And now I’m thinking about Brody.

“Brody mentioned that you were a frequent guest at his house when you were younger.” Micah took a sip of his soda and sat down his glass.

“Yeah. Did you know him back then? I never met any of his friends.” I tilted my head to the side.

Here’s a test—let’s see how he reacts.

“Oh, what was that—five years ago? Yeah, I’ve been at the fire department for a little over six years now.” Micah nodded quickly.

“Too bad we never run into each other back then. I was a lot more willing to go out with random guys when I was eighteen.” I twisted my lip into a half-smile.

“Were you now?” He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

“No.” I shook my head and laughed. “I would have still made you work for it.”

“But you would have said yes—eventually, right?” He stretched out his arm and put his hand on mine. “You already know how persistent I can be.”

“Maybe…” My half-smile twisted into a grin. “I wouldn’t have been the only girl in my class dating an older guy.”

“Ouch.” He chuckled and pulled his hand away when our food arrived. “I would have only been twenty-four.”

And I had my eyes on a guy older than that back then, even if I knew it was impossible.

We continued talking as we ate, and the main course was just as good as the appetizer. The steak was so tender it practically melted in my mouth. The baked potato was definitely loaded, to the point that it seemed like it had more toppings than potato in every bite. The foot wasn’t the best part, though. Micah was starting to win me over and ease my initial concerns. I couldn’t deny that he was rather charming. I wished I could just flush what I saw that day out of my memories. Five years was a long time. He might not even be that kind of man anymore. I no longer felt like I was just going out with him because he would leave me alone if the date didn’t go well—I was actually having a good time. He had a way of making me smile and he was a really fun person to be around.

“I’d ask if you want dessert, but I can’t imagine anything here being better than what you sell at the bakery.” He placed his fork on his plate and leaned back in his chair.

“That’s probably true.” I nodded and put down my fork. “I’m stuffed anyway.”

“Want to take a walk after the check comes?” He tilted his head to the side.

“Sure, I could use one after this meal.” I nodded again.

After the check was paid we got our jackets, and I followed Micah outside the restaurant. He took my hand and held it as we walked towards the park. Micah told me about his life, the girl that broke his heart, and why he decided to become a firefighter. He was a lot like Brody, although he didn’t get married before things went downhill. The scars must have been deep, even though he didn’t let the conversation linger on it after he talked about the proposal she turned down. I wondered how I would have handled something like that at such a young age. I hoped I wouldn’t let it define my life, but I was hardly one to judge. My infatuation with Brody hadn’t ruined me, but it made me compare every guy I dated to the one I couldn’t have. The fact I still carried it with me five years later proved I didn’t quite know how to move past it, but Micah was chipping away at the barrier around my heart.

“I never took time to appreciate how beautiful this park is when I was younger.” I paused near a bridge that stretched across a small stream.

“It’s more beautiful tonight than it’s ever been.” Micah squeezed my hand. “But I’m taking that part with me when I go.”

“You’re silly.” I turned to him and shook my head.

Micah pulled me close and before I realized what was happening, he crushed my lips beneath his. For a brief second, I almost pushed him off, but his kiss was so passionate I just melted into it. It felt so good that I didn’t want it to end. Nobody had ever kissed me like that. My heart did a flip in my chest, and he squeezed me in a tight embrace. My thoughts began to spin, and fireworks went off in my head. His lips parted from mine for a moment, and then he started kissing me again. Our lips seared together and formed a seal that I didn’t want him to break. His tongue intertwined with mine and I felt my inhibitions about Micah slowly fading from my thoughts. When our lips finally parted again, I was gasping for breath.

“I have to tell you something.” I looked up into his eyes.

This can’t go any further unless I tell him the truth—I can’t fall for him with a secret lingering over us.

“This isn’t the worst date you’ve ever had and you’ll go out with me again?” His lips slowly spread into a grin.

“No, it’s actually more complicated than that.” I pushed back from his embrace.

“Okay.” His eyebrows came together and reflected concern. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all.” I shook my head quickly. “I just—there’s just something you have to know.”

“I’m listening.” His concern shifted to a confused stare.

“It wouldn’t be fair for me to just tell you, though, because this concerns Brody as well.” I looked down at the ground and sighed.