we’re done for the night.” Brody stretched out his hand and slapped at the lamp until he hit the switch.

I didn’t even need the darkness to sleep. I was so tired I could have slept in a hurricane with the sun directly above my face. Brody and Micah cuddled me, and I stayed pressed between them. It was so comfortable—like I had finally found my place in the world. I had wanted Brody for so long, and there was so much euphoria in finally feeling his arms around me. Micah was unexpected, but he was the perfect person to share my life with. The two of them had opened my eyes to things I didn’t know I could enjoy, and I wanted more. I just needed sleep before I could get my exhausted body off the bed. When I finally succumbed to sleep, I didn’t even dream—it was just absolute nothingness.


Our first night with Wendy was incredible. Once Micah and I were sure that we were going to go forward with it, I decided to reenact the scene she saw all those years ago. I hoped she wouldn’t think it was strange, since it was another woman with us then, but I was fairly certain it would be exactly what she needed. What she witnessed had haunted her for five years and even invaded her dreams. I wanted her to have a moment that would replace it entirely, so that she would never think about anything but the three of us in my bedroom. I couldn’t imagine how she felt seeing that at such a young age. I might have been her best friend’s father, but her crush was real. Seeing me like that had to shatter some o

f her innocence when she found out I wasn’t worthy of the pedestal she put me on.

Five years changed everything. She was no longer an obsessed teenager and I was no longer a lost soul searching for any distraction to keep me sane. Micah was different, too. He was wild and crazy back then, but he had finally come to terms with all of the heartache left behind. Wendy was going to be the one that didn’t just heal the wounds, but erase the scars as well. Mine had been cauterized long enough for most of the scars to fade, even if some of the baggage remained in my soul. I had Beth, so I didn’t have a choice but to pick up the pieces and move on. Perhaps Micah would have done the same thing if he had someone that depended on him back then. Either way, we had a clear path in front of us for the first time—and it was a shared path we could travel together.

“How long have you been awake?” I looked over at Micah when I noticed that his eyes were open.

“A while; I’m just lying here thinking. I didn’t want to get up and risk waking either of you.” He turned his head towards me. “Although she looked fast asleep.”

“I’m not sure an earthquake could wake her at this point.” I chuckled and sat up in bed. “I’m hungry. Want to go downstairs and fix something to eat? I bet the smell of bacon and coffee would wake her right up.”

“You have bacon?” Micah’s eyebrows raised. “I thought you were still on the health kick.”

“You fed me a bear claw—it unraveled everything.” I smiled and shifted to the side of the bed.

“I’m pretty sure you mentioned something about pizza before you tore into that bear claw.” Micah grinned and reached for his pants.

“Yeah, I was already on a downhill slide at that point.” I nodded and started dressing.

We each gave Wendy a kiss on the side of the head, but all she did was roll over and pull some covers around her beautiful curves. I walked downstairs and immediately started a pot of coffee. I couldn’t remember the last time I woke up so fucking exhausted, but it was worth the ache in the back of my eyes. Caffeine would fix it, at least. Once the coffee was started, I dug around to find a frying pan under my cabinet while Micah explored the fridge. He pulled out bacon, eggs, and butter. I wasn’t just backsliding on my diet, I was off the rails and riding a pig towards oblivion, but I didn’t get a fuck. I could have eaten the pig raw at that point, and a piece of fruit or oatmeal wasn’t going to get my motor going after the workout I got the previous night. I needed sustenance that would stay in my stomach for a while.

“You want to cook it or should I?” Micah sliced off a piece of butter and looked over at me.

“You’re welcome to do it if you want, but you forgot something.” I walked over and opened up the fridge.