“No’ yet. First, you’re going to come in my arms. I want to see you. Feel you.” He curled his fingers forward to focus on the bundle of nerves within her. When her weight sagged against him, he wrapped his free arm around her waist to support her.

“Look at me,” he said when her eyes began to close. She snapped them open. “You’re going to come for me now.”

She had to. This damn idea would have him coming against her ass if she didn’t reach orgasm soon. His control was near broken, the civilized part of himself stripped away until he was nothing but a shaking mass of instinct and desire.

He bit her earlobe, keeping his eyes on hers, and groaned when he felt her pussy contract around his fingers and a harsh cry spill from her lips.

“Gods, you’re so perfect.” He watched in awe as the pleasure swept over her face. She never looked away. Neither did he.


Esha surfaced from her orgasm to realize that Warren was tense behind her, his breath heavy and his erection throbbing against her ass. She met his eyes again in the window.

Animal need was stamped across his face, held back only by his iron control.

Celibate. No wonder he was near the edge. The idea that she’d be the first in a century made her pussy throb with need.

She turned, kissed him briefly on the mouth, but wiggled away when he reached for her. Instead, she dropped to her knees. The stone floor bit into them, but it was worth it for the look on his face.

“Oh, fuck,” he breathed, his hands forming tight fists at his sides.

She loved how much he wanted her. Just as much, she wanted to take back some of the control she’d ceded to him. She was baring more of herself to him every hour, so much so that she might eventually lose her grip on everything that kept her separate. If she was to bare herself to him, he’d do the same.

“Take off your shirt,” she said.

His hands trembled slightly as he tore it over his head, revealing broad planes of muscles and ridged abs. He felt even bigger this way, naked and strong above her. He dwarfed her in a way she’d never felt before. Not only was she one of the most powerful Mytheans, she wasn’t a small woman. But with Warren, that all changed.

His muscle-roped arms dropped to his sides, his big hands returned to fists. To hold himself back. She couldn’t be having any of that.

She tugged at his pants, undoing the fly and yanking the denim down to his ankles. Sculpted calves led to strong thighs and a jutting erection, the size of which made her pussy throb. It was laced with veins and topped with a broad head. Her mouth tingled with the need to run her tongue over all that soft skin and hard muscle.

She didn’t hesitate, but took him wholly into her mouth, swallowing as much as she could. His harsh shout of pleasure shot a jolt of the same through her. His hand sank into her hair, then pulled away.

She reached up and moved his hand back to her head, giving him the permission he clearly sought. His hand fisted in her hair. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as anyone had ever given another.

A guttural moan drifted from his lips as she worked him with her mouth and hands. He was hot and hard beneath her tongue, yet smooth as silk. She licked as she sucked, delighting in the quick, helpless jolt of his hips.

He reached down and pulled her to her feet, then leaned his forehead against hers. His fist tightened in her hair and his other hand curled around her waist as if he couldn’t bear to let her go.

“I want to be inside you,” he said, his breath sawing. “May I?”

A shudder racked him when she stood on tiptoe and wrapped one leg around his waist. “Yes.”

He yanked her up and pressed her back against the window. When she wrapped her legs around his waist, his hands bit into her ass and a harsh, “Oh, fuck,” sounded in her ears.

Between her thighs, she felt him fist his shaft with a shaking hand and press the tip against the throbbing entrance of her pussy. She’d never wanted anything so badly.

“I’ve never wanted anything so fucking bad,” he muttered against her lips.

“Now, Warren.”

Slowly, torturously slowly, he pushed inside her. Then stopped. “Shite. Protection,” he said, his voice tight.

“I’m on it. Please. Now.”

He shuddered, then pushed forward. He was so big, so perfect, and he filled the empty space within her with pleasure. She dropped her forehead to his, squeezing her eyes shut at the perfection of connecting with him. Of feeling him pulse within her, deliciously hard and hot and male. She thought she was in control, but when she felt him, so overwhelming, inside her, she was lost.

The feel of Esha’s pussy taking his cock, gripping him gloriously, made chills break out on Warren’s skin. It’d been so long, but it had never been so perfect. This was something entirely different from any sex he’d ever had.