“Enjoy prison, you son of a bitch.” Trent put a knee against the back of Adam’s neck and looked towards me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see if I can help the girl in the basement.” I waved him off and walked towards the door that I knew so well.

Her name was Wendy and she was every bit the broken girl I used to be. Her flesh was marked with whip marks that had been laid on top of marks that barely healed. She cried when she saw me, but she didn’t want to leave. Adam had put the same spell on her that he put on me. When the police finally arrived, they had to carry her to the ambulance. I sat beside down next to Wendy and told her my story. I pulled up my shirt and showed her my scars. That seemed to open her eyes, and by the time she got to the hospital, she was ready to press charges against Adam. The marks he left on her were vicious enough that nobody would ever believe she wanted that kind of cruelty. She admitted that he pushed her way past what she wanted and refused to stop when she begged. She might as well have been reciting my story word for word—she just didn’t get the chance to run.

“That bastard is going to prison for a long time.” Chase walked up to me in the hospital and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Thank you for helping me get the courage to do this.” I leaned back against him.

“It was all you.” Trent joined our embrace. “We just gave you the support you needed to get here.”

“Now it’s over.” I leaned back and smiled. “We can go home and figure out where we go from here.”

“The bedroom.” Trent squeezed my ass and chuckled. “Well okay, I guess we have to see your parents tomorrow.”

“Hey, we got a hotel room—we’re used to staying up all night.” He smiled and nodded. “No reason to wait until we get back to Chicago.”



Eight months later

“You know you’re not supposed to buy your own birthday presents right?” Trent held up the oval paddle that I unwrapped from my stack of gifts.

“Well, were you going to buy it?” I winked at him.

“No, I guess not.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Shame on us for wanting to buy our girl jewelry.”

“Jewelry?” I looked at the stack. “I don’t see any…”

“It’s right here.” Chase put his arms around my neck and I saw a small black box in his hand.

“What is this?” I took the box and pushed it open to reveal a gorgeous diamond solitaire.

“I know we can’t get married in the traditional sense.” Trent put down the paddle and knelt in front of me.

“But we still want to make you our wife.” Chase walked around the couch and knelt next to Trent.

“Will you marry us?” They spoke in unison—so much so that I could tell it was rehearsed.

“Oh my gosh.” I took the diamond out of the box and smiled. “Of course I’ll marry you—and you.”

“She said yes!” Trent grinned and turned towards the table. “But now I guess we gotta paddle her.”

“And here I thought we were doing just fine with our hands.” Chase took the paddle and slapped it against his palm. “Damn, that’s going to sting a little bit.”

“How else am I going to get a good birthday spanking? You don’t have many years to work with here.” I giggled and winked at them.

“Oh, but perhaps you’re forgetting there are two of us.” Trent looked at Chase. “That means two birthday spankings, right?”

“I think it does.” Chase nodded and held up the paddle. “You might regret buying this after all.”

“Nah, I’ll just keep my panties on.” I grinned from ear to ear.

“Oh, not a chance.” Chase grabbed me by the wrist and turned me around on the couch.

Sex had taken the prominent role in our bedroom, but I still liked to have fun with my fantasies. Trent and Chase didn’t seem to mind, and it never got severe enough to leave more than a tender spot when I sat down the next morning. It was exactly what I needed to safely explore the desires that would never go away. The desires would always be a part of me. It might have started as a mild fascination, but it had become more than that. I was lucky enough to have two wonderful men that would take care of me, protect me, and never let it get to the point that I was uncomfortable. Best of all, I was going to be married to both of them. I stared at my ring with a smile as I bent over and Chase pushed my panties down to my knees.