“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Let’s go.”

She shook her head, as if she knew he was full of shite but didn’t care. Her priorities were with the book, not with his past.

It didn’t take long for them to gather their coats and hide their daggers. Hers went into the clever sheaths in her boots, his into the lining of his coat. He followed her down the stairs, his gaze riveted to her form.

When they stepped out into the brisk winter air, the hustle and bustle of the street hit him in the face. It was no busier than it had been when he’d lived here before, but it was so damn different. The same ancient buildings rose high into the air, pressed cheek by jowl, along with glass windows that glared down, disapproving of the changes.

Colorful Christmas decorations were strung up all along the street, and cheery music blasted from a storefront nearby. People in brightly colored clothes rushed about, hauling bags of gifts and dodging through traffic, while a man next to him held up a small device and smiled stupidly.

Fiona saw him staring and said, “It’s a phone. And a camera. He’s taking a picture of the church.”

Jesus. Times had changed and there was a hell of a lot he had to learn.

“Let’s go get the book.” The sooner they did, the sooner he’d be free and could catch up and start a new life.

They stopped at a shop on the way and bought sausage rolls and tea, then crossed the street and climbed the massive stairs that led up to great doors of the museum. He hadn’t destroyed this part, at least. Just the west wing.

They spent the next three hours touring the museum, pretending to be like any other couple interested in the paintings, artifacts, skeletons, and models. It was a huge museum, crammed with a bit of everything. It had expanded over the years, new wings added every few decades. The result was a labyrinth of different architectures and styles.

In addition to the small bits and bobs in the display cases, they passed skeletons of mammoths and dinosaurs, mummies, carriages, a variety of cannons, stuffed birds of prey and old costumes on mannequins.

“Can you sense anything about the enchantments you put in place?” Fiona asked.

“Nay. No’ until they activate. They may still be good, or time may have warped them. Magic is no’ my strong suit.” He had nothing compared to the abilities of the witches and soulceresses, just a bit that had been handed down through the generations on his Historius side. It was enough that he could concoct the enchantments, however, especially with Logan’s help.



The top floor of the museum was smaller than the rest. They stood alone in a small room at the far back corner. The pottery collection was located next to a door that led to a rooftop balcony. A sign was hung upon it that said No Trespassing.

Just what he’d been looking for.

“Come on,” he said, pulling on her hand to lead her through the door.

“Is there an entrance up there?”

“Aye, should be. Let’s check.”

She nodded and followed him through the door. He didn’t let go of her hand as he led her up the stairs. He didn’t need to hold it. He should release her. She was more than capable of finding her way.

But he didn’t let go.

“Does this lead to the roof?” she asked.

“You’ll see. It’ll be worth it.” He’d found it on one of his first visits to the museum, while he’d been casing it to figure out future plans of attack.

They reached the top of the stairs, and he flipped the lock and pushed open the heavy wooden door. Cold wind blasted him in the face as they stepped out onto a small section of the roof. A bell tower loomed over them to their left and cast a shadow over the back of the patio.

“Wow,” Fiona breathed.

“Looks like all is good. We can use this entrance tonight if we need to. Come on.” Her hand was warm in his as he pulled her over to the edge. A waist-high wall rose up at the edge of the patio.


“This is beautiful. You can see everything.” Fiona’s voice was tinged with awe.

Ian looked to the left at the extinct volcano that rose up at the edge of town. Arthur’s Seat. It was barren and beautiful, the place where Europe’s magical energy was the strongest. The university had been built here because of it.