Page 19 of Just to Be with You

Devin folded his arms across his wide chest. “So, Terrence, how long have you known my sister?”

“We met recently.”

“You look familiar. Are you sure Terrence is your real name? What’s your last name?”

Janae grabbed her brother by the arm. “Knock it off. You don’t need to interrogate him. I’m sure you have some other things to do, so go do them. And don’t forget your painting.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Your intelligence astounds me.” She pushed him in the direction of the studio, then waited until he was out of earshot before turning to Terrence. “Sorry about that. My brothers are very overprotective.”

“Brothers? You have more than one?”

“Yeah, three. And they’re all older. Devin is the youngest, then there’s Erik and Justin.”

“It’s obvious they love you.”

“I guess. Do you have any siblings?”


Before she could comment, Devin returned with the painting.

Terrence leaned forward. “Did you paint this? I know you told me you painted, but this is amazing. Have you ever thought about a gallery showing?”

“Hmph. Imagine that,” Devin said. “I’ve been telling her that for years, but I can’t get baby girl to budge.”

“You should listen to your brother, Janae. He’s right.”

“Aren’t you leaving, Devin?” she asked, glaring at him.

Devin leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Stay out of trouble.” He extended his hand to Terrence. “Nice meeting you. Will I be seeing you again?”

Terrence shook his hand. “I hope so.” He read the warning in Devin’s eyes—he would stay out of their relationship...for now.

Janae closed the door behind her brother, then came back to where Terrence sat on the sofa. “Um, are you sure you don’t want anything?”

“I’m sure. Come sit.” He scooted over on the sofa.

Janae sat, purposely leaving space between them. “What are you doing here? Do you have a show?”


“Are you here on business?”

“Depends on what kind of business you mean.” He slid closer and took her hand. “I came only to see you.”

“How did you get here?”

“I flew.”

“You flew here just to see me?” she asked with surprise. “But...but...why?”

“I wanted—no, needed—to see you. I wanted to touch you again and, more than anything, I wanted to kiss you again,” he said huskily. He leaned in, his lips hovering above hers. “May I?”

She opened her mouth to answer, and his mouth came down over hers. Sensations he’d never felt flooded his body. His tongue moved deep in her mouth, staking its claim, causing her to moan.

Incredible was the only way Terrence could describe how her kiss made him feel. He lifted her until she straddled his lap, and continued to pursue her mouth. His hands caressed her back and moved around to massage her breasts. He left her lips to trail kisses over her jaw, along her throat and the bared portion of her chest. Reaching up, he cupped her face and reclaimed her mouth. He was losing control and needed to slow down. Although he wanted to make love to her, he didn’t want her to think that was why he came.

By the time the kiss ended, he felt the trembling in her body and closed his eyes tightly to rein in his rampant desire. When he opened his eyes, he saw that she struggled with the same thing. Terrence stared into her eyes—a stunning warm brown—and tried to keep his runaway emotions in check. Everything about this one woman called to him. He hugged her to him and set her gently on the couch beside him.

“Do you have any more paintings?” They needed to get off this couch.

“Yes.” She stood and tried to smooth back her hair. “Follow me.”

Terrence walked silently behind her, admiring the furnishings and the warm, comfortable feeling of her home. “I like your place. How long have you lived here?”

“I grew up here. My parents moved to New Mexico and didn’t want to sell the house. My two oldest brothers live out of state, and Devin has his own house. I was rooming with Karen, so it made sense for me to stay here.” She opened the door to the studio and gestured him in.

Terrence said nothing for several minutes. His gaze swept across the many paintings in wonder. “You are truly gifted.” He picked up a painting of the beach sunrise and stared in fascination. “This is magnificent.”

“Devin said I should call that one New Beginnings. I think it fits. Each sunrise is a new beginning.”

He couldn’t take his eyes off the painting. He heard her talking, but didn’t understand a word.