“Time to trade.” Trent kept his hands on my back as he moved around in front of me. “I want to feel those lips wrapped around my cock.”

“They’re wonderful.” Chase moved down the bed until he was behind me. “But I’m definitely ready for this tight pussy.”

They were inside me again. Chase pushed his dick deep into my pussy while Trent entered my mouth. I could taste my lust on Trent’s shaft, but I didn’t care. I massaged his cock with my tongue each time he pushed his glans past the barrier in the back of my throat. Chase’s thrusts picked up speed and he stoked the fire. The pressure had relieved some once Trent pulled out, but Chase brought it back. I was about to cum. There was no way I could hold back any longer, even if I wanted to stay suspended on the edge of pleasure forever. I moaned, feeling the muscles in my throat vibrate on Trent’s cock as Chase pushed me over the edge towards an orgasm. My pussy spasmed on his cock and I felt him begin to pulsate.

“I’ll never get tired of feeling you cum while I’m inside you.” Chase grunted and pushed his dick as deep as it would go.

“I should have stayed back there a little longer.” Trent chuckled and tangled his hands in my hair until the strands were pulled tight against my scalp. “This is just as good, though.”

The two of them started to thrust again. Trent’s momentum was faster than it had been before, and Chase was like a jackhammer against my ass. I felt another orgasm building quick, but Chase didn’t stop to enjoy it. He drove himself into me as I spasmed on his shaft. He grunted each time I squeezed his cock and my tightness required him to thrust even harder. I felt him begin to throb and then his glans pulsated. I knew he was about to explode. He held on for a little longer—long enough for Trent to reach the same point. They were going to cum at the same time. I could feel it. Trent drove his cock deep in my throat, pulled back, and I tasted his pre-cum on my tongue.

“Oh god!” Trent’s hands tightened and pulled my hair a little harder. “I’m about to explode.”

“Me too!” Chase shifted his weight until his massive frame was resting on my ass while his throbbing cock went deep inside my pussy.

Trent’s cock was quickly buried in my throat as the first eruption of cum splattered from his glans. I swallowed hard, forcing every drop down my throat. Chase pulsated a couple of times and then the eruption began. He grunted and gasped as his lust rushed into my pussy. The combination sent me over the edge again and I started to orgasm. My spasms milked Chase while Trent continued to cum in my throat. When they were done, they slowly withdrew their cocks and collapsed on either side of me. I fell forward, exhausted as the afterglow consumed me. Their fingers traced my curves and they gently kissed me for several minutes before the three of us finally drifted off to sleep.



I was exhausted once my lust was satisfied, but I didn’t sleep long. I woke up and rolled to the edge of the bed. Kayla’s breathing didn’t change and Chase was still snoring when I stood up. I walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I knew my body and if I woke up that quickly, I was going to be up for a while. My eyes drifted to the box on the table which was full of Kayla’s pictures. Anger rose up inside me as I thought about the story she told us. If the bastard that hurt her had been in front of me, I would have wrapped my fingers around his throat and squeezed until I watched the life drain from his eyes. Even that was too merciful, but at least it would be over. She deserved closure and I was going to make sure she got it.

As much as I want to just take matters into my own hand and make the bastard suffer for what he’s done, Kayla has to be strong enough to face him first.

He had gotten away with things that should have sent him to prison, but I knew how the justice system worked. Kayla might have been his victim, but she was the one that kept going back. He got inside her head and twisted her thoughts until she bent to his will. The scars he left on her beautiful flesh were nothing compared to the ones he left on her soul. I was going to do everything in my power to make that she never felt that way again. There were things she needed, but I would respect her limits. I knew Chase would as well. She was safe with us, and we were never going to let anything else bad happen to her. I might have been conflicted about her at first, but that feeling was gone. I was going to protect Kayla until my last dying breath.

I never thought Chase and I would end up sharing the same woman longer than one night, but she needs us both.

I walked back to the bedroom and watched her sleep for a few minutes before walking to the living room and taking a seat on the couch. I scrolled through my phone and read a few news articles. The article about the fire in Kayla’s apartment building had been updated and her reckless behavior was clearly outlined for the world to read. It was going to be hard for her to go back to work where everyone knew what she did. The story would blow over in time, but people would be talking about it. It was too bad she couldn’t just tell them she had been soundly spanked by two firefighters as punishment for what she did, because that would probably shut them up pretty quickly. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Kayla walking down the hallway.

“You left me.” She walked into the living room and took a seat next to me on the couch.

“Yeah, I think my body is just used to napping.” I chuckled and tossed my phone on the table in front of me. “You didn’t have to get up.”

“My mind is racing anyway.” She moved closer and snuggled against my chest. “I spent so long trying to bury everything that happened to me in the back of my mind, but it’s messing with my head again.”

“I’m sorry.” I sighed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Maybe we should have just burned that box when we found it.”

“No.” She shook her head back and f

orth. “I’m glad that we were able to talk about it. I knew I would have to tell you everything eventually.”

“I’m glad there are no secrets—well, I’m assuming so.” I tilted my head to look at her. “Is there anything else we should be worried about?”

“No.” She grimaced as she looked up at me. “You know the worst about me now.”

“There’s no shame in what happened to you. You got away and built a new life for yourself. That’s commendable. It shows that regardless of how bad he hurt you, it wasn’t enough to break your spirit.” I pulled Kayla closer so that I could wrap both arms around her.

“I’ve never seen it like that. I just saw it as an escape. It was necessity, not bravery.” She signed and let her head drop against my shoulder. “Your words mean a lot to me.”

“Trust me.” I looked down at her and chuckled. “If you were any braver, you’d be running into burning buildings and pulling people out.”

“I’ll leave that to the heroes like you two.” She finally started to laugh and I felt some of her tension release.

The beautiful woman in my arms belonged to me. I was not going to let anything happen to her again. I would share her with my best friend, but we would be the last two men that ever touched her. Whatever fantasy she needed, we would give it to her. She would never know fear, but she would certainly know passion. If she needed to be spanked, she would be spanked. If she needed more, we would find a way to make sure she got it in a way that didn’t go further than it needed to go. There were lines that I wouldn’t cross, but I was certain she didn’t want to be the girl in those photographs again. She just needed to explore her kinks without having someone use them against her.

That will never happen again.