Page 46 of Just to Be with You

Yeah. What was he doing? He had no answer for Donovan...because he didn’t have one for himself.

* * *

Janae filled and closed another container, then placed it on the floor next to the others. School had ended yesterday, so she had to spend the second half of the week cleaning and packing up her classroom. Since there were no students on campus, the music from her iPod kept her company. She bobbed in time with the beat and sang while removing things from the walls.

The song changed to one by Monte, and she reflected on his many facets. Monte the musician—outgoing, a consummate performer and supremely confident. And Terrence the man—no less confident, but reserved and thoughtful, almost shy, intelligent and witty. A perfect gentleman. Despite the tragedies in his life, he had worked hard and come out on top. This was who she had fallen in love with.

Hearing the song made her wonder if he’d made it home yet. Since Terrence told her he would be home late Tuesday or sometime today, she assumed he was at least on his way. She was more than a little nervous. Janae had never spent the entire night with a man—Carter and Lawrence had always left before morning—and definitely hadn’t taken a flight to be with one. What would happen with the two of them staying under the same roof again? The chemistry between them was off the charts.

Her mind went back to the incident on her couch. Closing her eyes, she remembered the way his mouth moved so sensuously over hers, how his hands caressed her body and how his hard body felt pressed against hers. Heat flooded her, her breathing became erratic and her legs trembled. She braced herself against the desk and tried to get control. These types of feelings had never happened to her with any other man. Why now? And why with the one man who could never give his heart? She was destined to have a broken heart because she couldn’t stop herself from falling in love with him. But he would never know.

Shaking herself mentally, Janae went back to packing. She wanted to get as much done today as possible so she’d only need to spend a couple of hours here tomorrow. She filled container after container, and by the time she came up for air, another hour had passed.

Rounding the desk, she dropped tiredly into her chair and took a long drink of water. Leaning back, she ran her eyes over her dusty clothes, glad she’d chosen to wear an old T-shirt and shorts. Rising again, she went to the sink to wash her hands. She quickly dried her hands to catch her ringing cell phone.


“Hi, sweetheart.”

Her heart flipped with the soft endearment. “Hey, yourself. Did you make it back home yet?”

“We got back late last night.”

“I’m glad you guys made it back safe. Hopefully, you got a little rest in between working. Did the concerts and interviews go well?”

“Everything went well, but left little time for resting, so I slept in. I’m hanging out at the house today.”

“Good for you. How are your grandparents? I know they’re happy you’re home.”

“They’re fine, and yes, they’re definitely happy to see me. My grandmother fixed all my favorites for breakfast and sat across the table to make sure I ate every bite.”

Janae laughed. “I bet you didn’t have any problems eating her cooking.”

“No. None at all.” They fell silent for a moment. “I have your itinerary and confirmation for your flight. Do you want me to give it to you over the phone or forward it to your email?”

“You can send it to my email.”

“Okay. Is there anything special you want to do while you’re here?”

“Not that I can think of. Whatever you plan will be fine. I’ve never been to a CD release party.”

“Then I’ll make sure you enjoy yourself. I thought school ended. What are you doing?”

“Taking down my classroom. There’s no guarantee teachers will have the same classroom next year, so we have to take everything home.”

“That’s a shame. I remember my teachers having the same classroom for years when I was in school. How long have you been cleaning?”

“Since about nine, and I still have some things to do. I’ll probably finish tomorrow.”

“Janae, it’s almost three. Is there anyone helping you?”

“I’m doing it alone, and I’m leaving soon.”

“I wish I was there to help you,” he murmured.

“Terrence? What’re you thinking?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t try to play me. I know there’s something going on in your mind.” Then it dawned on her. “I know you aren’t thinking of flying up here. If you are, strike it from your mind right now.”