He started pacing again, drawing the attention of some passersby. Two women stared at him curiously. Terrence turned away and pulled the baseball cap further down over his eyes. He had worn a pair of eyeglasses to help shield his identity. Today he had no desire to interact with his fans. The only woman he wanted to see stepped into view as he turned back toward the escalator.
His breath caught, and his feet rooted him to the spot. She seemed more beautiful each time he saw her. Terrence watched her scan the terminal as she stepped off the escalator. She had dressed for the warmer weather, wearing an orange tank top, white cropped pants and sandals. Her smooth, flawless caramel skin had him contemplating skipping the party and taking her to his room where he could leisurely explore each and every inch of her soft skin, then make love to her until they both passed out.
He started toward her, and the corners of his mouth curved in a slow grin when she caught his gaze and stared at him in puzzlement.
“Hey, baby,” he said, stopping in front of her.
He chuckled. “Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.
Janae smiled. “Hey. I didn’t recognize you. What’s with the glasses and hat?”
He arched an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting you’re this megastar.” Leaning closer, she added, “We wouldn’t want to cause a minor stampede of screaming women.”
Shaking his head, he eased the bags from her hands. “Do you have anything else?”
“Nope. That’s it.”
“How was the flight?”
“It was great. I’ve never flown first class before. They treated me like a queen, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He led her to his SUV and seated her before depositing her bags in the back.
“What are we doing today?” she asked as he got in and started the engine.
“I thought we’d drop your stuff off at the hotel and head over to the beach for a little while.”
“Sounds good. I haven’t been to the beach in a long time.”
“We can eat when we get there.”
Once they reached the hotel, Terrence accepted the valet ticket and assisted Janae down. He retrieved her bags from the trunk and escorted her inside the hotel.
“This is very nice,” Janae commented as she glanced around the lobby. When they passed the front desk, she asked, “Don’t we need to check in first?”
“I’m already checked in, so we can go up.” He turned at the sound of someone calling his name.
“Hey, T. Where’ve you been? I need to talk to you about a couple of things for tonight.” Donovan quickened his strides to catch up to them. “Janae,” he said with surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming to the party. It’s good to see you again.” Leaning down, he kissed her cheek, then turned his questioning gaze to Terrence.
“Hi, Donovan. It’s good to see you, too,” she said.
“Will it take long?” Terrence asked, stepping into the elevator. “Janae and I are going back out as soon as we take her things to the room.”
“No more than ten minutes.”
“We can talk in the room.”
When they reached it, Terrence slid the key card into the lock, opened the door and stepped back for Janae to precede him.
Terrence placed Janae’s bags on the bed in the master bedroom of the two-bedroom suite. “Is this okay?”
“It’s amazing. I know you have to talk with Donovan. Go ahead. I’ll just unpack and settle in.” She waved him out.
* * *
Janae stepped into the opulent space and tried not to gape at the exquisite furnishings and the two sitting areas—one facing the television and the other facing a fireplace. The living room had a work area and dining room table with seating for eight. The bedroom was no less grand.
After he walked out, she ventured into the bathroom and gasped. The bathroom had luxury marble and mosaic tile with a generous tub, steam shower, dual sinks and ample closet space. She returned to the bedroom and ran her hand over the king-size bed with its sumptuous bedding. Another sitting area with a chaise lounge and fireplace sat across the room. She lingered over the elegance a moment longer, then unpacked.
Sitting on the side of the bed, Janae went back over what might take place this weekend. She’d tossed and turned all night, and the butterflies still danced in her stomach. It didn’t help that Terrence looked every bit the chocolate fantasy who’d been starring in her dreams every night. Even the pullover silk T, shorts and leather sandals couldn’t disguise his magnificent build.
* * *
“All right, man. What’s up with you and Janae?” Donovan asked as soon as Terrence returned. “You have never, and I mean never, brought a date to any function.”