“Fuck you, Chad.” I turned and grabbed my drink. “You can go straight to hell.”

It felt like I was moving in slow motion when I turned back towards Chad. Everything I had felt—two years of misery. It was nothing to him. He moved on, found someone else, and got married. He was the one that cheated on me, and he was unscathed. I internalized the pain while he forgot all about me. I turned the glass to the side and extended my arm, sending every drop of the Manhattan straight into Chad’s face. That was where it belonged. He took a step back and blinked as a string of profanity rushed from his lips. I was done with Chad. I had nothing else to say to him. I grabbed Abby’s arm and started marching towards the exit.

“Now it’s time to go.” I slammed my hand into the door and stepped out into the parking lot.

“Holy shit, that was amazing!” Abby’s eyes lit up. “You’re finally over him.”

“Yeah.” I nodded and pursed my lips together. “I see things clearly now. I was such a stupid idiot.”

“Should we wait around and watch him try to explain that to his new wife?” Abby giggled and smiled.

“No, I think it’s time for me to go home.” I reached out and touched her arm. “Thank you—this night turned out to be quite liberating.”

“Well, before you go.” Her smile got wider. “Please tell me that you’ll be my Maid of Honor.”

“I would be honored.” I took a step closer to Abby and gave her a hug.

My past was where it belonged—in the past. As much as I tried to deny it, there was still a part of me that didn’t totally let go of Chad when I met Harlan and Gabe. I told myself it was over, and that I had moved on, but I still harbored some of the heartbreak. As I headed back to Gabe’s house, I felt something new. My heart didn’t feel like it was torn, or even like it was capable of being broken. It was fully regenerated—and it was filled with love for the two men that cared for me more than anything else in the world. They gave me the strength to stand on my own two feet again, but it was my inner resolve that truly severed the past.

Chapter Sixteen


I could tell something wasn’t right with Kacey when she arrived. Gabe felt it as well. After a little prodding, she told us what happened. I was furious when she mentioned Chad. I wasn’t jealous, because I knew she was committed to us, but I still hated that he could hurt her after all that time. I didn’t expect her to completely forget him. He was her first love and the man she thought she was going to marry. I understood better than anyone. The part that really pissed me off was the fact that he thought he could walk up and say hello like it was nothing. He was totally oblivious to the pain he caused, or he didn’t give a fuck. Either option was enough for me to want to punch him in the face even though I normally wasn’t a very violent man. At least she didn’t let him walk away without ruining his shirt—he deserved worse.

“I told you a bar was a bad idea.” I shook my head back and forth. “I think it’s time you handed over that fake ID.”

“I didn’t drink at all—I mean, I ordered one.” Kacey smirked and a smile spread across her face. “But I already told you what I did with it.”

“I’m serious.” I extended my hand. “You don’t need that kind of temptation. Abby should have known better.”

“She had no idea that Chad would be there.” Kacey scoffed and shook her head.

“That isn’t the point.” I motioned with my hand again. “What would happen if you got pulled over and a cop found it, even if you weren’t drinking? You’d spend the night in jail and end up with a record.”

“You’re the one who bought me a drink the first night we met!” Kacey put her hands on her hips.

“It was a mistake, and that’s different. I would have been the one in trouble, not you.” I looked over to Gabe. “Are you going to back me up here, or just be a fly on the wall?”

“He’s right.” Gabe sighed and nodded. “Look, Harlan and I were your age once too. Sure, we made mistakes, but we don’t want anything happening to you.”

“And if I say no?” Kacey tapped her foot on the floor.

“I’d advise against it.” Gabe raised his eyebrows. “Unless you want another visit from Daddy Harlan. He might not rub your pussy while he spanks you this time.”

“So if I don’t give it up, I get a spanking?” Kacey narrowed her eyes slightly and a grin formed on the edge of her lips.

“Okay, I see how this needs to go.” I walked over and grabbed her by the wrist. “Time for you to take another trip across my knee.”

“Oh no, what a terrible thing to do—please don’t.” Kacey giggled as I started walking.

“I think she likes getting spanked.” Gabe chuckled and followed us into the living room.

“Let’s see how much she likes it when her ass is as red as her panties.” I sat down on the couch and pulled Kacey’s dress up around her waist. “Last chance, are you going to hand over the fake ID or not?”

“Nope.” Kacey wiggled her ass at me. “I guess you’ll just have to punish me for being such a bad girl.”

“Have it your way.” I lifted my hand up and brought it down hard in the middle of her ass.