; He nodded, his eyes on Fiona, then became invisible. He crept toward the open door on silent feet. If he could just get in and snatch the book, the others wouldn’t have to act as backup. Fiona would be safe.

Their odds against three gods were terrible, especially since Vivienne would have to stay out of the way so as not to be killed. She was their only way out.

He braced himself and stepped into the room.


Fiona’s heart thundered as she watched Ian disappear. She squinted, hoping to see him go into the room, then realized how stupid she was being. He was invisible.

But she was so damn scared for him. The seconds ticked by like hours. Her palm sweated around her sword hilt and she shifted her feet.

A shout sounded from within. She sprang into action, sprinting for the door, the others on her heels.

She skidded into the room, taking in the scene in a glance. Three gods grappled with the air, no doubt grabbing an invisible Ian. All three of them were on him. There was no way he could hold onto the book.

She sprinted toward the closest one, a slender, black-robed figure near the back of the room. She plunged her sword into his back.

He stumbled away, releasing an invisible Ian. Karrem and Loras attacked the other two, slashing their weapons at the gods, who turned to fight back.

The god she’d stabbed turned to her. Tattoos covered his face and hands, black ink and white skin making the acid-green eyes glow. The book was clutched in his hand.

She thrust her sword again, this time into his chest. His mouth gaped, fury and shock lighting his eyes.

“Who are you?” The words gurgled from his sagging mouth. He raised his hand. A ball of glowing light formed in his palm, something hotter than fire. The heat of it blasted her skin, though it was nowhere near her.

Oh shite. Fiona jerked her sword free and swung at the god’s arm. Too late. The ball of plasma flew free, aimed straight at her.

Pain. A huge force knocked her to the side. She crashed to the marble floor, falling as the god did, her eyes locked on his face. He crashed to the ground, his eyes closed and a gaping wound in his chest from her sword.

Fiona scrambled to her feet and spun around, terrified that she was correct about what had knocked her aside.

Ian lay sprawled on the marble, his sword on the ground a few feet from him, his invisibility fallen away. His handsome face was pale, his eyes closed. She raced to his side, dropped to her knees next to him.

“Ian!” She shook him.

His eyes popped open and he shook his head as if to clear it.

“I’m fine.” His voice was rough, pain in every syllable.

She patted her hands over him, feeling for injuries as she glanced over her shoulder at the fray behind her. Loras and Karrem fought two gods, while the one she’d felled was prone on the ground. Vivienne was hurtling toward them.

Fiona turned back to Ian. At his side she found a great hole in his sweater and a segment of burned flesh. It was blackened and raw looking.

It could have killed him. She shook the fear away and scrambled toward the fallen god. She grabbed at the book still clutched in his hand. His grasp tightened and his eyes blazed. He was healing from his wounds and would be on his feet any second.

She plunged her sword through his neck. She left the blade protruding from his flesh and grabbed the book, then scrambled back to Ian’s side.

Vivienne fell to her knees next to them and reached for their hands. “Come on!”

She gasped, then reached for Vivienne’s hand. Within a second, they were back in Lea’s office. The colorful book-lined shelves were such a contrast to Dalen’s paleness.

Vivienne returned to the fray immediately, leaving them in the silent office. No doubt Lea was far back in the cavernous, library-like space.

Fiona cupped Ian’s face in her hands. Gods, he was so beautiful to her. So reckless. She kissed him hard, then pushed him away. She knew she was risking everything with her career if she lost him. But she didn’t care. She couldn’t bear the thought of him being sent back to that stone box.

“Go! Use your invisibility.” Her voice rushed out of her, desperate.