“I am, but I’m the one who should protect you from problems I’ve created.”

“That’s not your choice. I care for you, Warren. I do. A hell of a lot more than I want to, but take this opportunity from me, and we’re done.”

She meant it.

But Warren didn’t know how to fix this, because he wouldn’t risk her. At some point, he’d become less concerned about himself and more about her. But this was the worst kind of argument. The kind in which each understood the other’s perspective, but wouldn’t budge. It would all come down to which one reached Aurora first. But would one of them do something that the other couldn’t forgive?

“Let’s go,” he said, and turned to the door. They weren’t going to see eye to eye, so they might as well get to work.

“Fine.” Esha swept out the door in front of him into the cold morning air.

The gloaming lent a haunted aura to the city, especially once the disorientation hit him. They’d only walked a hundred yards up the narrow street when he noticed that the shade was following them again. Unlike the shadows that hovered in the windows and watched, or attacked mindlessly at the museum and temple, this one seemed to have its own agenda. But damned if he knew what it was. It had helped them twice, though, which was damned strange.

“We’re close,” Esha said.

His muscles tensed. He’d had no idea how close or far they were, which was weird as hell. Worse, the city’s magic made him feel less capable of protecting Esha, and he hated it.

His hand went to the dagger in his boot when they stepped out into the square. They crossed quickly to the temple and Warren said, “Let’s check for side entrances.”

They circled the entire building, through the small alley on the left side, the street at the back, and another small alley on the right. But there were no more entrances.

“Looks like we’re going up,” Esha said when they reached the front of the building.

Warren nodded and they began the climb. Once again, they made it up the stairs without incident. When they reached the landing that led to the great wooden door, he spun around to face the square, waiting for the shadows to charge again. It was eerily silent.

“They’re not here,” Esha said. “Maybe we destroyed them.”

He hoped so. They turned warily back to the door, and he pushed it open, this time having no trouble as he had yesterday at the museum. Damn, it felt good to be at full strength again.

They stood at either side of the door, behind the walls in case Aurora was within, and peered inside. The huge windows allowed light to shine in brilliant streams onto the rainbow marble. The ceiling soared overhead, arched stone as magnificent as any he’d ever seen. Stone pillars and arches supported it, creating aisles and walkways that led up to a huge platform at the other end of the temple. No question, the soulceresses of old had been talented and advanced beyond the ken of Mytheans and mortals.

“I don’t think she’s here,” Esha said. “But this is the place. I’m sure of it.”

“We’ll search it.”

They crept inside. Warren kept the dagger in his hand, ready for whatever flew out of the shadows at them. They walked along the silent aisles, looking for any kind of clue, but found nothing. It didn’t take long for him to agree that the place was truly empty. Aurora wasn’t here.

They reached the platform and began to climb. The air tingled, and he swiveled his head around, searching for the threat. A great crash thundered through the temple and a huge slab of ice slammed down between Warren and Esha, forming a transparent wall. Another crash, and slabs fell all around him, creating a giant maze of ice.


She was trapped on the other side of the ice, but suddenly, there were dozens of her, emerging from the great frozen wall in front of him. The apparitions stomped toward him, gazes intense and mouths set. They converged upon him, pushing him back, tearing at his clothes and hair.

He struggled again

st them, shuddering at the tingly chill of them, but hesitated to strike out with his dagger. What the hell was this? Some kind of magic, but for what? One could be the real Esha, enchanted by Aurora. He couldn’t try to kill them for fear of that, but they were strong. He’d be on his knees soon.

“Warren!” Esha screamed. She pounded on the great ice wall, her fists stinging with the cold. The Chairman scrabbled at the glass, his claws carving gouges that were no match for the thick ice.

“No! Stop!” she cried when apparitions of herself attacked Warren. She thought they hesitated when she screamed no, but they picked up again, dragging Warren to the ground. But he wouldn’t fight back, not more than pushing them away, at least. Did he think she was one of them?

This had to be Aurora’s magic. Until now, the shadows had always tried to repel him alone. Now, the magic let her in but barred him. Aurora really did want to see only her, but she didn’t have to hurt Warren.

“Aurora, stop! Don’t hurt him!”

The apparitions continued to attack, so Esha screamed again. Finally, she thought she heard the bored echo of a voice saying, “Oh, fine.”

But the apparitions stopped, and Esha breathed a sigh of relief. Warren leapt to his feet and ran at the wall.