Well, she was glad she’d said goodbye to Fluffy. Lea would take care of her if Fiona didn’t return. She’d beg her to.

They walked in silence to the Praesidium. There was no need to take the car, and the fresh air grounded her in reality. They could do this. They had to do this.

Ian reached for Fiona’s hand. Things would change after tonight. No question. If they retrieved the book, he’d either be back in prison or out of Scotland. The idea made his skin tighten and his skull squeeze his brain.

He could leave. Just walk off now and be assured of his release. Without that damn collar, one flick of his Sylph side and he’d be invisible and gone.

She’d proved she trusted him by taking off the collar. That trust… did something to him. Made him want to stay to help her. No one except Logan had ever trusted him before. It made him want to stay to help.

He’d leave after. He’d have to.

Too soon, they stood at the door of Lea’s office. Lea, Aerten, Vivenne, and two Mythean Guardians were waiting for them when they walked into the expansive library.

He nodded at Lea and Aerten.

“Ready?” Aerten asked.

“Aye,” Ian said in tandem with Fiona.

Aerten’s eyes flicked to his high-necked sweater and lingered for the briefest second. Her brow creased.

Did she know that there was no collar beneath?

Aerten turned and indicated the warriors next to her. Ian frowned. If Aerten did know, it seemed that she didn’t care.

“This is Loras.” Aerten gestured to the woman.

Loras nodded at them. She was tall and slender, with daggers strapped to her thighs and a sword to her back. Her iron-gray eyes betrayed her species. She was a Ferro, one with iron strength. Despite her size, she was likely stronger than the hulking male guardian next to her.

“And this is Karrem. He’s a guardian as well, but also on the university council.” Aerten’s voice had a hint of subtext to it that let Ian know that this was the bloke who would insure that he was taken back to prison when this is all over.

Karrem nodded at them, a big male with a hard face and weapons strapped to almost every inch of his body.

“They’ll go with you and provide backup,” Aerten said.

“All right,” Fiona said. “Are we ready to go?”

Vivienne nodded. “I’ll take the guardians first. Then I’ll come back for you.”

The guardians joined her and she took their hands. She closed her eyes and said, “Here goes nothing.”

They disappeared.

Fiona’s hand grabbed his, her palm warm and strong as she squeezed. He closed his eyes.

It was goodbye. Had to be.

As soon as they got to Dalen, the end was near. He’d need to be out of here as soon as it was over, on his way to the continent or America if he could escape.

He squeezed back, his heart feeling too tight in his chest.

Vivienne reappeared moments later. She gestured to them. “Hurry.”

A second after she grabbed their hands, he felt the floor fall away. When his vision cleared, they stood in an empty alley in an ancient city. The stone was all bleached white, the ground the same. Silence prevailed.

Loras and Karrem waited, their weapons drawn. Loras’ eyes roved the street at the end of the alley. Karrem’s eyes were on him.

“I feel it,” Fiona said.