“Damn, man, you sound like you’re ready for the retirement home.” I couldn’t hold back a chuckle, even though I could tell Brody was serious. “You’re not even forty years old. You still have a lot of years before should be worried about all of that. Hell, my dad was forty-one when I was born.”

“I know it’s not impossible. I guess I just feel older than my years because Beth was born when I was so young. I was the youngest parent at every event I attended with her. Sometimes people thought I was her older brother.” Brody chuckled and nodded. “Fuck, man, maybe I’m just an idiot.”

“If you want to pursue her, I’ll back off right now.” I put my coffee down and studied his expression. “I had one date with Wendy that went really well. You’ve got years of history and a lot of unresolved feelings—that’s very obvious.”

“I never thought of her like that back when she was just a teenager who needed help. I could tell she had a crush on me, but I figured she’d get over that once she went away to college.” Brody shrugged and sipped his coffee. “I didn’t expect those desires to last this long, but that’s probably my fault. I was just trying to be a friend without realizing that I was reigniting them.”

“How do you feel? That’s what really matters right now.” I continued to study Brody’s expression as he stared down at the table.

“Obviously I can’t look at her without noticing that she’s fucking gorgeous. No man could look at her without having a few dirty thoughts. She’s—damn it, she’s amazing. That’s how I feel. She makes me laugh—when I’m with her, I just want to forget all the complications and…” Brody’s words trailed off.

“I think that tells me what I need to know.” I nodded quickly.

“I want you to be happy too, though.” Brody lifted his head and looked at me. “You like her. You two are a much better match. You can give her all the things I can’t.”

“Except what she truly wants.” I shrugged and sighed. “When you and I used to share

girls, it was never about anything but satisfying the desires we had in the moment. Maybe there’s a chance for that to be something more—maybe we could both find happiness with the same woman.”

“Do you think that’s possible?” Brody tilted his head inquisitively.

“I don’t know, but I can’t think of a better woman to try it with than Wendy. You and I get along great. We both like Wendy. Who says things have to be traditional?” I shrugged and smiled. “Let’s try something new. Maybe this is what we both need.”

“Okay.” Brody exhaled sharply. “I’m willing to give it a shot if you are.”

Brody was more than my friend—he was practically my brother. I knew his struggles and he knew mine. A relationship with Wendy would have been incredible, but I didn’t want to get in the way of seeing her happy—that wasn’t going to happen with me alone. She had too much left in her heart for Brody. He would never act on it, no matter how much he knew he wanted it. An polyamorous relationship could be the only way that the three of us found the happiness we needed. After we had coffee, we had to get to work, but I called Wendy as soon as I got to the fire station. We had forty hours to really think things through, but I was pretty sure our minds were made up. I asked her to meet us at Brody’s house once we were done with our shift.

If things work out the way that I hope, she might not just dream about being the girl on the bed anymore.


Two days later

I risked everything to get what I truly desired. Telling them the truth and revealing the secret could have destroyed everything. It could have ruined my friendship with Brody and ended my chance of finding happiness with Micah. I was on pins and needles as I waited for them to get done with their shift at the fire department. I had no idea what they would say when I got to Brody’s house—the scene of the initial crime. I hoped that they were meeting me there because they were willing to consider what I wanted. The hours ticked away slowly, which almost drove me mad with anticipation. When the time finally came for me to meet them, I headed over to Brody’s house. His truck was parked in the driveway, as was Micah’s car. That seemed to be a good sign. I walked up to the door and knocked, but I got no response.

What the hell? They know I’m coming—oh my god. Are they recreating what happened before?

In any other situation, I might have been offended to have them plan something out for me that they did with another girl, but our situation was far from normal. What I had seen was the catalyst for everything, and the very moment I couldn’t get out of my head. I walked around and found the key—exactly where it was all those years ago. I pushed it into the door and when I opened it, I heard music coming from upstairs. It was like a flashback, but the intensity made me heart pound. I didn’t see any sign of them, so I headed for the stairs. I took them slowly, feeling the excitement build. My pussy started to tingle, and the wetness spread into my panties before I got to the top of the stairs. Brody’s bedroom door was open, but I didn’t see either of them inside the room. I walked closer, and then I heard footsteps behind me—two sets.

“You must be lost.” Brody walked up behind me and put his hands on my hips. “You shouldn’t go wandering around in other people’s houses—you never know what you might find.”

“Or who might find you.” Micah walked around in front of me.

“Oh my…” I looked at Micah and smiled.

“It looks like we’re going to have to teach you a lesson.” Brody’s hand moved against my body and he squeezed my ass.

My heart was nearly beating through my chest. They didn’t even have to tell me that they had decided to pursue a relationship with me—and that they were willing to share. I saw that in Micah’s eyes. I felt it in Brody’s touch. Micah leaned forward and began to ravage my mouth with a passionate kiss. Brody leaned against my back and started kissing my neck. Both sets of lips were against my skin, and my head started to spin with anticipation. Micah kissed me hard, pressing against my lips as his tongue slid between them. Just when the passion was turning to a blaze of desire, he pulled back and turned me towards Brody. I had been waiting for that moment for so long—to kiss the man I wanted so bad. This kiss didn’t disappoint. Brody pulled me into an embrace and I felt his heat even before his lips crushed mine. All of the desires I had tried to forget came flooding back in an instant—I no longer had to ignore them. I could have the man I wanted and so much more.

“We’re going to do all kinds of dirty, filthy things to you.” Micah growled into my ear as Brody pulled away from my lips. “You wanted the both of us, well, that’s what you’re going to get.”

“Once we go into the bedroom, you belong to us. Anything we want—we’re going to take it.” Brody stared into my eyes with an intensity that I had never seen before. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes.” I nodded and swallowed hard.

“These lips.” Brody lifted his hand and ran his thumb across them. “They’re going to be mine, as long as I want them.”

“Oh god.” I swallowed hard again.